Urban Superboy

Chapter 1607

After lunch, Cao Yue and butterfly left Mita manor.

"The Chinese food here is delicious," Cao Yue sincerely praised on the way back.

"Do you want to stay here every day?" Butterfly sneered coldly, "otherwise, I'll just live here!"

"maybe one day I might live here," Cao Yue ignored butterfly's sarcasm and said, "this woman is too cunning and difficult to deal with, and our identity is sensitive. If we're going to be in Europe for a while, we really need her to cover our identities. Of course, that's later, not now. "

Butterfly thought, angry expression disappeared, recognized Cao Yue said.

"Who are you going to let into the higher levels of the world organization?" After entering the city, butterfly asked again, "is it one of your mother-in-law candidates?"

Cao was stunned for a moment, then he realized that Jiang Yiping, LV Changle's mother, whom butterfly referred to, laughed and shook her head, "ready to let Luo Xiaoning go!"

"ha ha," butterfly just sneered and said nothing more.

Cao Yue is happy and quiet.

I had a lot of conversations with caprice Lopez today, but they didn't touch the root.

Caprice Lopez is a very difficult woman to deal with, but also a very capable woman, which Cao Yue very much agrees with.

It's not easy to cooperate with this woman and not be shot by her without turning over his face.

At dinner today, caprice Lopez said she was sending someone to investigate the whereabouts of Thomas and senna and believed that results would soon be available. She hoped that Cao Yue could eliminate the two men according to the information she provided, but Cao Yue did not immediately agree.

Caprice Lopez once said that Thomas and Senna are not ordinary people, and their strength is similar to that of Satan.

If their strength is really so terrible, the more certainly Cao will not attack them easily.

What's more, he worries that it's caprice Lopez's trick to unite Thomas and senna and wipe them out.

It's the rule of Cao Yue and his little partner to guard against others.

No one can believe everything except his comrades in arms.

Cao Yue also considered that if he was not in a hurry to eliminate Thomas and senna, he could put pressure on caprice Lopez.

He believes that the fight between caprice Lopez and the archbishop is very fierce. The Archbishop does not directly take charge of the affairs of the organization, but entrusts Thomas and senna to take care of the affairs in the organization. If they are not touched, it will put great pressure on caprice Lopez.

Soon, Cao Yue received accurate information from secret channels that Li Yongping would lead his delegation to visit Stockholm.

This is an arrangement other than the original itinerary. The more Cao can guess, the more he can guess, there must be many reasons why he does not know.

As for the reason, it will soon be known.

A few hours after receiving the news that Li Yongping will visit Stockholm, Cao Yue received another shocking news.

Niedan and Zheng Han are coming to Stockholm.

After knowing the news, Cao Yue immediately contacted Nie Dan in person.

Nie Dan told Cao Yue that this is indeed the case. This is the instruction of Li Yongping. She will discuss cooperation between Jiangsu and Zhejiang with Ruidian on behalf of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. As the main person in charge of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, she is sure to be present.

In fact, when Li Yongping went out, he wanted to take Nie Dan with him, but because of a series of considerations, he still didn't let Nie Dan go with him.

The arrangement of the upper class, the more Cao didn't want to inquire more. The things Nie Dan and Zheng Han came to Stockholm had no way to change. All he could do was to serve them well.

Cao Yue also immediately arranged for butterfly. Next, he would be mainly responsible for the safety of Nie Dan and Zheng Han. After Ding LAN and he Meizi came back, they were responsible for his affairs. Although butterfly is a little reluctant, also not happy Nie Dan and Zheng Han come over, but finally agreed.

On the morning of Li Yongping's visit, Nie Dan and Zheng Han arrived in Stockholm on the flight of Huaxia International Airlines. Their flight was the same as Cao's.

Cao Yue went to the airport with butterflies and other people.

Li Yongping will leave Berlin around 3:00 p.m. local time and arrive in Stockholm at more than 4:00 p.m.

After arranging Nie Dan and Zheng Han, Cao Yue is ready to go to the airport to meet the delegation's visit with the comrades of the embassy.

When Nie Dan and Zheng Han walk out of the VIP passageway of the airport, Cao Yue meets them with butterflies.

"Mom, Hanhan, welcome to Stockholm," Cao Yue said after embracing niedan, who was smiling all over his face. "Are you tired after such a long flight? First go back to the hotel to have a rest and have a good sleep. Then I will prepare food for you.

"I thought you didn't have time to meet us." Nie Dan hugged Cao Yue tightly, then looked him up and down, and said with a little heartache: "it seems that you are a little thinner. Is it too hard?"Standing behind the butterfly, disdain to curl her mouth, a very dissatisfied look.

How could Cao Yue work hard? He was as free as he could. He often ate and drank with European beauties. No one was more comfortable than him. But I dare not say it in any case.

"Mom, it's OK. Xiaodie, they work harder." after Cao Yue let Nie Dan go, he extended his hand to Zheng Han and said with a smile, "Hanhan, I didn't expect to see you in Stockholm. When I'm free, I'll accompany you to the neighborhood for a good time."

In the face of Nie Dan and butterfly, Cao Yue reaches out and hugs her. Zheng Han can't help but look pink, but finally he pours into Cao Yue's arms and hugs him tightly.

"Just invite me to have a big meal. When you are free, you can play with me," she said with a smile: "other European cities can do the same!"

"I promise you will do as you wish." Cao Yue agreed with a smile and saw a hateful glance from the butterfly, which made her feel embarrassed.

Also did not say anything to them, immediately called Nie Dan and Zheng han to the hotel.

Before Nie Dan and Zheng Han came, Cao Yue had arranged accommodation for them.

For the sake of safety, their accommodation was arranged in the same hotel where he stayed.

Nie Dan is still a very considerate person. After checking in, she asks butterfly to talk with her. She has very important things to arrange.

Butterfly finally did not say anything and followed Nie Dan quietly.

Zheng Han was sent by Nie Dan to accompany Cao Yue.

Such an arrangement made Cao Yue and Zheng Han both a little embarrassed and, of course, pleased them.

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