Urban Superboy

Chapter 1740

Seoul time is 2 pm, Stockholm time is 7 pm.

Caprice Lopez, who had just finished her dinner, got up from the table and walked gracefully towards the study. Just as she walked into the study, Meizi and her other confidants went to the door of the study to meet.

When caprice Lopez sat down in the sand, she motioned to talk to meiko and his confidant, diligepa.

"What's the matter?"

"Princess highness, we received a secret newspaper. The devil Satan, the leader of the mercenary regiment, challenged the killing God in Seoul, and the two men fought for life and death." Dirichepar respectfully came forward and reported the news.

"Oh?" Caprice Lopez raised her good-looking eyebrows and looked surprised. "Mr. murderer has a life and death duel with the devil Satan? Is there any mistake? "

Without waiting for dirichepar to answer, she turned to kimiko and asked, "is this really the case?"

"Yes, the master did have a life and death duel with the devil Satan." He Meizi said without expression.

Looking at kimiko's look, caprice Lopez's brow frowned more tightly. "What's the result?"

"The devil Satan was seriously injured and sent to the hospital," he said coldly, still with a cold face. "He was beaten seriously by his master."

"And Mr. Cao?" Caprice Lopez suddenly rose from the sofa with an irresistible tension on her face.

"I don't know. There's no news," he Meizi shook his head in a wooden voice, "but I believe that the master is not dead."

"Life and death duel, the devil Satan was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital," caprice Lopez looked at Wako with a murderous face. "One is not dead. What's the end of the other? You can figure it out."

"I'm sorry, our master won't die," he said, looking at caprice Lopez unavoidably. "I believe that."

"Have you contacted him?"

"No," kimiko shook his head. "I don't have the right to contact him directly unless something important happens."

"Give me the phone," caprice Lopez held out her hand to dirichepa. "I'll contact him directly."

Diriepa immediately handed the mobile phone used for confidential contact to caprice Lopez. After receiving it, caprice Lopez immediately dialed the number Cao Yue gave her. The phone rang three times and was picked up, but the person who answered the phone was not Cao Yue himself, but a woman.

"Is Mr. Cao there?" Caprice Lopez asked politely.

"No," the woman at the other end of the phone asked impatiently, "who are you? If you have anything to say

"I want to know the result of his duel with the devil Satan." Caprice Lopez, not frightened by the indifference, asked her own question.

"No comment," the other party replied and hung up. Listening to the busy "doodle" and "doodle" from the receiver, caprice Lopez was stunned, but she immediately showed a smile and understood what was going on.

"I believe what you said," caprice Lopez sat down again on the sofa and looked at Wako with a smile. "Mr. Shashen defeated Satan, but he didn't kill him. He was ready to cooperate with him. If I'm right, it's a stratagem of Mr. murderer to convince his pursuers that he has been killed by the devil Satan. "

He Meizi, who originally thought Cao Yue was more dangerous, suddenly brightened up in his heart after listening to caprice Lopez's words, and his gloomy face disappeared in an instant.

Kemizo's face changes were all seen by caprice Lopez, but she did not mean anything, just a slight smile.

Caprice Lopez immediately told dirichepat to fight the famous "God of death" and "devil Satan" in the life and death duel, and finally spread out the story that the devil Satan was admitted to the hospital.

At dawn the next day, some special organizations in Seoul also spread the news.

After receiving the news, some special departments in Seoul immediately checked all the hospitals in the urban area, but there was no harvest.

The only clue is that in the first half of the night, a hospital admitted a patient with stab wound in the abdomen. After emergency treatment and operation, the patient left. After leaving, the stabbed patient disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

Belong to the "underground world" power of the two masters, actually duel in Seoul, which shocked the Seoul military and police.

Seoul's special forces, also immediately into the combat state, for fear of any accident.

But whatever you're afraid of, you'll get what you're afraid of.

In the morning, at Incheon International Airport in Seoul, there was a shooting and explosion behind the shooting.

A European who had just disembarked from the plane had his head banged on the way out of the airport in a taxi.

Subsequently, the taxi exploded, and the driver was badly injured, and many passers-by were injured.

After the incident, the expressway from the airport to the urban area was temporarily closed, and police and special department personnel arrived at the scene as soon as possible.According to on-site inspection, the police and personnel of special departments were surprised to find that the explosion was not ordinary bomb, but a biological bomb implanted in human body. The European, who was shot to death, was blown to pieces, with almost no complete torso.

The driver was killed. When the shooting happened, the traffic light just stopped. He bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the ground. After his head went down, the blast wave generated by the explosion did not affect his head. Although the body protected by the driving position was seriously injured, he did not die.

The explosion of the biological bomb did not detonate the fuel tank. Otherwise, the driver would be killed, and more passers-by would be affected, and the casualties would be greater.

The case immediately alerted South Korean leaders.

The senior officials of the Ministry of internal affairs of South Korea immediately gave instructions, ordered subordinate departments to investigate the case as soon as possible, and put some special departments on sub high alert.

At the time of the shooting and the bombing, Cao Yue, who was much better after getting up in the morning, was having breakfast with butterfly, who did not have much time to sleep in the night, but whose spirit was not very bad.

At breakfast, Cao Yue received a report from his subordinates.

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Cao Yue laughed, "it seems that what happened later is more wonderful than we expected."

"Will caprice Lopez think you were killed by Satan?" In fact, butterfly admires Cao Yue's design and cares about his injuries, so she changes her usual bad temper and is gentle when asking questions.

She answered the phone last night.

"There must be doubt, but it should not be believed." Cao Yue said with a mysterious smile, "if she is smart, she will spread the news that I was killed by the devil Satan."

Butterfly was stunned.

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