Urban Superboy

Chapter 1888

The two returned to the hotel after being sure that no one was following.

After returning to the hotel, Ding LAN immediately took out the micro camera and connected it to the computer to view the video of the leader just met.

The movement of the two people along the way is really recorded by the micro camera. The micro camera with good audio and video acquisition functions can record the conversation between the two people very clearly. Ding LAN cut out all the useless pictures, leaving only the useful one.

"Get in touch with others as soon as possible and meet them this afternoon." After watching the video, Cao Yue told Ding LAN, "give me a copy of the video, and I'll send it to caprice Lopez, and ask her to identify the true face of the leader and the identity of the man behind him."

When Ding LAN contacted butterfly, Hu Wenjian and others, Cao Yue had sent the video to caprice Lopez, but he didn't get a response immediately.

After sending a video to caprice Lopez, Cao Yue actively contacted Cao Jianguo, but he was not contacted. It seems that he should be on the plane.

When others came, Cao Yue was lying on the sofa to rest. He asked Ding LAN, who was standing in front of the window, thinking: "what do you think of? How are you going to change the plan? "

Cao Yue now gives Ding LAN a lot of trust. He hopes that Ding LAN can grow faster and do better in these things. With more responsible actions, more experiences and lessons, Ding LAN will grow up quickly and truly stand alone.

Therefore, he did not express his opinions on many matters, but let Ding LAN decide for himself.

Before making plans or changing plans, he would ask Ding LAN for his opinions. If Ding Lan's opinions were consistent with his own, he would not make a statement. If there is disagreement, he will speak out his opinions for Ding Lan's reference, but he does not force her to respect his opinions. It's the same thing today. He wants to hear from her first.

"It's better to wait for them to come and discuss before making a decision," Ding Lan said after thinking about it. "I think the process of this operation is very likely to be completely different from what we thought."

"What do you think will be different?"

"I can't tell you exactly," Ding LAN shook his head. "Anyway, it's like this."

After a pause, he added, "I don't think there will be a final duel if the Lord doesn't want to fight with us. The battle of life and death does not necessarily happen if we want to. The Lord is so leisurely that I feel like this

When Ding Lan said these words, her expression was a little hesitant, and obviously she was not very confident.

Cao Yue listened, a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he agreed with Ding LAN.

"It's really possible," Cao said with a smile. "But it's not what we want."

"With so many people assembled, I just want to have a final result." Ding LAN followed with a smile, "I also hope to have a final result. If this is the end of the matter, we will be much safer and save a lot of energy in the future, and we will not run around all the time

"Sometimes it's more comfortable to be abroad than at home." Cao Yue said something, and then he laughed.

Ding LAN Leng for a moment to understand the meaning of Cao Yue, can not help but slightly red face.

But when she was a little shy, Ding LAN sighed in her heart.

Originally, I wanted to have something happen tonight, but the development of things has obliterated this possibility. Don't say that she can't be together with Cao Yue tonight. It's very likely that she won't have a chance to sleep well. Even in the next few days or a period of time, she may not have peace.

For Ding LAN, Cao Yue's task is the most important thing for her to be responsible for. After these things are handled well, she will consider other things.

Playing with Cao Yue yesterday and today, she thought that everything was arranged properly and there would be no problem.

Otherwise, she would not flirt with Cao Yue!

about two hours after they returned to the hotel, butterfly appeared in front of them.

When the butterfly enters their room, she looks at the situation without showing any trace and sniffs the air in the room.

Although her movements were hidden, she was still discovered by Cao Yue.

The more Cao knew what the butterfly was looking for, he couldn't help but glare at her.

Even if Cao Yue saw through it, butterfly did not hide anything. She took Cao Yue to one side and asked about the situation in a low voice.

Cao Yue naturally would not sleep him and Ding LAN in the same bed last night. Ding LAN squeezed into his arms, but they did nothing to tell butterfly. They just warned her that it was an extraordinary time. Don't play these tricks and be careful not to miss something.

After being lectured by Cao Yue and knocked on the head by him, butterfly was upset. However, Cao Yue said that when they went out to investigate the situation today, they met the leader of the cult and immediately stopped making trouble.

"How can you meet the Lord when you go out today?" Butterfly is very surprised and a little unconvinced.

At this time, Cao Yue's satellite phone rang. It was caprice Lopez calling, and quickly picked it up."Dear Cao, I have received your video. The handsome man is the leader of the cult, not a stand in. The man behind him is one of the most powerful helpers around him. His name is ledeman. He is a biological man who personally participates in the transformation. His combat effectiveness is very strong. Moreover, he has a super powerful biological bomb in his body. If detonated, the explosion power is equivalent to that of a 203mm howitzer. To a certain extent, his destructive power is more terrible than that of the Lord. "

What caprice Lopez said made Cao look more and more pale.

He was a soldier and had been in the field and knew the power of the 203mm howitzer.

The range of this caliber howitzer is about 50 kilometers. Its shell weight is about 100 kg, the explosion of a huge shock wave, can be hundreds of square meters of all living things and buildings into pieces.

In fact, a 155mm howitzer can blow the heaviest MBT back to its spare parts, let alone a 203mm howitzer.

The explosive power of the 203mm howitzer is really frightening.

"Is the information you provided accurate?" The more uncertain Cao asked.

"Dear Cao, how can I lie to you?" The more you don't believe it, caprice Lopez smiles. "Of course, I can't help it if you don't believe it. But I want to remind you that this man is really dangerous, and the best way is to eliminate him, so that he will not have a chance to appear in the leader's side. "

"OK, I see," Cao Yue didn't say much, so he hung up the phone directly.

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