Urban Superboy

Chapter 1899

In the new foothold of Cao Jianguo, Cao Yue saw Cao Jianguo safe and sound, and Hu Wenjian, who was slightly injured.

At the time of the explosion, Cao Jianguo, 300 meters away from the explosion point, dodged at a very fast speed and hid behind a thick tree without any injuries.

Hu Wenjian's distance is relatively close. Although he moves very quickly, he is still hit by a small flying stone in the arm and suffers a little injury, but it is not a big problem.

"Whether Christopher is alive or dead, this operation is over," Cao Jianguo announced his latest arrangement. "Hu Wenjian and I will leave Oslo in the morning, transfer from other cities and return home. Other members will withdraw in batches, and most of the members of the special action team will leave Neville, depending on whether they will return to China or transfer to other countries. "

"Dad, I'll stay in Oslo for another two days, and when it's clear, I'll decide whether to leave or stay." Cao Yue understood the implication of Cao Jianguo and took the initiative to say his own arrangement.

Whether Christopher is alive or dead, we have to find out.

If the highest leader of the world organization is alive or dead, the countermeasures they have to take are totally different.

After all, Cao Yue still did not give up controlling the world organization, and Cao Jianguo fully supported his idea.

Cao Jianguo's identity is sensitive. After such a serious incident, he can't stay in Nawei.

After three people discussed some aftercare matters, Cao Yue also left their residence.

When Cao Yue returned to his residence, Ding LAN and he Meizi also came back.

Oslo police did not carry out any search activities, it seems that the explosion tonight, the police do not suspect or think that it is a terrorist attack or similar activities.

Ding Lan also said his analysis: "it seems that Christopher is not dead, otherwise things will not be so peaceful."

"I think so too," Cao Yue, after listening to Ding Lan's report, also made a similar judgment, so he agreed with Ding Lan's conclusion.

This conclusion makes them a little sorry.

Although Cao Jianguo proposed not to kill Christopher for the time being before going to Christopher's appointment, Cao Yue still wanted to shoot the actual leader of this world organization.

However, the position where Christopher was sitting was very difficult to snipe. They chose a position where they could not aim at his body.

It is possible that Christopher is also worried that a sniper will sneak in to kill him, so he spent a lot of energy in choosing his seat. No matter from any suitable location for ambush, he could not hit him.

It's a sad result. The consequence of Christopher's death is that the fight with the world organization will continue.

If Christopher dies, the fight with the world will continue, but not as fierce as he is alive.

Cao Yue also worried that Christopher would retaliate crazily after he escaped a difficult situation. In that case, things would be very troublesome.

Christopher's life and death message came after dawn, and the result came from caprice Lopez, saying that Christopher dodged and escaped the explosion in time.

Christopher has developed a new biological protection technology that gives him early warning when his sniper rifle is fired, giving him sufficient reaction time.

In the sniper rifle fire, the explosion did not occur, Christopher quickly into the table under the underground protection body, narrowly escaped the blast wave's huge lethality.

The chair he was sitting on, as well as the tables, food and wine he had prepared for the banquet, had been blown to pieces after he hid himself underground to protect his body.

"It seems that Christopher is on guard. He invited us to dinner last night, and he tried to kill us all After receiving the news from caprice Lopez, Cao Yue sneered at Ding LAN and butterfly and said, "fortunately, we are not ordinary people either. We didn't act according to his plan and caught him by surprise."

Although Cao Yue's impression on caprice Lopez has deteriorated due to the series of events in Oslo and his trust level has also declined a lot, he still decided to have a good talk with caprice Lopez about the incident last night and how to deal with the aftermath.

Butterfly and Ding LAN are worried about Cao Yue's safety. When Cao Yue decides to meet caprice Lopez, they offer to follow. Finally, Cao Yue didn't refuse and let them go together.

When Cao Yue went to talk to caprice Lopez, Cao Jianguo had already left Oslo on the United Airlines plane for Paris. Cao Jianguo plans to stop in Paris and fly directly to Yanjing.

Hu Wenjian is ready to take the Asian Airlines flight to leave Oslo at noon for Berlin.

However, he did not intend to return to China immediately. As for the situation in Europe, he still needs to continue to pay attention to it. The operation task of hidden dragon has not been completely completed.

Some of Yinlong's men and horses also took flights or other means of transportation to leave Oslo.Last night, Cao Yue and Ding LAN, butterfly and others did not sleep much time, but their physical strength still recovered well. At least, what caprice Lopez saw was an energetic Cao Yue.

Ding LAN and butterfly did not follow Cao Yue to caprice Lopez's room, but met them in other parts of the hotel.

He Meizi also came with them. The three women were all worried about Cao Yue's safety and were ready to act as an accomplice in the hotel.

If Cao Yue sends out the news that the situation has changed, they will rush to save people as soon as possible.

"Christopher's not dead," said caprice Lopez, looking dejected at the sight of Cao Yue. "He has developed new biological protection technology, and has made other preparations, so he escaped your sniping. He will retaliate! "

" in fact, we didn't want to kill him this time, we just wanted to teach him a lesson. " Cao Yue ignored caprice Lopez's bitterness and said with a smile, "but we have killed many of his men. The man you said is very terrible, and ledman is also dead. The threat of the Lord has been greatly reduced. "

"But his threat to me has greatly increased, and he must have suspected that it was the result of our cooperation, even though I was not involved in this operation." Caprice Lopez is still worried.

"You participated," Cao Yue corrected caprice Lopez's words. "You have played a significant role in it. We all know that, as well as Christopher, he will retaliate against you and be crazy."

Cao Yue's words made caprice Lopez pale again.

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