Urban Superboy

Chapter 520

(the 29th watch)

although Chen Shuang put down all his self-esteem and courted Cao Yue in the most humble way, in order to get Cao Yue's special attention and love, and finally get his protection, Cao Yue finally broke away from her pull and left.

When Cao Yue left the room, the door closed automatically, leaving her alone in the room, she collapsed and wept on the carpet.

Never had the grievance, filled her heart, her outlook on life collapsed again.

The first collapse of the outlook on life, is to seek a role, actively lay down on the director's bed, give his first time.

It's just that the humiliation was rewarded with success later.

With her humble pay, in exchange for great success, fame and wealth, her outlook on life has been reshaped.

Having had a relationship with many men in that respect, she felt that this was a new life after she sold her body for the fame and wealth she needed.

This society is like this. If you want to succeed, you must pay.

Beauty and body are the natural capital of a woman. She just exchanges her own capital for success.

After meeting LV Dazhong and successfully snatching LV Dazhong from Fang Binbin with her beautiful appearance, good figure and the level of service, she firmly believes this point.

In LV Dazhong to rely on, she felt that for some time to come, she would never worry about anything.

She also knows that after a few years, LV Dazhong will be tired of her and go to find a new lover. Then she can let go of all restrictions and pursue her own life again. At that time, with a reputation and a lot of wealth, and then find a person to marry, calm down to live, may be as happy as other women. In the entertainment industry, there are too many women who take this road. Chen Shuang thinks that he can copy their way.

Just did not expect, Cao Yue's appearance, completely changed everything in her life.

She is still her, and the relationship with Lu Dazhong is still the same as before, there is no much difference. Her reputation is also very famous, but everything is different from before. She can't grasp anything now. She doesn't know whether her life can last to tomorrow.

"What should I do?" She sat on the ground, muttering to herself.

At this time, the mobile phone rang again. Chen Shuang got up in silence and went to pick up the phone. Seeing that it was director Li Dahong calling, he hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up the phone.

"Chen Shuang, there will be two plays for you tomorrow. You should prepare well. I will send you a copy of the script later."

"Good OK, "Chen Shuang hung up the phone and sat down on the sofa again.

The more satisfied Cao returned to his room.

He had already known the basic situation. Before returning to the room, he fully communicated with the butterfly and the several people who had been protecting himself secretly.

Then he told Wu Yongming some information, including the information about the appearance of yunlianfeng in Hengdian.

Some things, can not let the police interfere, need to let their own people to do.

There are still some things that can't be done by the people around you, so leave it to the police.

When dealing with women, the more Cao summed up his experience, he must bluff them and frighten them. Some things naturally came out.

Relatively speaking, compared with men, women's willpower is relatively weak, especially women who have not undergone special training. After making a mistake, when they are frightened by others, they all speak out.

He also summed up experience, very important things, can not be left to women to do, of course, butterfly is a little abnormal women.

When Cao Yue returned to the hotel, three women gathered in the living room to watch TV and talk. They all came around and asked Cao Yue about the situation.

"It's OK. Anyway, there's a police uncle tossing around there. I believe it'll come out soon." Seeing the three women's dignified expressions, Cao Yue laughed and joked, "they are omnipotent Ultraman."

"Cao Yue, when you went out, we saw a lot of Posts related to today's incident." although Zheng Han pretended to be relaxed, he still had worries that could not be hidden between his eyebrows. "The Post said that we had done something that made people and gods angry, so we were pursued by the local people. Some people have exposed our identity, and there are more people who have declared that they will not watch our TV series

"Are there any posts in this area now?" Cao Yue didn't take it seriously.

"I can't see it now." Xu Fei scrambled to answer.

"That's good. After two days, the police will issue a clarification statement, and the truth will come out." Cao Yue looked relaxed and smiling brightly. "Well, don't even think about it. Let's take someone to help us and hype it. We'd better make headlines today, and then we'll be famous if the plot turns around, and those who plan it will be in bad luck

After chatting a few words, everyone also scattered and went back to their rooms to wash and sleep.

After Zheng Han returned to his room, he immediately came to Cao Yue."Xiaoyue, have you found out who is behind the scenes?" She asked in a low voice.

"It's basically clear, so don't worry about everything," Cao Yue stretched out his hand and hugged Zheng Han into his arms, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted him: "don't worry, it won't happen again in the future. You have to believe in my ability, no matter what, it won't hurt you. If we really can't escape today, I will protect you, and you will not be hurt if you are killed. "

This makes Zheng Han think of the day, Cao more carrying her back, do not want to escape in general.

She didn't expect that Cao could run so fast on her back, as if she didn't exist.

The more Cao ignored his comfort and carried her away from the dangerous place, the more she wanted to be moved, she couldn't help raising her head and kissing Cao more and more. After a kiss, Zheng Han's uneasy heart finally calmed down.

"Being with me seems to bring you a lot of trouble and make your life no longer calm," Cao said with a smile as their lips parted temporarily. "Do you regret it? Afraid? "

"No," Zheng Han said, shaking her head firmly. "How can I regret it? It's just that someone looks down on you and wants to stink your reputation. You can beat them, because you are the omnipotent Altman

"Are you sleeping here tonight? Don't have to have nightmares! "Cao Yue said, without waiting for Zheng han to agree, he immediately kisses again.

Naturally, Zheng Han would not evade and responded warmly.

Soon, the two fell on the bed naturally and threw all kinds of clothes all over the floor.

Because of the feeling in his heart, this evening, Zheng Han was very active, which made Cao Yue feel the incomparable surprise.

It turns out that a lady's debauchery is more exciting than a slut.

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