Urban Superboy

Chapter 542

(the first change)

Cao Yue left the West Lake rhyme guild hall in the disappointment of Zhang Xiaobei.

Thank you with your body. It's just a joke to amuse Zhang Xiaobei.

However, Zhang Xiaobei thought that Cao Yue showed her something. She acquiesced without hesitation. She also showed a shy look and said that she was willing to do anything for Cao Yue.

However, Cao Yue ran away with a smile and asked Zhang Xiaobei not to think about it. He just joked casually.

Seeing the figure of Cao Yue leaving, Zhang Xiaobei, who was just very excited, fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and was ashamed.

In fact, she has long been prepared to give her body to Cao Yue as a reward.

She did not deny that she liked Cao Yue, or even fell in love with him.

She didn't think it was strange that any woman, as long as she was with Cao Yue, would like him.

This man, too excellent, excellent can not be expressed in words.

Not long after she got to know Cao Yue, even when she was just working in the West Lake rhyme, she was a little worried that she was afraid of being hidden by Cao Yue.

After all, there is no free lunch in the world. It is easy to understand that Cao Yue has given her such a great help and hopes that she will get something in return and even get her body.

But Cao Yue has not been such an expression, which makes Zhang Xiaobei very ashamed, and feels that he is a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

As Cao Yue helped her more and more, and she was more and more fond of Cao Yue, she did not have any precautions, and expected to have something more and more with Cao.

Although she felt that it was mean and shameful to have such an idea, she was also very sorry for Zheng Han.

But the feeling this kind of thing, really does not want how, can how.

Especially after Chen Yan came here, they both wanted to get more attention from Cao Yue. She even had the idea to throw herself into Cao Yue's arms several times.

At first, she was on guard against Cao Yue, afraid of his hidden rules, but in the back, she complained every day, why Cao Yue didn't have her hidden rules.

As long as he has this kind of expression, she certainly will not resist.

It's just, I haven't been waiting for this.

Today, Cao Yue said that she wanted her to thank her in person. She was very excited and thought that there could be such a close relationship between the two people.

Just did not expect, Cao Yue is a joke. After supper, he patted his buttocks and left.

Zhang Xiaobei, who is still thinking about how to serve Cao Yue tonight, whether it will hurt for the first time, and how to get along with Cao Yue and Zheng Han after their relationship, is naturally very disappointed.

"Cao Yue, do you dislike me?" She asked herself a dull question. "I'm good-looking, and I'm not bad. Why are you not interested in me? Do you really like a young woman like Lai Ying Ying Ying? "


"Cao Shao, a shooting hall under my name, has just opened. Let's go and play together. How about holding a field for me?" Mo Wenlin called and invited Cao Yue to Lele in his new shooting hall.

"Oh? The shooting hall you're planning is opening so soon Last time with Mo Wenlin, that is, when we went boating to the lake with snow, Mo Wenlin vaguely said something about it.

At that time, Mo Wenlin also hoped that Cao Yue could help him talk to Wu Yongming of the provincial government.

After all, if you want to open a shooting gallery, you must get the approval of the police department, otherwise you can't get the approval.

Cao Yue also agreed, and one day, and Wu Yongming said casually. However, he didn't pay attention to it later. He didn't expect Mo Wenlin to do things so vigorously. In just four or five months, he had finished the shooting hall.

"OK, no problem, I will go," Cao Yue immediately agreed.

Since he left Yinlong and came to Hangzhou for school, he has not touched a gun for a long time, and his shooting training has been suspended. This is not a good thing, for people like them, no matter what aspect of training, can not be terminated, or skills will be greatly reduced.

In addition to shooting, Cao Yue has always insisted on other training, but the shooting training site is not so easy to find, unless you go to the police training hall, but Cao Yue does not want to get mixed up with the police.

It would be nice if there was a shooting place for him to practice his shooting skills.

This is also the most important reason why Mo Wenlin suggested that Cao Yue was willing to help him.

When the shooting hall is ready, Mo Wenlin warmly invites him to support the shooting hall, and he will not refuse.

Therefore, he took Zheng Han and drove to the shooting hall named "Eagle strike" which Mo Wenlin had just opened.

When Cao Yue arrived by car, Mo Wenlin stood at the door with several close friends.

As soon as you see his car coming, come up to meet him.

"Cao Dashao came with such a beautiful girl. Can I describe it with her splendor?" Mo Wenlin shook hands with Cao Yue with a smile, and introduced him to the young man who looked very capable and was about 34 years old. "This is Lei Hu, the manager of the shooting hall, and a retired Marine Sergeant."Hearing that it was a retired soldier, Cao Yue was also awed, smiling and shaking hands with the young man called Lei Hu, "I have been a soldier, too."

Lei Hu seems to have heard what Mo Wenlin said. He didn't inquire too much. He just said a few polite words.

Zheng Han's beautiful face is naturally the object of men's attention and appreciation, but she is more and more with Cao. No one dares to show any disrespect in her expression, and no one dares to look too much.

After a few polite words, also led by Lei Hu, they entered the shooting hall together.

The shooting hall was just opened yesterday. The festive decorations have not been removed. There are many flower baskets at the door.

It's very busy inside. There are many guests. You can hear the dull shooting from all directions.

The shooting range is located on a hillside a little far from the main city, near the West stream. It turned out that this place was a leisure club, but the owner broke down because of the usury. The club was mortgaged and auctioned, and finally obtained by Mo Wenlin.

In fact, he opened the shooting hall for Cao Yue. He knew that Cao Yue came from special forces. Those who have been in the special forces are not bad at shooting, but when they come to the society, they have less chance to shoot. This is probably the most regretful thing for those who have been soldiers.

So he thought of opening a shooting gallery.

This shooting hall is very high-grade, there are many shooting places and VIP area.

The shooting hall provides a variety of firearms, including pistols and automatic rifles. However, Mo Wenlin made a lot of connections and begged many people to get them.

Ordinary shooting range is made of thick bulletproof glass, about 50 meters long. There are two tracks in front of the table, which go straight to the end of the narrow room. It should be used for target moving. At the end of the room, there is a target. It looks like a high-tech automatic target reporting device.

The VIP rooms are decorated with more high-end decorations and provide more advanced firearms, even some rare famous guns.

"It seems that if we don't hit a few targets today, we can't make it." Cao's hands are itching.

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