Urban Superboy

Chapter 563

Cao Yue learned professional interrogation when he was in Yinlong special brigade. Many abnormal interrogation methods were unheard of by ordinary people.

Without much effort, Cao Yue destroyed the villain's psychological defense line and tried everything he wanted.

Let Cao more did not expect is, this is a specially set up for him "bureau".

The gangster's name is Xu Kang. He was originally a full-time guard of a security company. The reconnaissance company of the army retired. His shooting skill was very good. When he was a soldier, he was known as "sharpshooter".

But he loves gambling. In recent years, he has not only lost all his old money, but also owed a million gambling debts.

Some time ago, a mysterious man found this man and used two million yuan to buy him off. He told him to act according to the plan. He said that after the event, he would give him 5 million yuan and arrange him to go abroad.

Xu Kang, who is worried about gambling debts, just like grasping a life-saving straw, agrees to the other party's request without any consideration.

Money can make the devil move the mill. Xu Kang, who was tossed by millions of gambling debts, decided to take risks and act according to those people's plans in the face of the lure of nearly ten million yuan of wealth.

In his view, those people's plans were simple and easy to complete.

And if the target doesn't show up as expected, he doesn't even have to take a big risk and get two million.

If it doesn't work out, two million yuan will still be his. The additional five million yuan and the expenses for going abroad will also be put into his account.

Their plan is: let Xu Kang join the shooting club and become a member there, and then try to steal the guns there.

Xu Kang does not have much to do. Someone will cooperate with him to take the gun from the eagle strike shooting club and cover his departure.

Hawk shooting club in the discovery of shooting theft, will certainly call the police, and the first time to track down.

Cao Yue, who is associated with the eagle strike shooting club, will also be involved in this matter.

When the police and Cao Yue were chasing each other, Xu Kang deliberately made several shooting cases and gave the impression that he was not skillful in shooting. Then he shot Cao Yue when he was careless.

"This plan is really perfect. It seems that the people who make this plan know me very well," Cao Yue frowned after making things clear.

The plan of the other party was to anticipate that he would definitely participate in the pursuit of the case, so a bureau was set up to specifically target him. Xu Kang confessed that it was after discovering that Cao Yue was involved in the investigation of the case that the planning talents instructed him to make a shooting case and attract Cao Yue to come over.

However, Xu Kang did not explain who instructed him. The mobile phone number was also a temporary application, and there was no real name registration, so it was impossible to trace the person who instructed him through the mobile phone number.

"They almost succeeded," Cao Yue really admired the man who made the plan after inquiring about all the circumstances. He could even think that he would participate in the case. "There must be some good advice."

From this point of view, the person who made the plan knows his character very well and knows most of his details.

If his reaction is a little slower today, he is not dead but also seriously injured.

9 mm browning high-power pistol shooting, if hit the key, there is no possibility of survival.

Even if he can't hit the key, he will be abandoned. 9mm bullets will be shot out of the body, leaving a terrible wound.

After ordinary pistol bullets hit the human body, they will cause great damage, not to mention such large caliber bullets.

After inquiring about the situation, Cao Yue also thought of another doubtful point.

That is, when he and Luo Xiaoning arrived at the scene of the second shooting, Xu Kang did not escape from the scene as after the first shooting, but hid in a dark place, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

From this point of view, some people inside the police also informed the planners, otherwise the two shootings might not have happened.

At the thought of this possibility, Cao Yue was angry.

"If this man used a sniper rifle, he must have been hit this time," Cao Yue was a little lucky. If this guy really carried a sniper rifle to deal with him, he might be in danger.

Cao Yue thought of two possibilities: one was the brothers of Lu Dahui and LV Dazhong, and the other was the Li family of South Korea.

In addition, the more Cao could not think of anyone else who wanted to get rid of him.

Of course, there are a lot of people who hate him, but those people only know his code name "Shashen". Those people want to put "Shashen" to death, and even offer a reward of hundreds of millions of dollars. However, these people don't know that "Shashen" is Cao Yue. They never use their real names when they perform their tasks. Whether they are ID cards or passports, they use fake identity information.

What Cao Yue doubted most was still the Lu family. He had no doubt that the Lu brothers wanted to kill him.

"It seems that they still underestimated their viciousness and strength," Cao Yue naturally would not let people so cruel, the other side so arrogant, he must retaliate, give the other party a warning.

Butterfly is still on vacation, the team will not arrange her task for the time being. Cao Yue thinks of letting her go out to exercise her muscles and bones.After receiving the call from Cao Yue, he is talking about the butterfly who is training in a corner of Hangzhou city. He is suddenly shocked and runs to him in a murderous way.

After severely disdaining Cao Yue for being a coward, butterfly immediately asks herself to teach the LV family, the Yun family and the Li family in South Korea. No matter who did it, give them a lesson as long as possible. Anyway, those people are not good things. This is butterfly's argument.

"You're OK anyway, just take care of these little things," said butterfly, not surprised by Cao Yue.

Originally, he wanted to teach Lu brothers a lesson, but butterfly insisted that she do it in person.

In her own words, she taught LV Dazhong a lesson last time, but they didn't take it seriously. It was not giving her face. She was very angry, so she had to ask her to do it again and let Cao Yue not interfere.

The same is true of the cloud family. Last time butterfly abandoned Yun Lianfeng. If the cloud family dares to fight back, she doesn't mind teaching each other again.

Li's family in South Korea, although butterfly has no direct conflict with them, they have a conflict with Cao Yue, that is, her enemies, and they are also suspected targets of this attack on Cao Yue. Anyway, if she is tired of leisure, she should go to South Korea for a tour. Like Nie Qing, she thinks that face is also an egg.

But Cao Yue said so, let her go to take care of these small things, butterfly is a little unhappy.

"I don't know what you're thinking. You don't feel at ease when I stay here, and you send me away with little things?"

"How could it be?" Although Cao Yue does have such a mind, he won't admit it even if he killed him. He said in a flattering way: "I really hope you retire early and go to school with us after retirement. It's so exciting."

"Really?" Hearing Cao Yue say so, butterfly raised her eyebrows and her face brightened.

Looking at the butterfly, Cao Yue's heart sank and knew that he had said something wrong.

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