Urban Superboy

Chapter 574

Finally, Ding Jia was scared away by the knock on the door and hid in the bathroom for fear of being seen by the waiter.

After thanking the waiter, Cao shook his head and grinned bitterly.

Why are women so bold now, dare to do such things in public.

It was Ding Jia who ordered his own meal just now. Before the order was sent in, she threw herself on him and didn't think that the waiter might come in and disturb him. Fortunately, they didn't do anything that was not suitable for children, otherwise there would be some "* * door" incident.

However, Cao Yue still admired Ding Jia's boldness and initiative. He didn't think that she was lewd or cheap at all. She was just actively pursuing the man he wanted.

The more Cao knew that if he agreed, he would go to Wushan Yunyu with Ding Jia this evening and once again possess another beautiful woman's body.

But in the end, he refused Ding Jia's invitation and sent Ding Jia back to her parents' place on the ground that he still wanted to go to the police station to help the police investigate the case.

Cao Yue tells Ding Jia that the last shooting and the successive homicides may have been people who wanted his life and plotted behind his back, so he must trace it out.

Hearing Cao Yue say that this is a plot against him, possibly a series of murder plots, Ding Jia's face is scared white.

Of course, she couldn't blame Cao Yue for refusing her invitation. On the contrary, she said to Cao Yue very sorry that she didn't know the situation and the seriousness of the matter. She thought that these cases had nothing to do with him, so she wanted to ask him to be her partner. That's not the other meaning.

Seeing Ding Jia's cute appearance when she was nervous, Cao couldn't help but feel pity. He took the initiative to embrace her and gave her a long kiss as a reward.

Cao Yue kisses her for the first time, and Ding Jia is elated. She holds Cao Yue and gnaws away. She can hardly breathe.

When Cao Yue sent her back to her parents' house and was ready to drive away, Ding Jia said to Cao Yue affectionately that she would invite him to have supper when she had the opportunity.

The more Cao understood what she said eating supper meant. She didn't refuse or promise. She just said it when she said it, and drove away.

After breaking up with Ding Jia, Cao Yue did not go to the police station, but went back to the school to meet Zheng Han.

Just when he had tea with Zheng Han, he asked her for it, but Zheng Han refused, but he believed that she would agree.

It's not too late. It's only 10:30 after half a day's work. Zheng Han should be waiting for him in the teahouse.

This is the most important reason why he refused Ding Jia's invitation.

Because they wanted to spend a good night with Zheng Han, he and Ding Jia only stayed for a little more than half an hour in the cafe and left.

As expected, Zheng Han was still in the teahouse, but he didn't drink tea. Instead, he discussed with Jin Xiaolei the development plan behind the teahouse, as well as a summary of the business situation during this period. Seeing Cao Yue come back, Jin Xiaolei stops the discussion and goes to work.

"Hanhan children, can we go home?" Cao Yue sat down beside Zheng Han and said with a smile: "it's late. It's time to go back to wash and sleep."

"Back so soon?" Zheng Han looked at Cao Yue with a smile, "thought you would come back very late, and the matter was finished?"

"Can't finish, just started," Cao Yue smiles, "you don't care about these broken things, late, go back to sleep."

"OK," Zheng Han also obediently stood up, followed Cao Yue to leave Qingyun tea house.

Jin Xiaolei, who is busy, sees the two people leave and immediately sends them out.

However, as she watched Cao Yue and Zheng Han leave, her eyes flashed some silence for no reason. She was still standing at the door, staring at the back of their departure for a long time.

"Younger brother, what happened again?" In the arm Cao Yue slowly walk, Zheng Han asked in a low voice.

"I didn't want to let you know, but I'm afraid that something similar will happen in the future, or it will involve you. I'd better tell you about it." Cao Yue also told Zheng Han about the general situation.

After hearing this, Zheng Han's smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He asked anxiously, "well, how are you going to solve this problem?"

"It's just a pediatric incident," Cao Yue, afraid of Zheng Han Tai's worry, put a smile around her shoulder. "None of the things we've experienced over the years is more dangerous than this."

"I'm worried about you," Zheng Han grabbed Cao Yue's hand and said angrily, "why don't you do something about it?"

"In that sentence, those who want to deal with me are already dead, or they are living very hard, and I am still living well and nourishing, so don't worry about it."

After thinking about it, Zheng Han asked, "who do you think will want to deal with you? Lu Dazhong? Or the cloud family? "

Cao Yue shook his head. "According to my judgment, neither of these two families is."

"why?" Zheng Han was very surprised. She thought that the most likely thing was the LV family, the Yun family, or their joint efforts.

"The cloud family doesn't have the ability and the courage to do it again," Cao Yue analyzed Zheng Han as he walked. "Yun Lianfeng was seriously injured, and he was also held in criminal custody. It's almost impossible to clear the relationship quickly. Even if he recovers, he will stay in prison for many years. If I want him to die, he won't live long. Yunhailin naturally knows the key, so he will certainly not seek revenge. What he needs to do now is to find me and get my understanding. Otherwise, Yun Lianfeng will die soon. ""Of course, unless he doesn't want his son's life and doesn't consider the interests of the cloud family." Cao Yue added another sentence.

After hearing this, Zheng Han thought about it carefully, and then nodded his head gently to show his approval.

"Last time, LV Dazhong was severely punished in his own territory, and his face was ruined. Many people thought that he must want to seek revenge on me, even my life. In fact, if he or the LV family want to break their faces and confront me or the Cao family openly, he will stop temporarily. "

Think about Lu Dazhong's ability to take his life after he leaves the territory. Moreover, the Lu brothers also know that if my friends and I really want to take their lives, they can do it without any trace. They also know that we won't do it as long as we don't tear our faces. Therefore, after that lesson, they certainly would not have done so blatantly. Therefore, I don't think that the Lu family did these things. "

"I see," Zheng Han nodded. "The most likely one is the Li family in South Korea?"

"It's possible, but not necessarily," Cao Yue said, sighing. "Maybe it's other families in the capital. They want to blame the LV family or the Yun family for doing it."

"How could that happen?" Zheng Han was shocked and turned pale.

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