Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 104: Define death

On the surface, I may seem quite calm, but God knows how many swear words I have made in my heart. Bayi ???? Chinese W㈠W? W ?. 81ZW. Com

What is he trying to do? !!

"Uh, is that Wen Jiubai?" Shi Yitong stared at the Ferrari stupidly. "Why don't I look like? Isn't he ... a guy in a long shirt, like an ancient man? Why would he--"

I strode towards Wen Jiubai and pulled him aside before this guy caught the attention of more people.

"Wen Jiubai! What kind of moth are you doing!" I asked in a desperate manner when I came up.

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you too." Wen Jiubai answered lazily.

My face was hot, and I was even more angry. "Who told you this! Can you not be so narcissistic!"

"Whose blush is that?" Wen Jiubai said playfully, and actually reached out and squeezed my cheek.

I patted his hand away, and I was really angry. "What kind of joke are you doing at this time! Do you know what happened at school? You actually dress like this at the bones, and you still come to school by Ferrari, others I thought you were a business competitor to Liang Kaifeng's father! "

"Okay, please calm down." Wen Jiubai was still smiling, "The Ferrari is not mine, it is Liang Kaifeng's father."

"Liang Kaifeng's father ..." I hesitated, "Wait, then, is that what Liang Kaifeng's father brought you over?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "Yes."

"But ... why?"

"If you want to ask why, he's the client." Wen Jiubai said with a smile. "Although I didn't expect you to be like a grumpy child, you wouldn't come to me if you had such a big thing, but even if you don't come Look for me, and someone will always entrust me. "

"Who is a bad-tempered kid!" I said angrily, and then frowned again. "But you mean Liang Kaifeng and his father commissioned you to investigate this?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "Yes, it seems that his father spent a lot of money to save his son's life. Needless to say, the commission is not necessary, and the suit I have now is also given by his old man. Mine, I want to save his son's life anyway. "

I couldn't help but cast a look of envy and jealousy on Wen Jiubai, muttering, "That's great, I want such a client, too."

"Gu Yu, this may not be a good thing."

I looked at Wen Jiubai, who was looking at me calmly.

"'Save my son's life anyway', and he will ask me for such good benefits. So imagine what would happen to me if I didn't complete the commission?"

I opened my mouth and was speechless for a while. Indeed, Liang Kaifeng's father definitely put all the final bets on Wen Jiubai. If Wen Jiubai fails, the consequences will be unthinkable.

But ... Wen Jiubai failed? I now have never thought about this possibility. Wen Jiubai does give people a sense of invincibility. It seems that the commissions he has taken have never failed.

"Yes." Wen Jiubai suddenly said coldly.

"What?" I returned to God.

"I know what you're thinking. I do have time for failure." Wen Jiubai looked at me with clear eyes.

"Really?" I doubt it.

"Because many times, you cannot change what is destined to be born, nor can you reverse the laws of nature. There are many commissions that are just the personal wishes of the client. To put it plainly, it is human selfishness. I cannot change the universe for my own selfish desire Of the law. "Wen Jiubai said.

My heart sank. "Is that the case of Liang Kaifeng's death? Isn't it true that he was dead before that?"

"Gu Yu, I ask you, what is the definition of" death "?" Wen Jiubai looked at me.

Here again ... This guy always asks me some weird questions. Now when I hear him call me "Gu Yu", I feel scalp.

"Eh, death is death." I really don't know how to answer, "Everyone will die. Death is ... the thing that is with us all around us."

"Yes, but everyone is afraid of death, and everyone knows nothing about death." Wen Jiubai smiled slightly. "Let me ask another way. When you see a person, under what circumstances, Do you think this person is dead? "

Immediately in my mind, I saw Liang Kaifeng hanging on the electric fan in the classroom today, "Uh ... this, it should be, breathing stopped, heartbeat stopped, blood stopped flowing, and the internal organs stopped working. "

Wen Jiubai nodded approvingly and asked, "But if it is a creature without breathing, heart and internal organs? Have you thought about this problem?"

"Ah?" I didn't respond, "Is it a unicellular organism like Paramecium?"


"Of course it is cell death. The cell no longer functions, which means that this creature is dead." I said without hesitation.

"This is not wrong." Wen Jiubai thought with his chin. "However, there are cells in the human body. When a person's breathing stops and the heart stops beating, there are still many cells in the body alive and still desperate. Work, such as the head and nails, will continue to grow for a long time after the heartbeat stops, how can you explain this? "

"Wh-no, it's different!" I was stunned by Wen Jiubai's theory, trying to refute him but couldn't find anything, and at that moment he interrupted me again.

"There is also a single-celled creature, I don't know if you have heard of it." Wen Jiubai continued. "Amoeba, it reproduces by division. An amoeba can divide into two identical amoeba. Ba worms, they are exactly the same from DNA to internal structure. That is to say, even if the original worm is dead, as long as the split worm is alive, it will exist forever like this. Then the problem Here, has the single-celled worm died? Or, has it been reborn after experiencing death? "

I refuted Wen Jiubai without hesitation: "What you said is too ridiculous, how can human beings be compared with amoeba? That thing is just a single-celled creature ..."

"Yes, a single-celled creature, but forever the ability that human emperors have dreamed of forever, is eternal life." Wen Jiubai said impassively, "is it perfect escape from death by copying yourself, isn't it?"

I opened my mouth and was speechless.

"So, what's the question you just asked me? Is Liang Kaifeng dead?" Wen Jiubai showed a sly expression. "Yeah, how to define the word" death "is a huge problem."

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