Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 113: Campus graveyard

I'm a bit depressed. ?? Bayi Chinese W? WZW. 81ZW. COM Wen Jiubai was right, it was a case two years ago, and no one was willing to rehabilitate the poor girl. We now want to go back to investigate, it is very difficult.

"Stop me!"

Bai suddenly got out of my clothes, with an expression of complaining, "It's not fun at all, what a girl two years ago, and what dreams, I don't understand at all. I wouldn't have come if I knew it."

I glanced at the weasel, "Yeah, I wouldn't have brought you here if I knew it. It wouldn't help at all."

Just as he watched with white eyes about to fight with me again, Wen Jiubai spoke again.

"However, thanks to the director's blessing, what exactly was born in this school, I already know what it is." Wen Jiubai said, showing a meaningful smile.

"Really?" I was surprised.

"I said that everything has cause and effect. Now we just need to follow this 'effect' and touch the original 'effect' a little bit." Wen Jiubai's brawny appearance does not look like a lie. On the contrary, I am very familiar with his expression, and he will only show this expression when he really knows.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"Take a trip back to my old house, and I'm a bit heavy to ask you to take it for me." Wen Jiubai blinked at me, and I somehow accepted his Qiu Bo, the second monk Zhang Er could not figure it out.

"What? What are you doing?" Bai jumped out of my pocket, hopping around excitedly.

"Go back and know." Wen Jiubai took the lead and walked towards the old house.

When we returned to the old house, it was more than eleven o'clock in the evening. The mountain road was already a little eerie, and the old house in the night was full of a horror movie. In this case, Wen Jiubai went straight to a room serving as a warehouse, and then turned out two shovel ... in a strange pile of waste copper and rotten iron.

Wait, shovel?

What does he do with a shovel?

"Hold it." Before I could react, Wen Jiubai threw a shovel over. If it wasn't for my eyes to catch it quickly, this sinking thing would have to smash a hole in the ground.

"Okay, so heavy!" I lifted it up, and looked at Wen Jiubai somehow. "What are you doing with a shovel? Can we dig something?"

Wen Jiubai held another shovel in his hand. He turned his head at me after hearing my question, and laughed harmlessly. "Let's go and dig the grave."


In this way, I, Wen Jiubai, and Bai, both of whom added a rat, sneaked into the open space behind the bedroom building in the middle of the night.

In our school, there is always a large open space behind the dormitory building. It is quite flat, but there are no buildings, but many willows and poplars are planted. Little lovers often come here for self-study at night Tired and crooked, as for a single dog, I have never been here, and I have never known what this open space is for.

"You said ... dig a grave?"

"Yes." Wen Jiubai looked as usual.

"But, but," I said unfavorably, "This is our school, how could there be ..."

I ca n’t say any more. Wen Jiubai had better not really tell me that there will be graves on our school campus.

"The grave I'm looking for is in your school." Wen Jiubai smiled with narrow eyes.

I let out a groan and groan of refusal, "Wen Jiubai! Can you not scare me with something like school legends!"

Wen Jiubai was full-faced, "Who said I was scaring you? Your school has given birth to so many incredible things, and it is not strange to have a graveyard."

"But the plot that only appears in this kind of magical novel ..." My lips fluttered a little.

"As long as everything exists, it is reasonable." Wen Jiubai said slowly with arms raised, "don't you think about why there are so many haunting plots in school in so many novels and film works?"

"Of course, this kind of work is used to scare young children." I said for granted.

I was stunned by a rare Wen Jiubai, and then "swipe" a laugh.

"You. Although it's true to say that, many schools in China are built on the original cemeteries. This is meticulous in Feng Shui."

"Is it special to build the school on the graveyard?" I asked incredulously.

Wen Jiubai nodded his head. "The grave also has a very overcast place. Many old cities will have some old cemeteries in the old age. Inside there are people from several generations of the family in these villages. These places are full of anger. Place. And if the school is built on the graveyard, there will be a lot of people and popularity, and the readers do not believe in ghosts and gods, so that the more they can suppress the smoldering in the graveyard. Moreover, the students in the school are more than other groups. Righteousness, righteousness can ward off evil. "

I nodded with a half-knowledge.

"However, even with all that said, these are not the main reasons why the school will be built on the graveyard." Wen Jiubai looked up and looked at the forest of willows and poplars.

"What's that?" I wondered.

"Cheap." Wen Jiubai smiled at me. "You know, the cost of buying land for a large facility like a school is scary. So when the site was initially selected, the leaders would choose the cheaper the better. Moreover, the school covers a large area. If you do n’t occupy a place like a graveyard, it will mean that other buildings will be demolished, which is a very troublesome thing. "

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this reason. I scratched my head silently, "That's the case. But ..."


"Even if some schools are actually built on graves, not all of them are that right? As far as I know, most schools will not choose such unlucky places." I asked, "how do you know our school Is there a graveyard below? "

Wen Jiubai smiled slightly, "Gu Yu, I thought you had good observation ability."

"Ha?" I blinked for some reason.

"When I came to your college contemporary class teacher, I came into your teaching building for the first time. There is not even a portrait in the corridor of your teaching building." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

"What happened then?"

"In most schools, there are always things like portraits of great men or celebrities in the hallways?" Wen Jiubai asked. "Some are more, some are less. Schools that do n’t even have a painting It is rare, the corridor is so bare, and it is quite ugly from a visual point of view. However, there are no portraits of people, but to a certain extent, it can be evil, and prevent those ghosts and ghosts underneath from posing in the portrait . "

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