Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 116: Hundred Ghosts at Night (Part 2)

I do n’t know if it ’s my psychological effect. After Wen Jiubai kissed me suddenly, the accumulated depression in my chest dissipated a lot, and I was able to breathe. ?? Bayi Chinese W? WZW. 81ZW. COM was frightened by the sight in front of me before I felt grateful.

I do n’t know when there are many weird and scary monsters in the dense fog. They slowly pass through the dense fog, walking in different directions, but the degrees are amazingly consistent. Some are walking, some are crawling, and some are flying with wings.

At the same time, there was a very strong rancid smell in the air, which I could hardly describe, like a month of stinky eggs and bacon mixed with a large box of canned Swedish herring. Nose, almost spit out.

However, Wen Jiubai turned a blind eye to this, took my hand, and whispered in his ear, "Let's go."

"Wait ..." Before I said a word, Wen Jiubai was unquestionably pulled out and walked among the monsters.

"No matter what you see or hear, don't scream. Just walk forward like a normal person." Wen Jiubai said in my ear.

It's simple! The pungent stench around it became more intense, and more and more monsters passed by us, with green skin all over, heads with horns, eyes on the back of the hands, and a huge lower body with a lower body, upper body But it is a **** woman, even a skinny little ghost with a burning flame. [Note]

I bowed my head in horror, took Wen Jiubai's hand, didn't dare to look up, just silently prayed in my heart that this journey could be completed quickly.

I do n’t know if it ’s my illusion. This weekday only takes two minutes, but now it is infinitely extended, and there is no end in the thick fog.

Just as I was thinking about the journey, suddenly, a huge eyeball as big as my head suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I was scared to make a loud cry, and then stung back.

That eyeball had no eyelids, it was just a solitary eyeball, with some minced meat and nerves behind it. It didn't know what interest was suddenly in me, the pupils twitched in front of me, and then a low voice came up from my head.

"Weird taste. Human taste."

I swallowed a saliva, held my breath, closed my eyes tightly, and clenched Wen Jiubai's hand subconsciously.

"But it's too light. Strange." The monster with big eyes was still mumbling, his eyes just refused to leave me.

"Don't block the way," Wen Jiubai said suddenly, facing the horrible monster. "We're going this way."

That big eye finally turned from my side to Wen Jiubai's side.


"That's what I left for dinner tonight." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

"This way ..." The monster seemed to be clear, and that huge slender eye receded. I couldn't help but raised my head curiously, wanting to see the true content of the owner of that eye, but could not think of that eye all the way up, and finally disappeared to a height that was invisible at all.

What a joke ... So, the monster is at least higher than the top of our teaching building!

Seeing that I looked up to see God, Wen Jiubai squeezed my palms and whispered, "Go away."

I quickly rushed two steps and kept up with Wen Jiubai.

"So many monsters, where are they going?" I couldn't help being curious, and whispered in Wen Jiubai's ear.

Wen Jiubai glanced at me and said, "Go to different places, there are everywhere. There are links between the yin and yang circles, so there are so many monsters."

I was confused, "I didn't understand ..."

"Let me explain it to you." Wen Jiubai said, "This place has a channel between Yin and Yang due to the excess of yin. The yang spirits who want to go to the underworld will go to the underworld; The ghosts of the underworld of the world will also come to the world of Yang from this place. This place is equivalent to a crossroads, so the monsters will pass by here. "

"But, I still don't understand, how did this link come about?" I whispered, "Is it like the mobile game of the Yin Yang Master, can you open the gate of the underworld by applying a trick?"

Wen Jiubai gave me a helpless glance, "I will explain to you in a more scientific way. If you simply think of 'yin' and 'yang' as the two elements in the air of our life, then because now In this place, the proportion of 'yin' is many times higher than the proportion of 'yang', which creates a crack in which we are. This crack links the physical world and the spiritual world, that is, where we are talking At that time, your body is likely to remain beside that monster grave and fall to the ground unconscious. "

When it's so cold? I couldn't help fighting a chill, and sped up my pace subconsciously. In this case, you have to go out quickly.

Wen Jiubai also seemed to see my thoughts, and also accelerated his pace. This ghost place, it's best to find a way to leave quickly.

However, at this moment, a giant monster brushed over my shoulder. I looked up subconsciously and froze.

Yes, I have seen that monster. It was almost as tall as a floor, with rough black bristles, a large mouth with blood, and half of its lips were cracked. The big monster took heavy steps and quickly left us.

That's ... I have encountered a black hair monster in Yanjin Mountain, but I can't find out! There was a spirit in my heart, and my body moved faster than my mind. I opened my legs and chased after the monster.

That mysterious monster appeared here! What kind of monster is it? Why does it appear in Yanjin Mountain? Who arranged it, or was it pure coincidence?

"Gu Yu! You idiot, come back soon!" Wen Jiubai shouted behind me, but I didn't hear it at all, just trying to catch up with the mysterious monster.

Although the black hairy monster seemed to be slow to move, it couldn't hold its legs long and tall. It was a step farther than my three steps. I ran after it all the way, without even realizing that the surrounding monsters were looking at me. On me.

Damn, how could this guy run so fast? I don't know how far I chased, but when I came back, the monster didn't know where it had gone. I scolded a few words in my heart, and when I was about to rush back to find Wen Jiubai, my eyes brightened.

A few meters away from me, on the ground there ... seems to be sitting alone? That's right, it's a human, not a monster, and it should be a young girl.

[Note]: The description of the appearance of several monsters here refers to some materials in Baidu's "Chinese Monsters". The three monsters described in the article are: Ao Guiying, Phan Ghost and Blazing Ghost.

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