"After waiting for the parasitic soul to catch the net, you can take this bowl of water and splash it. Eighteen one Chinese W≈W = W≤.≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤.≤COM" Wen Jiubai said lightly.

"Why, what?" I said unfavorably, but Wen Jiubai didn't care about my reaction at all, but flung his sleeves and started his operation.

"Eastern emperor, red emperor in the south, white emperor in the west, black emperor in the north, and yellow emperor in the middle;" Wen Jiubai closed his eyes, raised his **** with his left hand, and opened his red lips lightly, mumbling.

With a bang, Wen Jiubai unfolded the paper fan in his hand. The paper fan tapped each of the foreheads of the three bodies. This action caused his wide sleeves to sway with it. "Beidou Santai, Astronomy Five stars, the demon is sealed! "

Then, the characters drawn on the ground before white began to slowly radiate red light, and gradually extended to the degree visible to the naked eye. The rune paper affixed to the foreheads of the three people inexplicably trembled in the absence of wind, and Wen Jiubai's eyes stared sharply forward.

"I found it." Wen Jiubai suddenly smiled.

"What did you say?" Before I could finish the sentence, the air in front of it suddenly solidified, a thick black smoke exploded directly in front of us, and a familiar rotten smell spread.

"Oh my God, that's, what's that ..." Shi Yitong involuntarily stepped back two steps, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Then I looked up at the black smoke, scared to speech.

Hidden in the black smoke was a red shadow. At first I didn't feel anything. It wasn't until the shadow was getting closer and closer to me that I could see the true face of the monster.

It was a very thin human figure, probably as tall as an adult man, but it was astounding that there was no skin covering the whole body of this human figure, and it was scary blood red from head to toe, just like he was once People threw it into the fire and burned it, and there was still nauseous pus flowing down.

The monster noticed our gaze and wanted to dive down with a roar.

"Gu Yu, now!" Wen Jiubai suddenly shouted.

right now? What now? I managed to squeeze a little thought out of my flustered thoughts. By the way, Wen Jiubai asked me to splash the bowl of water on the parasitic soul.

I picked up the bowl of water in a hurry, but because I was too nervous, I had already spilt the water halfway.

"Hurry up!" Wen Jiubai still urged me.

Damn it. I took a step forward and slammed the bowl of water forward!

However, probably because I was too nervous, my hands shook, and most of the bowl of water was spilled on the ground, and only a few drops splashed on the parasitic soul. But even so, the water in the bowl fell on the evil spirit's body, and immediately made a sizzling sound, and the monster roared violently and began to ram into the entire classroom.

"Oops!" Wen Jiubai held the fan alone, and he seemed to want to chant another spell to control the evil spirits, but the power of the evil spirits was too great. Before Wen Jiuba chanted any more spells, the black smoke broke through. Classroom windows rushed into the corridor.

"Broken, catch up, you must not let it run outside the teaching building!" Shi Yitong shouted anxiously.

I do n’t even need to tell you this! I was equally anxious, and the first one rushed out of the classroom to catch up, but when I came to the corridor, the black smoke was gone.

"I really trust you too much." Wen Jiubai hurried over not far behind me, and said the first sentence.

As soon as I heard these words, I got angry and immediately glared at Wen Jiubai, "Is it all my fault? You didn't say a word when you came up, let me do this kind of thing, but I was so scared!" "

"Really?" Wen Jiubai looked at me with his arms crossed, with a hint of taunt in his tone. "It is you who say that you have 'experienced a lot of things', and I thought you would not be scared by such trivial matters."


"Okay, why are you two arguing at this time!" Shi Yitong stopped between the two of us with a headache.

"That said, shouldn't the most important thing now be to find where the evil spirit is hiding?" Bai also jumped out to persuade.

Although I was really angry with Wen Jiubai's attitude, Shi Yitong and Bai were right. I nodded reluctantly and glanced at Wen Jiubai.

"Separate to find it." I suggested, "I and Shi Yitong are more familiar in the teaching building. It may be running up the stairs."

Wen Jiubai didn't seem to oppose my suggestion, just said, "Be careful. Maybe it's more than just escaping."

The three men and one mouse searched for different places, and I chose the way up the stairs.

The red human figure in the smoke just now clearly reflected in my mind, but besides fear, there seemed to be something faint.

What the **** is ... there is a sense of familiarity.

I was thinking about these messes and looking up the stairs. I don't know why. After the parasitic soul disappeared from the classroom, there was no sound at all. The surroundings were quiet and there was no way to judge where it was hiding.

Damn, shouldn't this guy have gone outside already? Or did I choose the wrong route, and it went to Wen Jiubai and they?

"Gu Yu!"

Just then, I heard a familiar voice from above my head. Absolutely, this is Su Xiaoying's voice.

"Su Xiaoying?" I immediately looked up and shouted, "Is it you?"

"It's me!" Su Xiaoyin's head poked down the stairs and waved at me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately got nervous again and ran up the stairs in three and two steps. "How are you here? It's dangerous now!"

"Isn't Shi Yitong asking me to meet here?" Su Xiaoyu asked in confusion, "I came over but couldn't see him."

"He's with Wen Jiubai now, but now it's dangerous. The parasitic soul was released because of my mistake." I scratched my head in distress, "Oh, I can't make it clear, but in short you still Get out of here first! "

Speaking, I didn't think about it, so I grasped Su Xiaoyi's wrist.

At that moment, I felt as if something was wrong. Su Xiaoyong's hand ... was cold, not at all warm.

"Gu Yu, let go of her!"

Footsteps came from behind, Wen Jiubai hurried over and shouted at me loudly.

"She's not Su Xiaomin! Let go!"

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