Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 133: Extinguish

very successful. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W ≠ W =. = 8 = 1≥Z ≠ W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈ The parasitic soul stood in place, without attacking me, and without retreating. There was no voice from Wen Jiubai behind me, it seemed to acquiesce to my actions.

I approached him little by little like this, and then he finally took action and reached out to me.

Did you talk to him? Touch him.

The plan was successful.

Just when Su Xiaoying's beautiful hand was about to touch my palm, I suddenly turned around and avoided the hand, and my palm turned and slammed against the evil spirit's chest!

"Forgive you? How is that possible!"

Under my fierce shooting, a black smoke roared and flew out of Su Xiaoying's mouth, and Su Xiaoying's body fell forward like a ragdoll.

I caught Su Xiaoyu before she fell to the ground, "Hey, Su Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

Su Xiaoying slowly opened his eyes in my arms, blinking a little confused, "Gu Yu ...? What happened?"

It seems that it should be no big deal, I am relieved.

But it seems that there is a more difficult problem behind him.

"You! Smelly kid, dare to deceive me! I want to kill you!" The parasitic soul roared, almost instantaneously, the entire staircase was full of oppressive thick black smoke, the parasitic soul's blood-red body plus His mouth opened wide when he growled, and it seemed even more frightening.

"Is that right? I said it before, if you move him, I will make you smash corpses." Wen Jiubai's voice suddenly appeared in the air, cold like a ice blade, "Now let me count, How much did you move him? "

Immediately holding Su Xiaozheng, I took two steps back and gave way to Wen Jiubai.

Wen Jiubai flattened his arms, and the folding fan on his hand unfolded toward the evil spirit. His whole body was visibly murderous, and even the clothes corners were shaking with the vibration of the air.

"Pro, soldiers, fighting, who are, front, row, in front; Guiming not born in this Tathagata!!!"

At that moment, the parasitic soul seemed to be trapped by something. He wanted to escape from the window, but he couldn't leave the place five steps in front of Wen Jiubao anyway.

"Keep the Ming King in a hurry, like a law!" Wen Jiubai stepped forward, and suddenly a strong wind was blowing from his side. He just came from the wind to the parasitic soul, holding the folding fan in his hand, as if holding a sword. , Slamming down, the fan blade of the folding fan is really like a sword, splitting the parasitic soul from head to toe in half!


Almost immediately, the entire teaching building was filled with a huge roar. The black smoke crashed on the stairs, but it eventually hit a wall. The red human figure showed the final despair moan, groan, and even Without saying a whole sentence, the whole thing exploded, making the whole staircase filled with smoky black smoke.

"Keke ... kekekeke!" I fanned my hands in front of my nose and looked at the air in front of me, "Is it ... dead?"

At this time, Wen Jiubai had closed the folding fan again and looked at me. "Well, in a normal sense, it wasn't a living thing from the beginning. But now it hits me with three souls and seven souls. It's gone, it can be said that the smoke disappeared. So it's true that it is dead. "

Hearing this, I breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't stand anymore, and sat on the ground with my butt.

"Great ... it's finally over."

Wen Jiubai came to me with a smile, "The palm was still covered with the bowl of water spilled before, and he lied to him with rhetoric, and then forced it out when his defense was weakest. Gu Yu, you really It's what makes me look good. "

I panted, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and barely smiled, "What is rhetoric? I can't compare you to rhetoric."

"You really surprised me. I didn't expect you to be able to say those words without changing the face." Wen Jiubai approached me, stretched out his hand, pulled me up with a hand, I took a few steps, and stood barely. Straightened the body.

"What's this." I patted the gray soil on my body and whispered, "Even if he was a poor man before his death, things in the past can't be changed. Even if he did nothing wrong during his life, the muffled voice was honest Zhao Xiangzhi was also burned to death in the fire long ago. The one left behind is just an evil spirit who has been breeding hatred for a long time. It hurt and deceived my friend, how could I easily forgive him. "

Just then, Wen Jiubai suddenly opened his arms and held me in his arms.

Wen Jiubai is much taller than me. My head can only reach his chin. With such a hug, I am almost completely buried in his chest.

"You, what are you doing!" My face suddenly turned red.

"It's nothing, it's just that you're okay." Wen Jiubai's voice was extremely gentle, while he said this, he reached out and rubbed the head above my head.

"What are you talking about?" I was furious. "You didn't make a shot when I was just in danger, hypocrisy!"

Wen Jiubai immediately revealed an obvious smirk, "Ah, I did that because I believed in you. You see, you really solved it perfectly."

"Come on you!"

In fact, why was Jiubai Bai not shooting at that time, I was a little clear.

He, Wen Jiubai, was probably just curious.

I wonder what I will do; I wonder if I will really lose; I wonder if I will rely on the enemy just like that.

He was wondering if I would die.

At the same time, I am also curious.

Curious now seeing the results of Wen Jiubai, what kind of views do I have in my heart.

"Gu Yu, you are really different." Wen Jiubai's lips rose.

"Ha?" I somehow. What's different and what's different?

"You are special." Wen Jiubai's face was so close that I could count his long lashes. He looked at me like this and whispered, "Yes, I didn't read it wrong at first. You ... maybe the most special one."

I frowned, but before I asked him what he meant, a shout came from afar.

"Gu Yu!"

"Wen Jiubai!"

I looked back and it was Shi Yitong and Bai Zheng who ran over here. They should have heard the sound and hurry up.

Shi Yitong ran out of breath, "Gu Yu! I heard a loud explosion, so hurry up from there, you and you are all right!"

"Wen Jiubai! What the **** is going on?" Bai Ye asked, jumping up and down, "Is the parasite soul found? What happened to the voice just now? Did you fight?"

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