"You are here again. Bayi Chinese language network W ≠ W = W≥. ≠ 8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠ COM" I said unhappyly, "You can rise to such a trivial matter I didn't come here to listen to you at such a height. "

And, most importantly, I can never talk to him. Wen Jiubai is simply a quizzical genius. Sometimes I even feel that Wen Jiubai can say that he is alive, even if he is here.

"Ah-you said that, I also remembered it." Wen Jiubai deliberately prolonged, "Of course you did not come here to listen to my reasoning, you came to work for me."

My heart is not good. As long as Wen Jiubai shows such an expression, nothing will happen next.

"Then don't be idle here, go and do something for me." Wen Jiubai said, turning around and looking for something in the drawer. After a while, he took out a sealed package. The envelope was handed to me, "Go and run a leg for me."

"——Ah?" I immediately made a painful wailing, thinking of the freezing temperature outside the yard and wholeheartedly refused, "Let me run a errand? Isn't this usually done for nothing?"

"That weasel didn't know where to go for a drink, so now I can only ask you a favor." Wen Jiubai smiled, it was exactly the face of Zhou Bapi. I took the envelope unwillingly, there was no way, after all, it was also because I said something wrong.

"So, where are you going?"

Wen Jiubai thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where Jinhua Road is?"

I nodded, the road was not very far from the school, and it took 10 minutes to reach it. I usually go to study by myself at night. I often go there with my roommates and friends, because there are always many snack bars on the streets of Jinhua Road, and there are many surprises in it.

"You have been walking along the food stalls on Jinhua Road. When you reach the end of the road, you can see a remote alley, gray concrete walls and muddy soil with moss." Wen Jiubai said, "turn into You can see a shabby noodle restaurant in the alley. Just give the letter to the boss. Well ... it's yours, you should find it. "

I was confused by what Wen Jiubai said, what should I find? Could it be that the hidden place of the noodle house is not available?

But then again, I have visited many times near Jinhua Road ... Is there such a small alley at the end of the road?

"Well, let's go." Wen Jiubai didn't allow me to think about it. He pushed my shoulder and walked out, and said, "Yes, remember to quote my name. If he doesn't believe you, just put the fan Show him. Is the fan still on you? "

I nodded, and the cyan folding fan that Wen Jiubai gave me has been kept in my backpack. Although I don't know what it is useful for, it is always right in case.

"Go and go. When I come back, I invite you to eat stewed chicken." Wen Jiubai patted my shoulder and said.

This sentence made my eyes light up, "Really?"

"When did you lie to you?"

Encouraged by the stewed chicken, it seemed that the cold wind blowing outside was not too cold. I packed the envelope in my backpack and went out to Jinhua Road.

When I went out, it was already more than four in the afternoon. By the time I got to the snack street, it was already around five o'clock. The students continued their lessons at 66, and the snack street was a busy time. I bypassed the crowds and booths, and walked along the absorbent brick to the end of the street as Wen Jiubai said. I did n’t know how long it had been. The sky had begun to dark. The sun only showed half a face to the west. The end.

It is indeed a very remote place. There are no pedestrians passing by at all. However, I did not see any alleys.

There is indeed a fence at the end of the street, and the color of the fence is indeed gray, but here is blocked by cement, there are no small alleys with moss at all.

I touched the envelope in my hand, shouldn't it be Wen Jiubai's wrong position? I did follow the route Wen Jiubai said, and it was not bad at all.

Just when I pulled out my cell phone and prepared to call Wen Jiubai to find out what was going on, I suddenly felt the wind behind me.


But ... there is a concrete wall behind me, why is there wind?

I hesitated to put the phone down and turned around.

Just then, a miracle was born. Just a minute ago, it was still a place with a cement wall, but at this time it turned into a crooked sheep intestine trail, gray slate, muddy soil covered with moss, exactly like Wen Jiubai said.

"No ..." I murmured, of course, and followed the path without hesitation.

This road is very narrow. It can only pass the width of an adult, and there is no branch in the road. I went straight into it. It didn't take long for me to see the dilapidated noodle restaurant that Wen Jiubai said.

It is said that this shop is a noodle shop, because in my opinion, it is more like a simple shed than a shop, with a gray rain cover on the top. A simple wall made of wooden planks, a window opened in the center, from which we can see a shadow of someone busy.

"Oh, there are guests, wait a minute, what do you want to eat?"

The shop owner seemed to have my arrival, wiped his hands in a hurry, and walked out.

It didn't matter, he and I were all startled and screamed.

My exclamation is for nothing else because ... the owner of this noodle shop is not human at all.

The owner has a cat's face, brown fur, and long beards on both sides of his cheek. His arm is also a cat's paw, and he can see the two tails exposed from behind, like a big cat as tall as a human. But he was dressed like a human, and he was wearing an apron, apparently just coming out of the kitchen.

"You, what are you!" I shouted, taking a few steps back, not controlling my voice.

"Wait ... I should ask you this question, right?" The cat owner was also a frightened expression, and then he frowned in doubt, and approached me carefully, "Oh, this guest, isn't it human?"

What does it mean to be human? I couldn't get my neck around in one breath, making me look like a rare species!

"Oh, disrespect and disrespect." The cat boss is now back to normal, and he apologized to me. "It's really rare. The shop hasn't received human guests for many years. It's just offensive."

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