Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 161: Nothing else

"For me, that person has always been out of reach. Bayi Chinese website W? W? W.81? W.COM because I always watch him behind me, so even if he doesn't remember me, it is very It's normal. I thought I would never see him again. I didn't expect that I could look at him this way with your blessing this time, and I was very satisfied. "

Listening to Chu Bai's words, my heart was mixed, and the sadness in my dream seemed to be back in my chest.

"Jubai, in fact I--" I couldn't help but open my mouth, trying to tell the truth about Chubai, but was interrupted by Chubai.

"I've known for a long time! You little kid who likes to peep at others."

My face turned red after a slap, "Hey! I'm not a guy who likes to peep at people, you are!"

"I'm in your body, why don't you know what dreams you have at night?" Chu Baiyou said, "But you are such a good child. You do n’t tell me after dreaming, I ’m afraid Am I hurt? But then you will look down on me too much. I am a lonely soul wandering around the world for hundreds of years. Do n’t say that you are careful. I ’m afraid there is nothing that can hurt me in this world. ”

"..." I heard the voice of Chu Bai, speechless.

"Although when he asked who I was, he did have some sadness in his heart. But as time passed, I understood one thing when I wandered between the gaps of yin and yang day by day."

"what's up?"

"That is, he and I live in two completely different worlds. What we see are different landscapes, and we smell different air. It is impossible for two people to intersect. ... even though I yearn for him, I can only look up and look up at his background. "Chu Bai smiled softly.

"I didn't know it until later. When Mr. Wen was alone in the courtyard, he often talked to the passing monsters or ghosts. It was probably too lonely. It was better that he was talking to us little monsters. It is said that he is talking to our extremely lonely through our bodies. Hsu Bai is the name of a bird he once raised, and the name I see as treasure is actually just a casual mention of him That's it. "

"How can this be," I mumbled.

"However, Gu Yu, I'm still very happy!" Chu Bai's tone became cheerful again, and I could even imagine her blinking playfully, "You let me see a different Mr. Wen."

"No, different Mr. Wen?" I stuttered.

"No matter what time was before, Mr. Wen's expression was very lonely. He was always alone, I watched him for so long, but no one has ever walked beside him. He seems to be waiting for someone , His eyes always look far away, as if the soul is missing. "

Wen Jiubai in Chu Bai's mouth made me feel strange. Wen Jiubai, a lonely soulless person, sounded incredible.

From the time we first met, Wen Jiubai in my memory always showed a strong and confident atmosphere. Not only that, he also often made fun of me, playing with a temper like a child from time to time, which made people helpless.

"But this time he has changed a lot. He always smiles. Not only that, but his eyes are also energetic. It almost looks like he has completely changed. So I was thinking, probably the person he had been waiting for Finally came to him. "

"Then who is he waiting for?" I asked stupidly.

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid!" Hsu Bai said in a hateless steel.

"Ah?" I was confused.

"Is there anyone else beside Mr. Wen besides you?"

Stand ...

Wen Jiubai's side?

Wait, the direction of the topic suddenly started a bit wrong!

"No, no, you think too much! Definitely you think too much!" I quickly waved, "I know him and it is just a coincidence, a very accidental event, how could he have been waiting for me!"

"Human devil." Chu Bai chuckled, "After so many things, do you really believe in the word" coincidence "?"

I was suddenly stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Although I don't know why, your presence must be very important to Mr. Wen. You should really look at the look he sees you, that look, like--" Chu Bai thought for a moment, seriously Said, "It's like, there is nothing else in this world except you."

After I heard this sentence, I was completely frightened, and didn't even know how to answer it.

"So, you must cherish some things now, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it later." Chu Bai laughed. "Otherwise, you will be like me, even if you die. I regret it all my life. "

I hesitated and said, "Thank you, I see."

Chu Bai also laughed, her voice came out of my mouth, it was a very strange and pleasant sound.

"Although I don't know what is going on between you, but seeing the two of you working together to seal the behemoth of the eagle owl, I always feel that as long as you are together, more miracles will be created. This is not very good Thing? "

Chu Bai's thinking is probably very simple.

What you see is what is good. What is good is what is bad. Probably because of this, she was able to accept the fact that Wen Jiubai didn't remember her so calmly.

But in fact, things are not as simple as she said. Wen Jiubai is not a kind person, even me ... not a naive human child.

However, because of this, Chu Bai's words will make me particularly moved.

"Ah, it's getting late. I should be almost gone, too." Chu Bai said softly, "What's your name here-Gu Yu, right? Gu Yu, I'm really glad to meet you."

"Wait, that, actually ..." I said quickly, "You can stay a little longer, that's okay! I won't mind!"

"Are you really stupid?" I felt Hina Bai controlling my hand and pinching my own cheek.

"It hurts, what are you doing?"

"I don't belong to this world. If I stay here for too long, your body will not be able to bear it. Over time, it will be corroded by radon and the whole body will rot. In a week, it is already the limit I have to go. "

"So, where are you going?" I asked quickly, "Will you go to the underworld? Will it be reincarnated?"

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