So now I have been easing the relationship with my daughter.

The only pity is that Li Huiyan's mother-in-law and father-in-law died early, and they were still mad at her son.

Li Huiyan was very happy when she saw Zhou Ye.

"Husband", Li Huiyan was a little concerned in the past. After all, she has two daughters, but now, the daughters all know about it, and there is no objection.

She didn't even care.

The two daughters may still have some concerns in their hearts, and have always called Zhou Ye their uncle.


In the evening, Zhou Ye and Li Huiyan once again had a blast.

Overturning the river and the sea.

The battle was very fierce.

Fortunately, Li Huiyan learned from the previous experience and used sound insulation materials.

So no matter how loud the sound inside, it wouldn't affect the two daughters.

After the two closed the door, they no longer had any worries.

Li Huiyan wanted to keep her voice down, but he couldn't suppress it, and finally screamed.

That kind of cry stimulated Zhou Ye even more.

One after another.


In the early morning, Li Huiyan's face was radiant, just like the wife on the wedding night, her mental outlook changed.

Although Li Huiyan is different now, her identity has changed.

But she always got up early to make breakfast.

The best for the two daughters.

Now that Zhou Ye is here, he has made one more serving.

In the past, after breakfast, Li Huiyan would drive her Mercedes-Benz to take her two daughters to school.

But with Zhou Ye around, this kind of thing is left to the driver.

It happened that Zhou Ye also dropped by.

Ye Guangrong drove Zhou Ye's Phantom Rolls-Royce with Zhou Ye, Wang Siyu and Wang Sitian sisters.

delivered to the school gate.

This scene happened to be seen by the classmates of the Wang sisters.

Can't help exclaiming.

They did not expect that the Wang sisters' family would be so rich.

Although they didn't know what this car was, it was unusual at first glance.

Also, that license plate, even they know, this is not an ordinary license plate.

Chapter 364 Feng Jianxiang of the New Moon Club came to confess and beg for mercy

"Study hard, do you know?" Zhou Ye was still very relieved about the two little girls.

Learning is good.

Moreover, Zhou Ye also used his connections to get the two little girls into a noble school.

Although the tuition is expensive, the teaching is really good.

There are also foreign teachers.

The teachers inside are not ordinary people either.

This is what Li Huiyan begged him, and then he made a phone call and directly arranged the two little girls in.

Some things, it's not that you can't change it, it's that you don't have the strength to change it.


Wang Siyu and Wang Sitian are obviously more cheerful now, holding hands and entering the school directly.

Talking and laughing.

Today is different from the past.

They used to have low self-esteem, but now...

They are super confident.


After Zhou Ye sent the two little girls away, nothing happened.

At noon, Zhou Ye's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, 823 "Hello, hello".

"Is that Mr. Zhou Ye?" A very old voice sounded.

"Who are you?" Although Zhou Ye felt familiar, he still couldn't tell who it was.

"I'm Feng Jianxiang, the old man who lost the bet with you." Feng Jianxiang's voice was a little low, looking a little embarrassed.

"Oh, are you here to apologize to me, or is there something else?" Zhou Ye immediately knew who was coming.

"Uh," Feng Jianxiang choked, "I want to talk to you, can I?"

Zhou Ye smiled and understood what Feng Jianxiang was paying attention to. "Okay, no problem." Zhou Ye didn't refuse. He wanted to see what tricks this old man could play.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the New Moon Club." Feng Jianxiang hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

"This dead old man dared to hang up on me, this time you must bleed a lot." Zhou Ye scolded secretly after listening to the beeping sound inside.

Crescent Club is a very high-end clubhouse, located in the northwest of the city center. Because of its elegant environment, excellent service and comfortable decoration, many celebrities and white-collar workers are willing to interview business here.

Of course, the New Moon Guild Hall is not as good as the Spring and Autumn Guild Hall, the Sheng Tang Guild Hall, and even less than the taste of Acacia.

But also very elegant.

Zhou Ye drove to the New Moon Club. From the outside, it looked like an ancient restaurant, and it looked like a small space, but the interior space was huge. There were several security guards and hostesses standing outside the door.

Nie Guangrong let Zhou Ye down, and then parked the car by himself.

The security guard didn't dare to be careless, the car looked like a fork.

"Excuse me, sir, are you looking for someone or eating?" A very beautiful waiter came over and asked Zhou Ye with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm looking for someone, Feng Jianxiang, I don't know where?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Please wait a moment." The waiter turned around and went to the counter to check the records.

Zhou Ye also walked over.

"Is it Mr. Zhou Yelin?" the waiter asked very politely.

"Yes, I am Zhou Ye."

"Elder Feng is in Room 7, please come with me." After confirming his identity, the waiter brought Zhou Ye to a private box.

"Sir, please."

"Okay", Zhou Ye walked into the box, the settings in the box made Zhou Ye very interested, "I didn't expect there would be such an emotional person, it seems that the person who designed the room must be a talented person, I'll ask about it when the time comes. Get into the space and become your own person." Zhou Ye has always been very eager for talents.

"Come on, sit down." Feng Jianxiang looked up at Zhou Ye, then lowered his head and poured Zhou Ye a glass of water.

Zhou Ye pulled out the stool and sat down, watching Feng Jianxiang without saying a word. The two sat in silence like this, and for a while, the room fell into a very strange atmosphere.

"Cough, cough, cough," Feng Jianxiang coughed a few times, after all, he had something to ask for, so he could only speak first, "Mr. Zhou, I hope you can forget about that bet, you can mention whatever conditions you have, as long as I If I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you." Feng Jianxiang lost his arrogance, and he knew that Zhou Ye had a life-saving grace for Liu Lao, so he did not dare to play small tricks on Zhou Ye, otherwise the Liu family's anger would be enough He died a hundred times.

"Oh", Zhou Ye looked at Feng Jianxiang with a playful look, "This is a bet you were going to bet on. Now that you lost, but you want to go back on it, you must know that there were many witnesses at that time."

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you are willing to give up, they won't say anything more, and before this matter gets out, I want to ask you to let me go." Feng Jianxiang is a very face-saving thing. Others know that they have lost a bet with a junior, and they are still in the medical field, then he will not have to mess around in the future, and he will have no face to mess with.

The older generation cherishes feathers.

"I'm thinking about it," Zhou Ye pretended to be thinking.

How could Feng Jianxiang not understand Zhou Ye's meaning, knowing that it would be impossible for him not to bleed, he took out a document from his leather bag, "This is the title deed and house deed of the villa, I have already fixed everything, located in Jingyuan Community, I think you also know the housing prices in Jingyuan Community, the environment there is also one of the best, as long as you agree to my conditions, this villa is yours." Feng Jianxiang handed the contract to Zhou Ye with pain. .

Chapter 365 - Extortion and Extortion of National Treasures

He also checked Zhou Ye's subordinates.

I don't know if I don't check it. After checking the next set, the other party turned out to be a super rich man.

The kind that is not bad at all.

Moreover, the strength is very strong.

At least, he is not an opponent.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Jianxiang admits cowardice. What should he do if he does not admit cowardice?

It's not someone's opponent.

In terms of righteousness, he doesn't care.


Zhou Ye looked at it and didn't answer, "I think you should have investigated me too. Do you think I'll be short of money?"

"I know you're not short of money, but I've even given you a place to retire, so what are you going to do?" Feng Jianxiang was a little helpless.

Zhou Ye sneered, and he didn't believe it anymore, "I'm sorry, goodbye."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Zhou Ye really wanted to go out, Feng Jianxiang was in a hurry.

"What, is there something else?" Zhou Ye turned his head and looked at Feng Jianxiang calmly.

He didn't believe that this old fox had such little assets.

There is no sincerity at all.

"What do you want?" Feng Jianxiang glared at Zhou Ye, he didn't expect Zhou Ye to be so difficult.

"I'm not very good, I just feel that you are not sincere. Could it be that - I admit defeat, is it so difficult?" Zhou Ye asked inexplicably, completely forgetting who he was at the time, and his self-esteem was so strong that it hurts.

"You don't understand, at my age, I don't have many years left to live, and I don't want to leave a stain before I die, so I absolutely don't allow this matter to spread, so I'm giving you How about five million?" Feng Jianxiang felt that his conditions were enough.

"I found that you always mention money. To be honest, money is the least valuable in my eyes. Don't you think it's too funny to buy me with my least valuable things?" Zhou Ye smiled disdainfully.

"What do you want?" Feng Jianxiang's face suddenly turned grim. If murder was not illegal, he really wanted to stab the guy in front of him.

However, he does not have the courage, nor the strength, nor the capital.

"Don't worry, calm down, okay? In this way, I don't want the money, but I heard that you have a very magical little bowl at home. As long as you are willing to give it to me, we will write it off, otherwise everything will be avoided." , Zhou Ye knew that Feng Jianxiang had a very precious little bowl.

Later, this small bowl also made news.

When I first saw him, I felt very familiar, but I didn't remember who it was for a while.

In addition, he wanted to treat Mr. Liu, so he didn't say anything.

But when he thought of Feng Jianxiang later, he remembered this matter.

However, Zhou Ye didn't want to occupy the opponent's bowl.

But now, the other party has come to the door.

Why are you being polite?

" did you know?" Feng Jianxiang looked at Zhou Ye in surprise. He had to know that apart from his wife, no one else knew about it. He didn't even tell his own children. He didn't know. What happened to Zhou Ye, because of this, Feng Jianxiang felt terrible.

"Don't worry about how I knew it, I like your little bowl very much, it depends on whether you think about renunciation, as long as you agree, our bet will be cancelled." Zhou Ye was not afraid that Feng Jianxiang would not agree.

"I...I'll think about it." He, who originally wanted to discuss it, saw Zhou Ye's resolute look, so he had to swallow it in his stomach.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry." Zhou Ye tasted the Longjing in front of him and quietly waited for Feng Jianxiang's answer.

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