Everyone complained in their hearts.

Ye Mu surrounded everyone, seeing that everyone made a helpless look and did not care, only 7, 10, and the two players tightened their hearts, and the eyes behind the mask stared deeply at Ye Mu.

They know something bad!

This No. 4 is the biggest god in the scene, at the beginning of the false wolf pit to lure them, and finally No. 5 was pushed out, but they also fell into the trap!

“Looks like you don’t believe me? I’m going to give you a row of logic now, and now there are 7 people on the field, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, right? There were two werewolves in total for seven people, and we made a mistake and lost the round. ”

Hearing Ye Mu’s words, everyone complained in their hearts.

“Mistake and lose in one round? You fucking don’t even understand the most basic votes, and now you’re pulling the calf? Seven people and two werewolves, how did they make a mistake and lose in one round? Obviously there is one more chance, okay? ”

One player complained in his heart.

“This No. 4 player is really getting more and more lost, what is he thinking?”

“The flow of years is unfavorable, it seems that I can only be trapped in the low segment of the silver segment in my life, helpless.”

The good guy players were speechless in their hearts and asked the sky, they were helpless for such a hunter, and at this time, players 7 and 10 had a big change in their faces.

They know… Ye Mu has seen through everything!

“How is this possible! How did he see it! ”

“Sure enough, we met the big hand, this is the person who really dominates the scene, we may be cold.”

Players No. 7 and No. 10 felt cold in their hearts.

Seeing that everyone didn’t understand, Ye Mu chuckled in his heart, it seems that the configuration of good people in this game is not very high, this group of guys has not reacted yet.

Ye Mu asked rhetorically.

“No. 1 is a villager, there are four people left on the field, assuming that 2, 5, 9, are all villagers, is there one citizen left on the field?”

Hearing Ye Mu’s rhetorical question, the good people denied Ye Mu’s statement without thinking.

Of course, they know what Ye Mu means, werewolves want to slaughter people, but 5, 9, are werewolves, where will these two people are people, since this number five is a good person, then number nine is a werewolf.

In everyone’s mind, there are at least three villagers on the field.

I completely disagreed with Ye Mu’s statement, but 7, 10, and the two players were completely cold when they heard Ye Mu’s words.

Lying directly on the chair, waiting for Ye Mu’s next point, they knew that Ye Mu had already seen through everything.

They’re cold…

Sure enough, at this time, Ye Mu’s voice came slowly again: “I know you don’t believe it, but who is the witch?” Did you know? Popularize it, the witch is the number two player, he was knifed last night and poisoned the eighth werewolf player, as for why the werewolf knife two, number two is not a villager in all our perceptions? ”

“But he’s actually a witch!”

“Werewolves go to the villagers of knife number two, what can they imagine for, and let’s push it backwards, you all think that player number nine is a werewolf, right? But why didn’t player number nine even explain when he killed him on seven? ”

“What profession is least afraid of being voted out?”

Hearing Ye Mu say that everyone here understood, and the 7th, 10th, and two players directly did not even have the heart to struggle, all over, and the original good routine was lost because of a killing error of player No. 7.

Number nine… It’s Shirakami!

Everyone knows this, but there are still many doubts in the hearts of good people.

“Number seven is a werewolf, right? Number Seven is a werewolf, what is his purpose as a jumping prophet? Combined with the fact that the werewolf knife dropped player number two at night, it is clear that the werewolf camp is planning to slaughter the people, so in the vision of the number seven jumping wolf, player number nine is a people’s. ”

“These are two people, right? And player number eight was taken away by number two, what is the basis for proving that player number eight is a werewolf? ”

“He killed player number five, what is player number five most likely? Werewolf! But apart from the werewolf, he is a villager. ”

“These are three villagers, and there are four villagers on the field, player number one is gone, of course he is a villager, two days ago you thought he may be a witch but now there is poison, then player number one is of course a villager.”

“That means 2, 5, 9, out there is only one villager left, you tell me, are werewolves slaughtering people?”

As soon as Ye Mu came down logically, the people in the good guy camp were directly stunned.

Think about it… Indeed it is!

Werewolves are slaughtering people!

Everyone looked at Ye Mu’s eyes from disbelief at the beginning to exaggerated, followed by a look of adoration, and several good people who had secretly laughed at Ye Mu in their hearts before couldn’t help shrinking their necks.

Sure enough, there is a reason why he became a silver rank at a young age.

His talent… Too far behind to catch up with!

“This man… It’s so powerful! ”

“We have always misunderstood him, in fact, he is the real god who controls the whole scene! 78 are really all werewolves! ”

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