After listening to Wang Dong’s words on the phone, Jiang Hao was a little surprised, he really didn’t expect that his ex-girlfriend was going to return to China next month.

And also for their own return home.

What Jiang Hao didn’t expect the most was that his ex-girlfriend returned to China this time, since she was looking for herself to get back together.

“Boss, although I am an outsider, when I was in college, you and Wang Qian had a very good relationship, and I also saw it, and you broke up not because of personality incompatibility, or emotional problems, purely because of the conflict between career and life planning.”

“It’s a pity to say, but now that it’s good, your ex-girlfriend Wang Qian has returned to China, have you ever thought about continuing the frontier with your ex-girlfriend?” Hey. Wang Dong asked curiously.

Jiang Hao’s answer was crisp, “No. ”

“Nothing? Why, I heard that your ex-girlfriend is now doing very successfully in her career and is more beautiful than before. ”

“The reunion of old lovers, and the continuation of the frontier, what a lot.”

“Or, boss, do you have a girlfriend now? Who, is it also our Jiangda? ”

“Or a colleague you know at work?”

“Why didn’t I hear you before, boss!” Wang Dong asked suspiciously.

Although it is said that Jiang Hao and Wang Dong have a very good relationship, they were very iron in college.

However, since graduating from university, in the past few years, because everyone has their own jobs and has gone to different cities to develop, they usually don’t meet much, and they have less contact.

So I didn’t know that Jiang Hao was married and had two daughters.

“Aren’t you coming to Jiangbei next week? At that time, I will formally introduce you to each other, and it will not be clear for a while on the phone. ”

“Well, okay, next week I’ll go to Jiangbei on a business trip, when the time comes, let’s get together well, have a drink, and have a good time.”

“Since graduating from college, boss, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!”

“Well, okay, see you next week.”

“Howler! Then boss, you eat dinner, I won’t bother you. ”

After saying this, Jiang Hao hung up the phone, and then the two little guys sitting next to Nuan Nuan and Yoyo asked curiously, “Dad, who called you just now?” ”

“It’s a classmate from Dad University, coming to Jiangbei next week, we haven’t seen each other for many years, and we may go out for dinner then.”

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo asked, “When the time comes, can you take us with you?” ”

“Of course.”

Jiang Hao rubbed the little heads of the two little guys.

“Oye, that’s great!” The two little ones laughed happily.

Then the family of 4 eats dinner.

After dinner, Nuan Nuan and Yoyo were very sensible, so they helped clean up the mess.

Immediately after, I looked at the time, and it was just around 8 o’clock.

The family of 4 sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while, at this time warm and leisurely said, “Dad, dinner is over, now the digestion is almost the same, we want to go out to watch a movie, recently there is a very good cartoon movie to be released, very good, we want to watch.” ”

“Can you show us?” Mom, too. ”

When Nuan Nuan and Yoyo finished saying this, they didn’t have time to wait for Jiang Hao to answer.

The system’s prompt tone suddenly sounded, and what appeared in front of Jiang Hao’s eyes were two options.

Option one, promise to take your daughters to the movies, and after the task is completed, you can get a lottery opportunity.

Option two, refuse to take their daughters to the movies, and get a reward of 100,000 yuan.

Jiang Hao chose the first option very decisively, as a good father, how can he refuse such a simple request from his daughter?

So Jiang Hao agreed, “Okay, you guys want to go to the movies, right?” It’s only 8 o’clock, it’s not too late, let’s go, put on shoes and coats, dad will take you to the movies. ”

“Whatever you want to see, Dad will show you!”

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Jiang Hao said with a smile.

The two little guys, Nuan Nuan and Yoyo, laughed excitedly, “So, dad, you agreed?” Are you sure? That’s great! ”

Jiang Hao smiled, “Look at the appearance of you two little guys, isn’t it just for you to watch a movie?” What a big deal, go, get dressed, it’s cold at night, don’t look back and catch a cold. ”

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