Jiang Hao drove the car and soon went straight to the warm and leisurely kindergarten!

Right now!

At the gate of a kindergarten, because it was already school time, many parents who came to pick up their children had already driven their cars or rode small electric cars to the school gate!

Pick up your own children.

And the kindergarten children, out of the school gate, are also running to their parents!

As for some children from single-parent families, or parents who can’t come to work, they are somewhat disappointed!

Children, especially at this age.

For their children at this time, having their parents pick up after school is really a thing to show off!

No, many children have waved to their friends.

Bye bye! My mom and dad came to pick me up! See you tomorrow!

Many children followed their parents.

And some parents did not come, just take the school bus back.

But in the heart, quite envious!

It’s warm and leisurely at this time.

The two little guys were standing at the gate of the school, obediently waiting for Jiang Hao!

Yoyo took the lead and said, “Sister, why hasn’t our father come yet?” Is there something that can’t come temporarily? Why didn’t I see Daddy! ”

Yoyo looked around, but he really didn’t see Jiang Hao.

And seeing the friends around, the parents of the classmates have already come to pick them up.

So it’s also a little bit of anxiety!

Nuan Nuan said, “It’s okay, wait a minute, maybe Dad will come and pick us up later?” ”

“Wait a minute!”

Yoyo nodded obediently, “Oh good! ”

After waiting for a few minutes, a few little girls who had a good relationship with Nuan Nuan and Yoyo in the kindergarten came over at this time.

Warm and leisurely, after school, why don’t you go home?

Waiting for your dad?

Nuan Nuan and leisurely nod, uh-yes!

The little girls replied, “How about you take our car?” My dad drove an Audi to pick me up, and I asked my dad to take you back! ”

Another little girl also said, “Be my daddy’s Land Rover!” My dad can send you back too! It’s no problem to give you a ride! ”

Although these little girls are not deliberately showing off anything, the little girls have a natural worship for their father!

Especially after school, my father drove a good car to pick him up, which just felt very faced.

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo shook their heads, “No need, our father should come to pick us up soon.” ”

As soon as the words were said, the eyes of these parents and children at the entrance of the kindergarten.

All of a sudden, a car coming this way was locked.

Take a look! That car seems to be an air kinetic energy car that New Century Auto Group recently planned to release!

New Century C1, is the name of this car!

It is also the first model released by New Century Automotive Group.

Worth millions, and most importantly, the car breaks through fuel and electrical limitations.

The conversion of air into kinetic energy is said to have caused a huge sensation in the automotive industry!

Many foreign automobile manufacturers, since this time, have personally flown to China and want to talk to the boss of New Century Auto Group about this technology.

Many people offered sky-high prices to buy this technology.

But without exception, they were rejected!

And this car will be released tomorrow around 10 am!

But strange.

Since the sale will be released at 10 a.m. tomorrow… So how, someone drove it today?

What is the situation?

Could it be that the owner of this car is an insider of New Century Auto Group?

While everyone was talking.

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo didn’t care too much, still waiting for Jiang Hao.

But I didn’t expect that the person who got down from this car was Jiang Hao.

Daddy of these two little guys!

Yoyo laughed happily, and stomped his foot excitedly, “Sister sister, look at it!” It turns out that the car belongs to Daddy! ”

“It really is!” Nuan Nuan was also shocked.

Indeed, I didn’t expect that the person who walked down from under this new century C1 car turned out to be Jiang Hao.

Although two days ago, Nuan Nuan and Yoyo proposed to Jiang Hao.

Said that the new century car is going to be released recently, this car is particularly good, ask Dad to buy one.

In this way, it can be more convenient to go out in the future, and you can also take them on a self-driving trip on weekends, how good!

But here’s the problem.

This car has not been officially launched yet, and it will not be officially sold until 10 am tomorrow when the official 4S store is on sale!

But Dad… Why did he open it today?

Could it be that Dad knows someone within the New Century Auto Group?

Trust relationship bought in advance?

Or is it something else?

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo, the two little guys, were shocked at this time.

The expression can no longer be described in ordinary words! The faces of the two daughters are full of the words adoration!

The little girls next to them also had a surprised expression, “Wow, warm and leisurely, is that your father?” ”

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo At this time, his face was full of smug little expressions.

yes, that’s our dad!

Well, just tell you, our dad will definitely come to pick us up!

That’s right!

The most surprising thing about these little girls.

Not only because, Jiang Hao drives an air kinetic energy car that has been particularly popular on the Internet recently.

Compared to their father’s broken Audi and broken Land Rover, I don’t know how many grades higher!

Because, their father’s car is in the name plate, that is also a fuel car.

And the warm and leisurely dad drove the car.

That’s the air kinetic energy car that has attracted much attention around the world recently!

It is said that New Century Automotive Group sells only 99 aerokinetic vehicles.

One of the cars seemed to have been reserved for the boss of their group.

The remaining 99 vehicles are all sold to the outside world!

More than a billion people across the country, as well as many foreign friends, have recently come to Jiangbei!

So many people scrambled for the only 99 cars.

How small is the probability of grabbing one of them?

It’s no less than buying a lottery ticket to win a jackpot of 5 million, right?

“Warm and warm, your dad is really good! I actually bought the air kinetic energy car of New Century Group, listen to my father, this car does not need fuel, but cattle! ”

“And only 99 cars are sold, your dad can grab one, but it’s awesome!” My God, I originally thought that my dad was already more powerful, but I didn’t expect your dad to have too many cows than my dad! ”

“Compared to your dad, my dad is a waste.” These little girls all looked at Nuan Nuan and leisurely with envy, plus spit on their respective fathers, and staged a show of filial piety.

“Moreover, your father’s appearance is too high!”

“How handsome! It’s too much handsome than the little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, unlike our dad, it’s all beer belly Mediterranean, ah! How can this be, why is it so unfair, your dad is so handsome, but our dad is so sloppy! ”

“Nuan Nuan Yoyo, do you know how much we envy you now!”

These little girls in front of them are very emotional and very envious!

And the two little guys Nuan Nuan and Yoyo also feel that the thief is cool in his heart!

Then soon, Jiang Hao came over.

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo jumped in place twice happily, and then quickly beckoned to Jiang Hao!

Daddy Daddy, we’re here, here, here!

Warm and leisurely waving hands.

Jiang Hao noticed it at once, and then walked over.

Immediately afterwards, the two little cuties of Nuan Nuan and Yoyo suddenly threw themselves into Jiang Hao’s arms!

And then coquettish.

“Dad, you finally came to pick us up, I thought you weren’t coming!” Warm and leisurely, milky voice, this tone, this voice, and this little expression, so cute.

Anyone who looks at it will probably feel that their hearts will be melted by these two little cuties.

Jiang Hao rubbed his warm and leisurely little head!

How so? Dad actually promised to pick you up in the evening, so he must have done what he said!

Nuan and yoyo nodded happily, uh-huh!

“Then let’s go, go home!” Nuan Nuan took Jiang Hao’s hand, and then smiled, by the way, dad, what are you going to do for us tonight?

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo said this at the same time.

Like the little girls just now, the friends said.

Bye bye, see you tomorrow!

These little girls, stay where they are, too envious!

Look at people’s dads!

Handsome, very gentle to his daughter, and drove such a good car to pick up his daughter.

There is a saying that is very good, if you don’t compare, there will be no harm!

Originally, they thought their father was very good.

After all, hundreds of thousands of brand-name cars drove them home.

It’s also a comparison.

However, compare it with the warm and leisurely father.

This gap is immediately highlighted!

Suddenly, I felt that their father couldn’t even compare to a finger of their warm and leisurely father!

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