Chapter 74 Daddy you are so powerful, this bunny doll is so cute, we like it so much!.

Although Jiang Hao’s technique of clamping the doll is okay, he does not dare to guarantee 100% that he can clamp it at one time. Coupled with the fact that so many people around him are watching, it is inevitable that the pressure is a little big.

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo said at this time,

“Dad, it’s okay, you can add it, it doesn’t matter if you get it or not, it doesn’t matter!”

“Yes, Dad, you can just let go and hold the doll, it’s okay.”

Hearing the two daughters say this, Jiang Hao nodded with a smile.

Rubbed the heads of the two little girls.

Okay, then you guys wait and see, daddy will clip it for you. Try not to disappoint you.

“Uh-huh 093, Dad, Yoyo and I believe you can!”

Then, when he finished saying this, the two little girls stopped saying anything.

Instead, he was on the side, quietly watching, how Jiang Hao picked up the doll next. Then, under the attention of many people, Jiang Hao began to prepare to add.

It turned out to be a pity that this time it failed and did not clip the doll.

These passers-by next to them, when they saw this, they all started talking about it.

“Look, I said, this is often not so good to clamp, I just hung up a dozen times and did not clip, and finally went to the store next door to buy a doll for my daughter.”

“Yes, this thing is really difficult, and ordinary people can’t get it all at once.”

“Don’t say it once or twice, even if you do it a dozen times, you may not be able to catch it.”

“It’s already hung up once just now, I reckon, Jiang Hao will have to hang this time next.”

“Well, I also think that this one is also enough to hang a lot.”

Passers-by next to them are whispering next to them, obviously not very optimistic.

Nuan Nuan and leisurely encouragement said,

“It’s okay dad, no one can clip the doll at once, it’s okay to continue, we’re optimistic about you.”

Then this time, Jiang Hao not only clipped one out, but also dropped one by the way, clipping one and getting one free.

Nuan Nuan and Yoyo At this time, he was instantly excited,

“Wow dad you are too powerful, not only caught the doll, but also down one, too powerful, worthy of our father, what a cow.”

When Nuan Nuan and Yoyo finished saying this.

Passers-by nearby, as well as parents and children around, also expressed their surprise. Indeed, the probability of this doll machine catching the doll is too low. You can get it for the second time, and it’s not very common.

And most importantly, not only the doll was clipped, but also the ligament was slightly lowered, and this probability is not too low!

Jiang Hao then gave the two dolls to the hands of the two little girls, Nuan Nuan and Yoyo,

“Okay, you two little girls, this is the doll you two want, daddy clipped it, now give it to you.”

After Nuan Nuan and Yoyo took it, a very happy expression appeared on his face,

“Thank you Dad, the doll is so cute! Not bad, good, really good. ”

Seeing the happy expressions on the faces of the two daughters, Jiang Hao, as a father, was also quite satisfied, so he said at this time,

“Okay, then daddy will clip you a few more dolls next, and make sure you return with a full load.”

The moment he said this, Nuan Nuan and Yoyo looked at him in surprise.

Yes? Dad, do you still want to clamp so?

Jiang Hao nodded,

“Of course, how come there are so many game coins.”

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