Urban Witcher

Chapter 1013 Little Apprentice Distress 2

Zhang Xiaorui quickly undressed and the monster crawled out.

After being stunned for a second, the monster suddenly jumped onto Zhang Xiaorui's face.

Zhang Xiaorui couldn't help screaming, opened his mouth, and the monster immediately got in.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He grabbed the thing's two legs and felt the tentacles were slippery and cold. He felt unspeakably uncomfortable, and he couldn't care less.

With his left hand, he took out the Extermination Nail from the bag, stabbed it at the bat, pierced through, black blood gushed out, flowed onto the sharp edge of the Extermination Nail, and was immediately dried, turning into an extremely stench thick smoke.

Ye Shaoyang pinched the monster's bald and round head with two fingers, pulled it out forcefully, and stuck it into the ground with the Mie Ling Nail, leaving it alone, went to check on Zhang Xiaorui's situation.

Zhang Xiaorui bent over and lay on the ground, and began to vomit.

"Are you all right?" Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder. Seeing her trembling all over, he thought she was frightened.

While patting her, comforting her softly, he turned to look at the monster.

The monster was stuck on the ground, its big round mouth opened, revealing two pairs of fangs, and it made a sound like sawing wood, which was very uncomfortable to hear.

This monster had a pair of bat-like wings, but only then did Ye Shaoyang and the others see clearly that it was not a bat at all, but a toad covered in warts, but with an extra pair of wings and a mouth The two pairs of fangs looked extremely weird and chilling.

The toad was nailed to the ground by the Mie Ling nail, and after struggling for a while, Lao Guo crouched in front of him and watched for a while, grabbed a handful of yellow mounting paper in his hand, grabbed the toad, and was about to lift it up.

A puff of black air rose from the yellow mounting paper, and it was immediately corroded.

The toad turned into a pool of viscous blood in the blink of an eye.

"What the hell is this!" Lao Guo took out a bamboo tube, opened the plug, and the seven-tailed centipede crawled out, approached the pool of dirty blood, seemed to sniff it, and then immediately crawled back into the bamboo tube without looking back.

Zhang Xiaorui finally finished vomiting.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to help her to sit aside for a while, but Zhang Xiaorui just took a step, and immediately his legs gave way and fell on Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang hugged her and looked at her face, suddenly pale with shock:

Zhang Xiaorui's face turned purple, both cheeks seemed to be beating like nerves, twitching non-stop, and something like pus and blood came out of a pair of eyes.

"how so!"

"I... I was bitten by that thing... It seems that something got in..." Zhang Xiaorui struggled to finish the sentence, and fell into a coma on the spot, collapsing into Ye Shaoyang's arms.

"This is Gu, blood Gu!" Lao Guo looked at what Zhang Xiaorui had spit out before, and sighed in a trembling voice. That puddle is not food at all, but red and green pus and blood!

Ye Shaoyang opened Zhang Xiaorui's mouth with two fingers, asked Lao Guo for a flashlight, and shone a light on his mouth. He found that the tongue was swollen like a sausage, and there were indeed two tooth marks on it, and the blood that flowed out turned black.

"No matter what it is, we must quickly pull out the poisonous blood!"

Ye Shaoyang carefully laid Zhang Xiaorui on the ground, opened the backpack by himself, and looked for the needle box of the eighteen needles, but he couldn't find it.

"It's broken, it must have been left at home!" Ye Shaoyang knocked his head, and now it's too late to go back and get it.

Old Guo reminded from the side: "Little brother, you must quickly suck out the poisonous blood!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Are you coming?"

"I'm an old man, how decent! She will kill me when she wakes up." Lao Guo waved his hand.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Ma Cheng.

Ma Cheng also quickly waved his hands. "You are his master, come here. She won't do anything to you."

It was important to save people, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to quickly melt a bowl of talisman water, took a sip, hesitated, and poured the talisman water into his mouth.

Zhang Xiaorui immediately twitched all over, instinctively showing pain and resistance.

He thought to himself that it was a good thing he didn't let Ma Chenglai suck it, the poisonous blood was too poisonous, and he had the body protected by the blood of a celestial master, as long as he wasn't penetrated by Gu insects, he wouldn't be invulnerable to ordinary rootless poisons.

If it was Ma Cheng, it is estimated that Xiaorui hadn't been saved, he was poisoned and lay down first.

Ye Shaoyang saw Zhang Xiaorui wake up a little bit, opened his eyes, looked at himself with cloudy eyes, immediately felt a little embarrassed, let go of her mouth, and hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, you are poisoned..."

Zhang Xiaorui closed her eyes again, and fell softly into his arms.

With the discharge of the venom, Ye Shaoyang felt her swollen tongue shrink a little bit. He took a photo with a flashlight, and the color and size were normal. Then he took a breath, took out a bottle of pure water, rinsed his mouth, and cleared the tongue. Residual venom.

"Your lips are swollen, it's exaggerated."

When Ye Shaoyang heard what Ma Cheng said, he touched it himself, and the two lips were indeed swollen like two sausages.

"It's okay, the toxin will be gone."

Ma Cheng smiled at him, "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell Xiaoru what happened just now."

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you. Something big is about to happen." Ye Shaoyang looked at Zhang Xiaorui in his arms, and frowned.

Ma Cheng was taken aback, "Why, haven't you sucked out the toxin, isn't it healed?"

"If only it were that simple. This is a Gu in a Gu. The blood toad has a real Gu worm in its body. When it bit her, it had already penetrated into its body. Taking drugs only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and temporarily relieves the superficial symptoms."

As Ye Shaoyang said, he took out Diaomu's large coin from his belt, drew a talisman, and baked it under the copper coin.

Where the talisman fire was close to the copper coin, the flame immediately turned purple.

After one talisman was burned, Ye Shaoyang cut his fingertips and dripped a drop of blood on the copper coin. He heard a beep, and the blood spread, dyeing the Diaomu big coin red.

Ye Shaoyang stringed the carved mother's big money with a red thread, stuffed it under Zhang Xiaorui's tongue, and wrapped the red thread around one front tooth to prevent her from swallowing the copper coin.

"Let's go back first!" Ye Shaoyang carried Zhang Xiaorui on his back and walked quickly to the gate of the cemetery.

"You guys go first! I'll bury the grave!" Old Guo told Ma Cheng to go first.

After getting Zhang Xiaorui into Ma Cheng's car, Ma Cheng started the car and said, "Where are you going now?"

"Go to where I live, hurry up." Ye Shaoyang reported the address.

Ma Cheng drove the car very fast, repeatedly running red lights along the way.

"Can you save her?" Ma Cheng asked while driving.


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