Urban Witcher

Chapter 1030 Furious Fight 4

"Grandma Luyun, how can you let him jump down? If he rescues the girl and comes up, the river god will be angry!"

An old woman grabbed Mu Qingyu's hand and said dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to be presumptuous. After all, her brother is a priest in the clan, and she herself is a witch.

Grandma is the honorific title for the goddess.

"Yes, Grandma Luyun, the mountain torrent is breaking out right now when the river god is awake. I think it is the river god's will for the girl to fall. If they are allowed to board the boat and the river god blames them, our whole boat will be destroyed." Turn it over!" Another person beside him said with a worried face.

Mu Qingyu frowned, and said, "He's a Han Chinese, he's different from us, so don't blame him. He's a mage, maybe he can find a way."

"How can a person fight against the river god in the water? What can I do!"

Several people around shook their heads again and again.

Mu Qingyu looked up.

Ye Shaoyang had already swam to the girl's side, and the girl hugged him as if she had grabbed a straw.

It is said that after a person falls into the water, he will lose his mind, and will desperately grab the rescuer, bursting out with astonishing power when he is dying. Often can drown the rescuer together.

Ye Shaoyang's swimming skills were not good in the first place, but after being hugged by that girl, he couldn't move immediately, and the water flow was so fast that he accidentally drank several sips of water.

Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang has practiced Xuanqing Mountain Physical Art for more than ten years, and his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people. He opened her arms hard, held her in his arms, adjusted her, and then he slowed down a little. swim.

"Don't come, don't come!"

Almost everyone shouted together.

"You will make the river god angry with us, and the whole ship will sink."

Some people squeezed to the stern of the boat, occupying all the space, and did not give them any room to get on the boat. Even looking at the situation, Ye Shaoyang believed that if he really got close, he would be kicked back into the water.

shook his head. Ye Shaoyang speeded up and swam to the side of the ship. The power of this kind of boat is very poor, and it drives very slowly, which cannot match the speed of swimming.

Ye Shaoyang swam to the side of the boat in one breath, grabbed a swimming ring hanging in the water—actually it was a car inner tube, and the side of the boat was very high, so he didn't want to go up, and planned to let the boat take it to the other side.

For him, swimming was obviously more difficult than catching ghosts, especially with a person in his arms, Ye Shaoyang didn't have the confidence to swim to the other side.

The people on the boat rushed to Ye Shaoyang and shouted at him to let him go. Mu Qingyu couldn't stop it alone.

An old man even stretched out his leg to kick Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang got angry for a moment, grabbed the old man's leg, and pulled him into the water with all his strength.

The old man quickly grabbed the tire, and with the help of the people on board, he pulled it back onto the boat.

Ye Shaoyang's hand made those on the boat who wanted to kick him afraid to stretch their legs.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the girl in his arms: she was wearing a Miao-style long floral dress, a little older than himself, about twenty-three, with yellow hair, big eyes, and good looks. He also came back to his senses, hugged Ye Shaoyang's neck, and sat quietly in his arms.

Accidentally... the hero saved the beauty?

"Ah, what is that!" The people on the boat were agitated, and they stepped back one after another, looking behind Ye Shaoyang.

"Be careful!" Mu Qingyu yelled.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned his head, only to see a turbid wave in the rushing river, two or three meters high, rushing towards him.

What the hell!

Ye Shaoyang was about to see what happened when the waves suddenly fell, and the riverside returned to its original state, leaving only a circle of ripples spreading around.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know well, he was in the water, he was not good at fighting skills, besides, there was another person in his arms, and he didn't care about the objections of the people on the boat, so he wanted to jump on the boat, suddenly, the girl in his arms sank down, and at the same time screamed call out.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the girl's arm, but the force was so great that he sank into the water with him.

At the same time, Ye Shaoyang felt his legs tighten, as if being entangled by something. He opened his eyes in the water and looked down. It turned out to be a large group of hair, spreading like algae, entangled their legs, Keep climbing up.

Ye Shaoyang felt that his whole body was being strangled, as if he was losing strength, so he went closer to look at the girl, struggled for a while, and passed out.

Hurry up and save her, or she will die!

The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the magic method of Yin and Yang, Fuhua Tianwang, descending to fix Tianyi!

Ye Shaoyang recited the spell silently in his heart, squeezed his left hand, and pointed towards the messy hair crawling up to his waist.

A strand of hair receded immediately, but the rest was tied up by more hair, spreading all the way to the upper body.

It was only now that Ye Shaoyang knew that the hair was not the real body of the other party, but unfortunately his sight was blocked in the water, Ye Shaoyang scanned around, but couldn't find where the real body with the hair was.

The whole body of the girl in front of her was covered by her hair, like a black cocoon, only one hand protruded from it, and Ye Shaoyang held it tightly, not daring to let go.

The hair wrapped around his body kept tightening, Ye Shaoyang felt pain all over his body, as if the hair had been pulled into his skin.

This kind of pain is easy to say, the key point is: before I entered the water, I took a long breath, persisted until now, and it was almost used up. If I didn't take another breath, I would suffer the same fate as that girl.

Even if I am a man with the highest level of Taoism, I am a human being after all, and I have to breathe if I am a human being, otherwise I will die...

Ye Shaoyang squeezed the finger with his left hand, and kept pointing it everywhere on his body. Every finger down could disperse a pile of hair, but when the finger was moved to another place, the pile of hair immediately climbed up again...

Soon, his whole body was completely trapped by the hair, and some hair began to drill into his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, he hurriedly recited the mantra, and blocked it with Gang Qi.

The waves rolled on the water, and then slowly calmed down.

"It's dead!" Someone expressed emotion and sighed, "Young people don't know the rules, they are good people, what a pity."

"I hope the river god will not anger us, the boatman, let's go!"

All of a sudden everyone shouted, telling the boatman to hurry up and sail.

Mu Qingyu lay on the railing, looking at the water, with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, she gritted her teeth and took out a porcelain bottle from her pocket. After opening it, she poured all the powder inside into the water.


Realgar exorcises evil spirits, restrains all ghosts and ghosts, especially in water, it is easier to spread, but the range is too large, and the best result of realgar in the water is to slow down the movements of the water ghost.

She can't swim, and going into the water is just looking for death, which doesn't help, so she can only use this method to do her part.

I hope I can help Ye Shaoyang. If he is not dead.

"Grandma Luyun, you, you will anger the God of the River!" Someone exclaimed.


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