Urban Witcher

Chapter 1034 Mu Qingyu's Forbearance

Ye Shaoyang was very moved. He couldn't help scratching her nose, smiled, and said, "Your cultivation level has soared recently. I'm a little surprised that you can even control demons."

Meihua said: "I haven't used my full strength yet. The Xiaoyao Fan you gave me last time, I have already refined it to a small degree, and its power is really terrifying. When I completely refine it, it will be amazing."

After Ye Shaoyang heard this, he was also happy for her.

"Boss, I won't go back yet. Since this catfish spirit has a water ghost mask, there may be more. I want to search, find out its cave, and see what's going on. After I deal with it, I'll go back to the ghost domain directly." .”

Ye Shaoyang nodded again and again, admiring Meihua's carefulness in his heart, which he didn't even think of.

After chatting for a while, the two said goodbye. Ye Shaoyang watched Meihua dive into the water, waved his hand, and then stepped forward to pick up the unconscious girl on his back, and called Mu Qingyu to go on the road.

"I didn't expect you to have such profound magic power!"

It took Mu Qingyu a long time to come back to her senses and said this sentence.

He had pretended to be coercive before, but now he was praised again, Ye Shaoyang felt a little embarrassed, and stuck out his tongue at Mu Qingyu.

"If you kill this catfish spirit, your people won't trouble me, will you?"

"You are so powerful, they will definitely not trouble you, and you are a foreigner, if you are not good enough, you can just leave, but I can't."

Mu Qingyu said sadly: "To help you, I did something I shouldn't have done today."

"help me?"

After Ye Shaoyang asked, he finally understood why the water ghost's hair suddenly loosened at that time. At that time, he wondered, it turned out that it was because she sprinkled realgar powder...

It was also fortunate to have her help, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take that breath, and I was almost suffocated at that time.

"Those people disappointed me very much. It's fine if they don't save people themselves, but they actually prevent others from saving people."

Thinking of the reaction of those passengers at that time, Ye Shaoyang also felt a little chilled, and said angrily.

Mu Qingyu said: "You can't blame them all, after all, the customs are different, and they are also scared by that catfish spirit, for fear that if they fail to save others, they will hurt themselves instead."

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "Over the years, has anyone fallen into the water and survived?"

"Of course there is. Catfish spirits are monsters anyway, and they can't see people cannibalize. Some people fell into the water, it was purely accidental, and it has nothing to do with it. Of course not today. They don't know your strength. If you were asked to save people at that time If you get on the boat, everyone on board may die."

Ye Shaoyang smiled disdainfully, "When the girl fell into the water, who knew that it must be the catfish spirit? In other words, it is also possible that she just fell into the water by accident, and it may have saved her. As a result, dare not take risks.

I'm not a living woman, but I can't do it if I watch a person die and don't try to save him! "

Mu Qingyu stopped, looked at his side face steadily, and nodded vigorously, "You are right!"

"You said before that I can leave, why don't you leave?"

Ye Shaoyang picked up the previous topic, "Seeing that you are wearing Hanfu, you are actually closer to Han people in your bones. Don't tell me, you like Miao culture."

Mu Qingyu lowered his head and said sadly, "I want to leave, but I can't."

"Someone controls you and won't let you go?"

"No," Mu Qingyu shook his head, "I have a marriage contract with Baoka. If I leave, I will run away from marriage. In Xiangxi, this is a heinous crime."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "So what, you've already left anyway, let them talk."

Mu Qingyu snorted coldly, "I'm leaving, but my brother, he is the priest of the clan, and his sister ran away from marriage, not to mention how much favor we have received from the patriarch's family over the years, this is simply treachery.

Even if the patriarch doesn't pursue it, my brother, as a priest, will never be able to hold his head up in the Miao Village for the rest of his life. "

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, it turned out that it was because of this...

"You can go with your brother."

Mu Qingyu sighed, "My brother is different from me. He is a pure Hmong man with a sense of responsibility. He will never give up his duties as a priest. He will never leave, so..."

"So you have to sacrifice yourself to fulfill him? Are you going to marry Baoka in the future?"

Mu Qingyu stopped suddenly, shook her head vigorously, and the circles of her eyes began to turn red. "Stop talking about it, I don't want to talk about it."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, sighing secretly in his heart: Now, everything is clear.

The previous suspicions came to light: indeed, no one controlled Mu Qingyu, and no one forced her to stay. She was free, but she would never leave Shibazhai.

This spiritual belief is like a shackle, and it is more effective than any shackle.

He finally figured out why Mu Qingyu's mother wanted her to leave. Although there might be other reasons, at least on the surface, she didn't want her daughter to marry Baoka.

Poor parents all over the world, even if they are ghosts, they still care about the happiness of their children, and they don't even want to reincarnate.

She begged herself to take Mu Qingyu away, but did not mention Mu Qingfeng, because she also knew that Mu Qingfeng belonged to the Miao Village, and it was impossible for him to leave. So she can only try to save her daughter.

But... such a tangled matter, what can I do? Persuade Mu Qingyu to leave?

You don't even have to try to know that you can't do it.

Ye Shaoyang secretly sighed, not because the task could not be completed, but because Mu Qingyu was so young, he actually bears such a fate.

It's not fair, it's so unfair. But... as an outsider, how can I break her fate?

Go straight down the mountain road, turn over a mountain ridge, and enter a small village.

This is the real Miao Village.

Compared with the town of Shibazhai, this small village is pitifully small. There are only a row of no more than dozens of houses built against the mountain, all of which are bamboo buildings on stilts.

Although it was not raining at this time, the mountain road was muddy and it was almost impossible to walk down.

Fortunately, before coming here, Mu Qingyu prepared two pairs of rubber boots, one pair for each person. Although it is uncomfortable to wear, it is very good for walking on dirt roads.

"Do you have any dry clothes in your bag?"

"I have a set. I am afraid that I will stay outside for too long, so I brought a set."

Mu Qingyu nodded, "You're all wet, I'll find you a place, you can change your clothes, just put this girl down."

When he came to a bamboo building on stilts, Mu Qingyu knocked on the door, and the one who opened the door was a Miao girl in her twenties, with a pretty appearance and the same big eyes as all Miao girls.

The two talked in Miao language, Ye Shaoyang couldn't understand, but they were very friendly, so they should be acquaintances.

Mu Qingyu pulled Ye Shaoyang over, introduced each other, and explained the purpose of coming. Ye Shaoyang learned that the beauty of the Miao nationality was Yao Mengxue, and of course they were all Chinese names.


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