Urban Witcher

Chapter 1048 The Miserable Rain 1

When the red envelope was opened, it was a thick stack of RMB. Ye Shaoyang roughly saw that there were at least 20,000 to 30,000 RMB.

Mu Qingyu gave Ye Shaoyang part of it, but Ye Shaoyang declined.

Mu Qingyu thought of the previous agreement, but did not stick to it.

Wu Yao has nowhere to go now, she wants to go to Shibazhai Town with them first, seek refuge with a relative, and then slowly contact her family, trying to go back, so she goes with them.

The three returned to the town together, Wu Yao bid farewell and went to seek refuge with relatives.

Ye Shaoyang went home with Mu Qingyu.

"I'm tired and wet. I want to take a good shower and go to bed." Mu Qingyu said weakly, "Brother Shaoyang, do you want to take a shower and change clothes?"

"You wash first."

"Let's wash together."

When we got home, Mu Qingyu was in a good mood, couldn't help but made a joke, stuck out his tongue at Ye Shaoyang, opened the courtyard door, and his smile froze on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang walked over and saw Mu Qingyu's boyfriend: Baoka, standing behind the door, looking at them, Yin Yang smiled strangely.

"You two have worked hard all the way, go take a shower and change your clothes first."

Baoka deliberately said the word "bath" very strongly, obviously mocking Mu Qingyu's previous words.

Mu Qingyu's face darkened, and he said, "I locked the door, why are you in my house?"

"Of course someone invited me." Just as Baoka finished speaking, a person came out from the main room.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw that he was a Miao man with a tall and burly figure and a heroic face, just like in the photo.

Needless to say, it was naturally Mu Qingfeng.

Ye Shaoyang felt that his body and temperament did not match the word Qingfeng at all.

"Brother, you are back!"

Mu Qingyu ran over, grabbed Mu Qingfeng's arms, looked up and down for a long time, and said, "Are you okay?"

Mu Qingfeng raised a big hand and touched her head, his eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang felt that his eyes were a bit unfriendly.

"This is Master Ye Shaoyang, introduced by sister Rui Lengyu..."

Before Mu Qingyu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mu Qingfeng, who nodded at Ye Shaoyang, "I heard from Xiaoyu that you are her friend."

Xiaoyu...that's called pro. Ye Shaoyang thought of his photo album and his almost perverted love for Rui Lengyu, and felt a little annoyed, but it was still important to save lives, so he greeted him very politely and went up to shake hands with him.

Mu Qingfeng's reaction to him was lukewarm, and he turned to Baoka and said, "Go back first."

"Don't forget about that." Baoka gave him a meaningful look, smiled at Ye Shaoyang, turned and went out.

"I've contacted Xiaoyu, and she also told about your friend's situation. I haven't seen anyone, and I can't be sure what kind of Gu she is."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly said: "Then trouble you to go with me, don't worry that you will never go in vain."

Mu Qingfeng waved his hand, a little disdainful, "Before Xiaoyu and I didn't need to talk about money, as long as it was something she asked me to do, I would definitely do my best, but right now I can't leave home, the matter of suppressing the mountain gods and beasts, Qingyu Let me tell you, it's not over yet."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "It's not over yet? Then why are you back?"

Mu Qingfeng rolled up his left trouser leg, Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu looked at it intently, and suddenly paled in shock:

Mu Qingfeng's calf was swollen almost as thick as his thigh, and there were sores all over it, which had scabbed over and looked like honeycomb coal, which was shocking.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene, and there was only one thought in his mind: this buddy is simply too strong, if this injury were replaced by himself, he might not even be able to walk now. Mu Qingfeng seemed to be fine.

When Mu Qingyu saw her brother hurt like this, she panicked on the spot, not knowing what to do, so she covered her mouth and started crying.

"The medicine has been applied, and it will be cured in two or three days." Mu Qingfeng said, "It has been raining in the mountain, and my wound cannot see water, so I have to come back to recuperate first, and then go when I recover."

He said and glanced at Ye Shaoyang, "This matter can't be resolved, I can't leave Xiangxi, even if I want to leave, the tribe will not agree."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "What does 'this matter' represent?"

"Don't be in a hurry, take a shower and change your clothes first, and talk slowly."

Mu Qingyu asked Ye Shaoyang to take a bath first, and talked with his brother in the room.

Ye Shaoyang changed his clothes after taking a shower, especially when he took his feet out of the rubber boots, not to mention how comfortable they were.

Lying on the bed to rest for a while, after a while, Mu Qingyu knocked on the door and called herself. Ye Shaoyang went out and saw Mu Qingyu siblings sitting together in the main room.

Mu Qingyu has fair skin, wearing an ancient style pajamas, with her hair coiled up, she looks like a Jiangnan woman.

Mu Qingfeng is a tall and thick Miao man, his skin is bronzed due to years of sun exposure.

Ye Shaoyang didn't think it was bad, but he just felt that the two didn't look like a brother and sister at all.

"Brother, what did Baoka come to my house just now?"

When Ye Shaoyang arrived, he heard Mu Qingyu asking this question.

"He came here to inquire about my experience in the mountains, and also to talk about something."

"What's up?"

Mu Qingfeng smiled at the girl, "Let's talk about it later, let's talk about business first, and you go make tea."

Then he made a gesture of invitation to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang sat down on the sofa and said, "Brother Qingfeng..."

"Don't call me Qingfeng." Mu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to stop him, "I don't like such an elegant name, you can call me Li Weng, this is my name Miao."

Mu Qingyu brewed a pot of Pu'er, Mu Qingfeng poured two cups himself, gave Ye Shaoyang one, then rolled up his trousers, showing his bruised leg to Ye Shaoyang.

"Mr. Ye, do you know how I got this injury?"

Ye Shaoyang originally picked up the tea and wanted to drink it, but when he saw his injured leg, he couldn't drink any more. He put down the tea bowl, looked at the injury on his leg for a while, and said, "What did you pierce?"

Mu Qingfeng shook his head, "It was injured by the demon insects getting into R."

Demon worm? Just as Ye Shaoyang was about to ask, Mu Qingfeng briefly introduced what happened:

A few days ago, he and the young people in the clan came to the place where the stele was dug in Zhenshan, looking for clues about the non-stop rain.

As a result, the mountain collapsed due to the torrent, revealing a crack in the mountain body, and the corpse below was heavy.

Mu Qingfeng and his team suspected that there was a corpse king down there, and that it was related to the heavy rain, so they did a trick nearby, using incense to smoke down below, but after a few days, there was no progress.

Afterwards, everyone lost their composure, and Mu Qingfeng took the lead to enter the crack, and finally came to an underground tomb. Before finding the corpse king, they were attacked by a group of fire ants.

A few died on the spot, Mu Qingfeng dealt with it, desperately protecting everyone back to the ground, but he was also injured by fire ants, leaving these scars.


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