Urban Witcher

Chapter 1051 Wen Family’s Secret 2

Ye Shaoyang could hear the sarcasm in the words, but he didn't take it seriously.

In the middle of the night, Ye Shaoyang was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt something crawling into his mouth, he woke up with a start, grabbed it with his hand, and saw it was a gnat!

It was twisting its body, with dozens of pairs of claws struggling together, trying to escape.

"Ah!" Ye Shaoyang screamed, jumped up, and threw the thing away, still afraid that it would crawl on him, stomping his feet repeatedly.

The door was pushed open.

Mu Qingyu in pajamas came in, seeing Ye Shaoyang like this, she was terrified, and quickly asked what happened.

After learning the truth, I couldn't laugh or cry.

"I thought it was some kind of ghost or something, it was just a bug..."

"This is much scarier than ghosts!" Ye Shaoyang patted his heart and said in shock.

Mu Qingyu looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

"You, a Taoist celestial master, are actually afraid of bugs... It's raining these days, so it's no wonder there are so many bugs."

Ye Shaoyang took out an incense burner from his backpack, lit a bouquet of demon-intimidating incense, and put it into the incense burner.

After Mu Qingyu took a look, he had nothing to say, and actually used the deterrent incense to deal with insects. It was really a high-skilled cannon to beat mosquitoes—overkill.

Within the burning range of the deterring incense, even ordinary monsters dare not approach, let alone these ordinary bugs.

Not long after, I saw many bugs crawling out of the cracks in the wall and under the bed.

The rat woman, the millipede cockroach, and the two centipedes scrambled out of the window.

Ye Shaoyang's scalp felt numb when he saw it, and he secretly thanked himself for being smart, otherwise it would be fun to sleep until the middle of the night and a centipede crawl into his mouth.

"Qingyu, are you... crying?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly saw Lao Gao with swollen eyes of Mu Qingyu, and asked inquiringly.

Mu Qingyu immediately put away her smile, sat down beside his bed, looked at him pitifully, and murmured: "Brother Shaoyang, what can you do to make me not marry, I really don't want to marry Baoka."

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, and said, "The only way now is to leave here."

Mu Qingyu immediately shook his head.

"This is absolutely impossible. If I leave, what will my brother do? He will never be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life, not to mention that he is a priest, and his authority cannot be damaged."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "If you think so, I can't help it."

Mu Qingyu sighed deeply, feeling endless sadness in her heart.

"I'm leaving, Brother Shaoyang, you can rest." Sitting quietly on the edge of the bed for a while, Mu Qingyu stood up in a daze, and walked out of the room.

Looking at her back, Ye Shaoyang also secretly sighed.

After that, I couldn't sleep anymore.

The rain has stopped outside. Ye Shaoyang put on his clothes, went outside alone, looked at the empty alley, and remembered that night, he saw Mu Qingyu's mother here.

At the moment, regardless of whether she heard it or not, looking at the empty alley, Youyou said: "I know you don't want your daughter to marry Baoka, but I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it."

The difficulty of this matter lies in: Mu Qingfeng is the head of the family, and he forced his younger sister to marry. Not to mention right or wrong, as an outsider, I can't participate in it at all, otherwise it will not help the matter, and it will also make the situation worse. People misunderstand.

Moreover, Mu Qingyu didn't want to escape marriage and leave, making her brother unable to be a human being.

So, things became a deadlock.

A gust of Y wind blows from the opposite side.

Ye Shaoyang felt a chill all over his body, he shivered suddenly, looked up, and saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the alley: dressed in black, with empty eye sockets, it was Mu Qingyu's mother.

She appeared again!

"Help me, save my daughter..." The female ghost's voice floated from afar.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this favor." Ye Shaoyang was full of embarrassment, not because he didn't want to: Mu Qingyu didn't want to leave Xiangxi, so he couldn't kidnap her away.

"To my grave, in the coffin, in the coffin..."

Before she finished speaking, the arm that appeared in the dream last time reappeared, wrapped around her waist, and pulled her away instantly.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over in one step, and just arrived at the entrance of the alley, he felt dazed and trembling all over, and woke up with a start.

It's a dream again!

Ye Shaoyang sat up from the bed, took a deep breath, and recalled the scene in his dream. Mu Qingyu's mother... Let me go to her grave and find her coffin?

What's in the coffin?

Ye Shaoyang decided to take a look.

But I don't know where the coffin is, so it's not easy to ask Mu Qingyu about this kind of thing, after all, there is no reason. Said to pay homage to her parents? It's too fake, and it's rainy, so it's not realistic.

If Mu Qingfeng knew about it, it wouldn't have caused unnecessary suspicion.

Suddenly, a person appeared in Ye Shaoyang's mind: Wu Yao!

Wu Yao is still staying in Shibazhai. She has relatives who are locals.

As for Mu Qingyu's parents, they have a special status in Shibazhai, and the location of the grave may be known to many people.

With a glimmer of hope, Ye Shaoyang called Wu Yao.

After ringing several times before being connected, a sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Ye?"

Ye Shaoyang exchanged pleasantries with her and asked to meet her the next day.

"Okay, tomorrow at noon, I'll treat you to dinner." Ye Shaoyang took the initiative to ask her out, which made Wu Yao very happy.

After confirming the meeting time, Ye Shaoyang chatted with her a few more times and hung up the phone.

The next morning, at nine o'clock, Ye Shaoyang came to the street alone, bought two bags of fruit, and came to the entrance of a Lanzhou ramen restaurant.

In this Miao village, there is actually Lanzhou ramen, and Ye Shaoyang took a look at it, and the business in the store is pretty good.

I have to admire the boss's ability to do business.

After waiting for a while, Wu Yao rushed over with a smile, stood and chatted for a while, and Ye Shaoyang proposed to visit her relative's house.

Wu Yao felt very strange, but agreed anyway.

On the way, Ye Shaoyang revealed his real purpose of looking for her, but he didn't mention the female ghost's dream.

Wu Yao said that she would try her best to help him.

Wu Yao's relative in Shibazhai is her aunt, who was married to Shibazhai back then.

Her uncle, like many local people, went to other places to work, and only her aunt was at home.

When he got home, Ye Shaoyang saw Wu Yao's aunt, who was younger than he expected, only in her thirties, and very charming. Knowing that Ye Shaoyang was the one who saved his niece, she was very enthusiastic about him and brought out all kinds of delicious food. for drink.

After chatting for a while, Ye Shaoyang expressed his intentions, and Wu Yao also helped.

Ye Shaoyang thought it would take a little trouble, so he came to the door in person, intending to tell them well, but he didn't expect Wu Yao's aunt to be very talkative.

"Ordinarily, I don't know your origin, so I shouldn't tell you what happened in the village, but since you saved my niece, I'll make an exception and tell you..."


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