Urban Witcher

Chapter 1054 Wen Huajiao 3

After hearing this, the evil spirit really stopped struggling.

Ye Shaoyang withdrew the talisman continuously and untied the magic seal. The evil spirit gave him a resentful look, but he stopped attacking, turned around, and rushed back to the mountain.

"It... just left?"

It took Wu Yao a long time to come up and asked worriedly.

"This evil spirit has developed its spiritual intelligence. It's not a fool. It knows it can't beat me. I also said that I didn't come to rob the grave. It has no reason to die."

Next, the two continued to search for Wen Huajiao's tomb. They found a cave on the rock wall and took a flashlight to find a cave. Inside was a wooden statue that looked exactly like the evil spirit from before. Both eyes were still there. sparkling with light.

"It seems to be a witch god of the Miao nationality..." Wu Yao guessed, "I have seen it in the temple before, but I don't know the name."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, ignored it, and continued to search around, and finally found Wen Huajiao's grave at the highest place.

Ye Shaoyang first checked the surrounding tombstones, and found that there were a total of more than a dozen tombs in this area. The tombs were all marble, tall and wide. There were no photos on them. The names of the people on the tombstones were all written in Chinese characters, because the Miao nationality did not have writing. , has long been accepted for writing in Chinese.

These tombs are all in pairs. On the tombstone on the left is "Priest XX", and on the right is the priest's wife.

Wu Yao slapped her forehead, "I'm so confused. I just thought about dying. Wen Huajiao's husband is a priest. Even if he died, he would definitely be buried in the tomb of the priests. We searched for so long in vain."

Then she explained that the Miao people have rules, and the corpses of the deceased cannot enter the ancestral tomb after death. Wu Yao considered that Wen Huajiao and her husband belonged to the priestly family. Although they both died, they would probably be buried with ordinary people. In the tomb of the priests.

Next to Wen Huajiao's tombstone is her husband, the father of Mu Qingyu's siblings, and the previous priest of Shibazhai.

The tombstone reads: Mu Shanshan, the 43rd generation priest of the Eighteen Villages.

Very strange name.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the dates of birth and death of the two people. Mu Shanshan was born in 1945 and died in 1995, exactly fifty years old.

Wen Huajiao was born in 1968 and died in 2005 at the age of 37.

"Hey, this is an old cow eating tender grass." Ye Shaoyang calculated, and said: "This old priest is twenty-three years older than his wife."

Wu Yao said: "Continuation. It's normal, this one is his real wife."

In front of Wen Huajiao's tombstone, there is another tomb, which is the first wife of the old priest. Ye Shaoyang looked at her age, and she was about the same age as the old priest.

"For this old guy, it's normal for him to continue marrying a wife who is more than 20 years younger than him, but from Wen Huajiao's standpoint, I really don't understand why she wants to marry this old guy. Is Chow Yun Fat still handsome?"

Ye Shaoyang thought to himself, it's a pity that there are no photos on the tombstone, otherwise you really have to take a good look to see how charming this old guy is.

Lighting a few red candles around Wen Huajiao's grave, Ye Shaoyang told Wu Yao to pay attention to the surroundings, and be careful, if the people from Shibazhai saw that they were digging their family's grave, they would probably fight him desperately.

"Are you really going to dig a grave?" Wu Yao flinched a little when the matter came to an end.

"Am I kidding you?" Ye Shaoyang handed her the flashlight, picked up the shovel, and started digging the grave.

This is my only clue: if Wen Huajiao really died of some witchcraft or sorcery, even after ten years, there will be traces on the body.

The most important thing is that her soul is still in the human world, and it seems that someone has arrested her. As long as I find her body and use the soul arrest technique, I may be able to recruit her soul. If I ask directly, the truth will be revealed.

Excavating the grave for an autopsy is the only thing I can do now.

A flat shovel can dig the ground and shovel the soil, but it is not easy to dig a deep hole. However, due to continuous rain for many days, the soil has been completely soaked and it is very easy to dig.

Ye Shaoyang dug the coffin in less than ten minutes by himself. However, my feet were also covered with mud, and it was uncomfortable to walk.

The coffin was made of cypress wood. It had been buried in the soil for ten years, and it was already rotten. It was pried open with a flat shovel.

"There won't be any problems inside, right?" Wu Yao looked at the dark coffin, feeling an instinctive fear in her heart.

"I don't know, let's see first!"

Ye Shaoyang held the pried open coffin with his muddy hands, and lifted it aside forcefully, letting Wu Yao shine a flashlight into it.

Several pieces of completely weathered clothes, as well as some gold and silver beads, were placed in the coffin, but there was no corpse.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot:

I have already prepared myself, no matter if I see a zombie or something evil, I can accept it.

But I didn't expect such a result, there is a coffin but no corpse, what kind of trouble is this?

Both of them were a little confused.

Ye Shaoyang simply jumped down to the grave, dug out the entire coffin with a flat shovel, and checked underneath, but he still didn't see the body or anything else.

After a moment of silence, Ye Shaoyang jumped onto the ground, buried the excavated soil, basically restored it to its original state, and then went down the mountain with Wu Yao.

Coming out of the cemetery, Ye Shaoyang untied the vermilion yarn and the magic talisman tied to the two evil paper figurines.

The two were furious and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shot out a magic talisman, shook them away, and led Wu Yao down the mountain without looking back.

"What should we do now?" Wu Yao asked at the foot of the mountain.

"Go and open a room first."

"Open the room..." Wu Yao's thinking became dull for a moment, and she looked at Ye Shaoyang with a strange expression.

"Open the room, go take a shower, not sleep." Ye Shaoyang pointed to his legs, below the knees, covered with yellow mud, as well as his hands.

Wu Yao is not much better either.

"If I go back in this body, Mu Qingfeng will be suspicious. I can't say that I went fishing for fish."

Back in the town, Wu Yao went to the supermarket to buy two sets of pajamas, and then took Ye Shaoyang to a guest house: a small three-story building, already the best hotel in the town.

Fortunately, the room was clean and had hot water.

Wu Yao stuffed Ye Shaoyang with the pajamas she bought, and told him to take a bath first, and then go by herself. It took a long time before she came out, holding Ye Shaoyang's wet clothes in her hand, which had been washed and dried in the room.

Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed.

Especially the pajamas the two of them were wearing belonged to a couple. One had a big gray wolf on his chest and the other a red wolf.

"I bought it casually, don't get me wrong." Wu Yao also noticed this situation and said with a blushing face.

Of course Ye Shaoyang didn't care.

The two sat down side by side on the bed, discussing the discovery of the grave just now:

Wen Huajiao's body was not in the tomb, which greatly exceeded Ye Shaoyang's expectation, but it also showed that she definitely did not die normally.


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