Urban Witcher

Chapter 1068 Qingfeng's Conspiracy 2

Ye Shaoyang sat on the bed with his head down, without speaking.

A burst of disappointment surged in Mu Qingyu's heart. In order to ease the atmosphere, he picked up his mobile phone, handed it to him and said, "Someone called you just now, and you made two consecutive calls. Maybe there is something urgent."

Ye Shaoyang took the phone and looked at it, and panicked: Rui Lengyu made the call!

Call back in a hurry, the phone has been turned off.

Ye Shaoyang was a little flustered, and hurriedly dialed Zhang Xiaorui's number, the call was connected, and it was Rui Lengyu who answered it. This means that she is in Zhang Xiaorui's ward.

"Are you finished?" Rui Lengyu asked lightly.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Mu Qingyu, and said, "I'm done with my work, there was a little matter just now... You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

"It's fine now. I've already fallen asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow." He hung up the phone directly.

Ye Shaoyang was holding the phone, feeling a little lost.

"Is that the girl you like?" Mu Qingyu asked tentatively, "I'm sorry."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said lightly, "Go back."

Mu Qingyu got dressed and left the room.

Ye Shaoyang sat on the bed, stared blankly for a while, took out the yin and yang mirror, and let Wen Huajiao out.

"I saw everything just now."

Wen Huajiao sat down beside him.

"Thank you, Mage."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Things are not that simple, Mu Qingfeng is not an idiot, how could he give in so easily?"

Wen Huajiao was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, anyway, I always feel that I have been tricked by him and put on a..."

"Forget it, it's useless to say this now."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said to her: "I think it's better to speed up and rescue your body and soul first, so that you don't have to worry about the future, and other things will be easy to handle."

When Wen Huajiao heard this, she was very happy.

Ye Shaoyang asked where the corpse was buried. He wanted to step on the spot first, but he was afraid that his identity was special and would be easily exposed. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a suitable candidate: Cheng Jun!

He is a local, and he should know more about this casino, so he called him and expressed his thoughts.

"I've been to that casino. In the compound of Baoka's old house, it's actually opened by his uncle."

Baoka briefly introduced the situation and analyzed:

"It's been raining recently, so we can't do the work on the ground. There are usually a lot of people in the casino. If you want to go to the toilet to dig the ground by yourself, you can't do it. At least you need a helper."

"Yes, how about you help me?"

"This... I'm not suitable." Cheng Jun said, fearing that he might misunderstand, he explained:

"Ye Tianshi, you are my great benefactor. I have no complaints at all for you. It's just that I'm attending a funeral right now. Going to the casino at this time will easily arouse suspicion, and it will ruin your ten things."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Let me recommend someone to you. I am a distant cousin. He is young. He usually gambles twice when he has nothing to do. It is perfect."

"Is the person reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable, otherwise how dare I recommend it to you."

Ye Shaoyang agreed and made an appointment to meet the next day.

"You have to hide in the yin and yang mirror for a while." Ye Shaoyang said to Wen Huajiao.

Wen Huajiao thanked her, and flew into the yin and yang mirror.

Ye Shaoyang continued to call Rui Lengyu, but still couldn't get through, feeling very anxious.

I had no choice but to persuade myself to calm down, as long as the flood problem was solved and I took Mu Qingyu away from Xiangxi, I would have no pressure at all, and I could let go and investigate Tan Xiaohui's resurgence.

Thinking of Tan Xiaohui, Ye Shaoyang saw the appearance of the salt-free ghost girl again, and suddenly thought, if that is really Tan Xiaohui, why did she appear in Xiangxi? Who is manipulating her?

Ye Shaoyang fell powerlessly on the bed, with only one word in his mind: Chaos!

In the morning, Ye Shaoyang came to the main room. The Mu Qingfeng brothers and sisters were eating, and the three of them were a little embarrassed when they met.

Mu Qingyu served him a meal, and the three of them ate in silence without speaking.

"How is your leg injury?" Ye Shaoyang asked Mu Qingfeng.

"We can leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Mu Qingfeng only said this.

After eating, Ye Shaoyang expressed that he wanted to go out for a walk, took an umbrella and went out, pretending to walk outside Cheng Jun's house by accident.

Cheng Jun's family is having a funeral. Although it is a clothes tomb, the ceremony still has to go, and many guests came to pay homage.

Ye Shaoyang pretended to be curious and stood outside the door for a while, then continued to walk, and when he reached the entrance of the next alley, a guy overtook him, walked a certain distance ahead, opened a courtyard door and walked in.

Ye Shaoyang also followed in.

"Master, my name is Sun Guanglin!" Sun Guanglin greeted affectionately, "I heard from my cousin about my aunt, thank you so much!"

Since Cheng Jun was able to tell him this, it must be trustworthy, and Ye Shaoyang was completely relieved of him.

Sun Guanglin invited him into the main room without any formality, and went straight to the point.

Ye Shaoyang expressed his thoughts, this Sun Guanglin was very clever, and he raised a lot of ideas.

"Not during the day, there are too many people, and there are too many people going to the toilet. It's night. I just want to prepare. At night, I will pretend to gamble. When there are fewer people, I will pretend to go to the toilet..."

Sun Guanglin thought for a while and said:

"The toilet has a window, you can turn over into the yard, wait for me to call you..."

The two discussed a specific plan.

Sun Guanglin was very intelligent and thoughtful, which made Ye Shaoyang feel that he had found the right person.

"It's just that they found a hole in the bathroom afterwards, and they will definitely suspect you, fearing that there may be trouble." Ye Shaoyang hesitated.

"What's wrong with suspecting me, and you can't kill me."

Sun Guanglin chuckled, "I wanted to go to a big city to work early in the morning, why don't I take this opportunity and leave."

Sun Guanglin explained that his parents were divorced and both lived in Changsha, and he was single in Shibazhai, with no care or care.

"Then pack up your things first, and you'll leave tomorrow." Ye Shaoyang felt a little relieved when he heard what he said.

Back at Mu Qingyu's house, Ye Shaoyang immediately called Rui Lengyu.

After getting through the phone, Ye Shaoyang roughly told the story of Wen Huajiao's family.

Rui Lengyu didn't say anything after listening, but just told him to be careful, and hung up the phone.

It feels... Her tone of voice is not right, seems a bit too indifferent?

Ye Shaoyang felt faintly worried, so he could only beg for the matter to be settled as soon as possible, and then go back to see her and ask what happened.

Lying on the bed without turning on the light, Ye Shaoyang pretended to be sleeping, waiting for Sun Guanglin's call.

Suddenly, a soft light lit up from the backpack.

Ye Shaoyang hastily opened the backpack to take a look, and saw that the soft light was the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Although this thing is usually useless, it is of great importance. Ye Shaoyang was worried about keeping it at home, so he put it in his backpack and brought it with him. Fortunately, it was just a scroll and didn't take up much space.


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