Urban Witcher

Chapter 1092: Chemical Warfare

Ye Shaoyang swung the Seven Star Longquan Sword and slashed at the skeleton.

The bone skeleton smiled "guji" and rolled out of the tent, a black air rose from his body and enveloped his whole body.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward immediately, and the Taiyi Whisk swept across the air to dispel the evil energy. When he looked down, the skeleton had disappeared. Looking around, there was no sign of it either.

Impossible to leave like this?


A scream came from a tent not far away.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over, opened the tent and saw a man staggering over.

Hearing a "poof", the neck bone exploded, and a sticky stick protruded from the man's mouth, shook it left and right, easily smashed the head, and then retracted it.

The dead man fell slowly, with nothing behind him.

Ye Shaoyang was horrified: If the other party is a demon, then he must have passed through the tribulation, his body is empty and clear, and he can transform and escape at will.

"Everyone come out! Let them come out!" Ye Shaoyang shouted at Jiang Lu.

After a moment of confusion, all the sleeping people were awakened, and ran out with their pants up. Under Jiang Lu's order, they all stood behind Ye Shaoyang, looking at him in shock.

At this moment, there was another scream from the crowd, and one person's head exploded, his blood was drained, and he fell down slowly.

Ye Shaoyang immediately chased after him, and the terrifying killer disappeared without a trace again.

The crowd panicked and began to run wildly for their lives.

"Don't run, stand together, trust me!" Ye Shaoyang shouted loudly, but no one listened to him.

Only two screams were heard, and the two people running in the front were instantly ambushed and killed.

The people nearby were startled and immediately ran back.

Jiang Lu took the opportunity to give the order, and brought together a dozen of his subordinates, and finally gathered these people together.

A total of thirty or fifty people.

"Fly to the tree and watch for me!" Ye Shaoyang ordered Lin Sansheng.

While taking out the five-element flag from his backpack, he circled the crowd, C on the ground, took out the ink fountain, and using the five-element flag as a ruler, pulled out a cinnabar red line, and quickly circled around the crowd.

"Get out of line, go all the way down the mountain, don't look back!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he mentioned one person, stepped across the red line, and ordered the second person to follow.

The people behind immediately followed suit and stepped over the red line one after another. When the tenth came, a man had just stepped on the red line when the five-element flag suddenly shook, and the five-color aura of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth shot out, and headed towards the man. Hit it down.

A white shadow fell to the ground, rolled along the ground, and stood up, but it turned out to be a skeleton with red bones protruding from the seven orifices on its face, trembling uncontrollably, looking extremely disgusting.

"Get out!"

Ye Shaoyang ordered the remaining people in the five-element flag formation to jump out quickly and run over by himself.

The white bone skeleton rolled on the spot, turned into a white light, and instantly landed on the body of the nearest man.

Ye Shaoyang had been prepared for a long time, with a flick of his wrist, he played a magic talisman, stuck it on the man's face, made a seal with one hand, and swept the Taiyi whisk down the back of the man's neck with the other hand.

"The soul restraining order is merciless, and the Taiyi Sanqing quickly manifests its spirit, as urgent as a law!"

After finishing speaking, the sealed hands flicked away quickly, and slapped the man's shoulders. The magic talisman attached to his face burned automatically, and the Y fire hit the whole body, but it was harmless to the man's body.

Among them was a white shadow struggling up and down.

Taking advantage of this time, everyone escaped from the five-element flag formation, and the timid ones went down the mountain, while some stayed far away from the intersection, turning around and looking at this side.


With a roar, Bai Guang broke through the restraint of the talisman, rolled twice on the ground, and suddenly escaped into the soil.

"I'm afraid I'm going to Ghost Realm." Lin Sansheng reminded, "Do you want Xiaoqing and Xiaobai to intercept them?"

"This is inappropriate, let's say hello to Ksitigarbha!"

Ye Shaoyang threw the last man out of the five-element flag formation, faced the empty ground in front of him, raised his hand and struck out eight pieces of five emperor coins, arranged them in the shape of plum blossoms on the ground, sprinkled a wave of magic water on them, pressed his thumb on the eye of the formation, and burned the talisman , read aloud:

"All dharmas are Tao, and Taoism and Buddha are both respected. Now I ask the Earth Store to close the gates of the earth. The earth is covered with grace, and the evil spirits have nowhere to hide. What I want..."

After a prayer talisman was burned, the eight five emperor coins under him suddenly spun, emitting eight immortal lights.

Ye Shaoyang was overjoyed, picked up the copper coins, and struck out in all directions, automatically standing in eight directions, the so-called four directions, constantly spinning on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang took out the three-color lotus lantern from his backpack, and once it was lit, the flames immediately flew in one direction.

Ye Shaoyang took Tiangang steps, and sprinkled a handful of copper beans in that direction, a part of which fell into white smoke immediately, forming the shape of a footprint.

Ye Shaoyang immediately hit it with Taiyi Whisk.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has closed the ground-bound door, the five-element flag array frames the space, and the eight copper coins are fixed in all directions. No matter what ghosts and monsters the opponent is, they can only move within the five-element flag array.

Ye Shaoyang held a three-color lotus lantern, followed the direction of the candlelight, and chased him all the way, when suddenly the talisman fire rushed behind him.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head suddenly, and saw a white bone skeleton rushing towards him.

"Good job!" Ye Shaoyang knew that it was also being rushed, and wanted to fight him hard.

"The whisk sweeps away all the dust in the world, and the ghosts and ghosts have nowhere to escape!"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his left middle finger, wrote a symbol on the handle of the dust whisk, poured in the wind, the dust whisk rose without any wind, and the tail of the dust grew instantly, like countless tentacles, climbed up the body of the bone skeleton, and quickly bound the four,

Bai Gu spat out a cloud of blood and burned the whisk.

"Pixiu Seal of Mingming, one town of Tianwen Road, two towns of Diwenmen, three towns of people with roads, and four towns of ghosts without doors. The heaven and earth nets are unforgiving, and the Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law!"

Ye Shaoyang held the Pixiu Seal with both hands, and threw it out, and the Pixiu Seal immediately transformed into the image of a Pixiu spirit beast. The hazy phantom shot down at the bone skeleton.

There was only a "boom" vibration, followed by a crisp "crash".

The bones shattered to the ground.

A blood shadow flew out and landed not far away.

This didn't kill it, it just ruined its bones.

This level of strength made Ye Shaoyang terrified.

The blood shadows gathered together, rose as high as a person, and gradually revealed a body, but it was a monster with a human face, an animal body, and a snake tail.

He looked like an ordinary person, but with a ferocious expression, he stared at Ye Shaoyang fiercely.

"Ah! Monster!"

Those fleeing in the distance saw the monster appearing in real life, screamed in panic, and fled further away one by one.

Standing beside Ye Shaoyang, Lin Sansheng and Mu Qingyu also looked shocked.

"Military division, you go to block behind the five-element flag, lest this guy has reinforcements!"

"You can handle it yourself?" Lin Sansheng hesitated.

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