Urban Witcher

Chapter 110 The Land

Suddenly, the crown of the locust tree bent down, and countless branches and leaves stretched out towards her like tentacles, binding her limbs, layer after layer of branches, wrapping her in it until she was completely invisible.

After a few minutes, the branches and leaves slowly dispersed, the girl was gone, and the noose was gone. Everything is still the same as before, the illusion ends, as if nothing happened.

"So she died like this..." Ye Shaoyang frowned, recalling the girl's behavior just now: the thing she took out from her trouser pocket was a bit like a money dart, and it was three copper coins glued together in the shape of a letter. It is a magic weapon commonly used by folk mages. Three copper coins put together have stronger magic power, with edges and corners. It can be used as a dart or a magic weapon for self-defense.

If I read it correctly, then, that girl is actually a mage? How could she die at the hands of this tree demon?

These questions can only be clarified by finding her body and soul.

Ye Shaoyang drew the jujube sword from his belt and walked towards the old locust tree. When he was only twenty meters away, the locust tree suddenly shook again, stopped after a while, and nothing happened.

"What's going on?" Zhou Jingru asked, suddenly felt her ankle tightened, and was caught by something, looked down, and saw a fat, pale hand protruding from the ground, screaming in fright.

Ye Shaoyang cut off the hand with a sword, black blood gushed out, and the arm immediately retracted into the soil, leaving only a crack in the ground. Please, thank you!

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to get some black blood on it, put it up to his nose and smelled it, and frowned, "Corpse blood!"

"Zombie?" Zhou Jingru took out a tissue and wiped the black blood splashed on her ankle, feeling a tingling sensation.

"It's not an ordinary zombie, this thing can escape the ground." Ye Shaoyang stared at the crack, "This is a ground zombie. It's hard to defend against this thing, it's a bit troublesome." Just as the words fell, another pair of hands broke through the ground from another position, Grab Ye Shaoyang's feet.

Ye Shaoyang dodged to avoid it, and immediately retracted his hands.

"There's more than one." Ye Shaoyang frowned and thought for a while, put the Zaomu sword back into his belt, took out a cinnabar pen, drew a Tai Chi seal on the palms of both hands, and took two steps forward deliberately, and sure enough, another pair of hands came from the ground Raid up.

"Well done!" Ye Shaoyang clapped his hands into palms and slapped them hard, facing each other, those hands were immediately attracted by the Taiji seal, unable to break free.

Ye Shaoyang let out a muffled snort, stepped back at a wrong step, pulled a white corpse out of the ground with force, and dragged it on the ground. At first glance, it was a white and fat body with several layers of wrinkled skin on its stomach. , without feet, and the lower body is directly connected to a very thick tubular thing.

The corpse has no eyes, ears, or nose. The eye sockets are only covered by a layer of sunken wrinkled skin. It has a big mouth with only two pairs of fangs. It looks a bit like some kind of insect, which is both weird and terrifying. After Ye Shaoyang caught it, the ground corpse made a sound like meowing, and gnawed towards Ye Shaoyang with its big mouth.

Ye Shaoyang let go of his right hand, pulled out the Zaomu sword, and thrust it into the corpse's head forcefully. A stream of black blood spurted out. The corpse struggled for a few seconds before falling to the ground and dying. Green liquid.

Zhou Jingru's legs were so frightened that her legs became weak, she grabbed Ye Shaoyang's back, dragged herself and cried, "This, what is this thing!"

"The ground corpse is different from the zombie. The ground corpse was originally a corpse. It was continuously infiltrated by the outside ghost or evil spirit, and cultivated into a special form that can escape from the ground." Ye Shaoyang pointed to the ground corpse and explained.

"Then what is this?" Zhou Jingru pointed to the tube-shaped object attached to the ground corpse's lower body.

Ye Shaoyang looked closely for a while, and said: "This is the source of offering evil energy to it, but when offering it, it was also absorbed, and the lower body degenerated, becoming the current virtue." Dongxi looked at it and saw that there were many tiny roots on it. He suddenly figured it out, and said in surprise: "This is a tree root! The tree root of the locust tree demon!"

When he slapped it with his palm, the root of the tree shattered, a thick green juice sprayed out, and the root suddenly shrank and returned to the ground.

Ye Shaoyang dipped a little of the juice, sniffed it, and it was the same as the smell from the corpse, confirming his guess.

Zhou Jingru said at a loss: "These corpses can escape from the ground, and they are hard to guard against. How to deal with them?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer, he quickly drew a talisman, meditated for a moment, then waved his hand, the talisman spontaneously ignited and fell to the ground. Then he took out a large handful of five emperors' coins, put them in the palm of his left hand, scratched the middle finger of his right hand, touched the copper coins with blood, and read aloud: "Ksitigarbha Bodhi, from Qing to Ming, protects disciples, not afraid of evil spirits, night The road is difficult, let me point it out, hurry like a law!"

Throw the five emperor coins one by one, and form a half-meter-wide passage extending towards the locust tree. Ye Shaoyang walked all the way, throwing five emperors' coins to the left and right, and no more corpses came out.

"What's going on here?" Zhou Jingru couldn't help asking as she followed behind.

"I have greeted the Ksitigarbha King. With my magic power, I have sealed a money path, and the corpses of the earth cannot enter. You just stand here. As long as you don't go out, there will be no danger." After finishing speaking, he strode forward Walking forward, it was only ten meters away from the locust tree essence. At this moment, the crown of the locust tree swayed again, even more crazily than before, the feet shook, and a crack appeared directly opposite, and it continued to crack It was half a meter wide and just stopped.

The two looked closely, and found that the crack was two meters deep, and there were countless tree roots coiled underneath, tangled together, wriggling like giant snakes, which looked shocking.

Zhou Jingru covered her mouth with both hands, and fell to the ground in shock.

Gradually, those tree roots parted, and a chubby hand stretched out, and soon, it was a bald head, and then the body. It's a dead body! But it is at least three times larger than the previous corpse!

The difference is that this ground corpse has a complete body, at least dozens of roots, inserted directly into the body from his back, growing together, the ground corpse shook its head, opened its mouth wide, and let out a weird roar.

This extremely weird scene made Ye Shaoyang's scalp tingle, and the tree demon sacrificed it at this time, indicating that this guy is the leader of the group of corpses, and he must be difficult to deal with.

"Stand still and don't move, with me around, it can't get through!" Ye Shaoyang ordered without turning his head, drew out his jujube sword, and ran towards the ground corpse.

Under the control of the roots of the tree, the ground corpse rose into the air, swept its arms, and directly sent the jujube sword flying, waving its hands to grab it. Ye Shaoyang unleashed the Xuanqing Mountain volley, retreated quickly, avoided the attack, and picked up the Zaomu sword.

At this moment, a pair of hands broke through the ground and grabbed his feet. It was only then that Ye Shaoyang remembered that he had left the Qiang Dao, and other corpses could attack him without restriction. Immediately, he swung the jujube wood sword and cut off that opponent, but two more stretched out from the side, grabbing his calf.

"It's really troublesome!" Ye Shaoyang swung his sword to slash, and suddenly received a heavy blow on his chest, but it was the giant corpse that rushed over and slapped his chest with great force. He should have been blown away. But his legs were held by another ground corpse, and he fell directly on his back.

It didn't matter, countless hands stretched out from around him and grabbed at him.

Ye Shaoyang secretly said "Oops", feeling that his body was firmly grasped by countless hands, unable to move, and then one after another, hideous heads emerged from the soil and kept getting closer. Ye Shaoyang felt a piercing pain in his calf, needless to say, he was bitten by an earth corpse.

"Brother Shaoyang!" Zhou Jingru cried out in horror, the scene in front of her was too terrifying: Ye Shaoyang was surrounded by a group of white corpses, and it seemed that he could not escape the fate of being eaten.


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