Urban Witcher

Chapter 1110 Tears of Reincarnation 1

"Why are you here?" A voice sounded from behind.

Ye Shaoyang and the others looked back, and saw a yin god in a python suit coming out from under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, followed by four low-level meritorious officers, one of them was holding a yellow booklet, the other was holding a ghost banner, which read With the word "avoid".

Looking at this Yinshen's attire, Ye Shaoyang quickly recognized that this was a parade.

Xiao Yiyun cupped his hands and said, "Liu Yasi."

Liu Yasi originally held his head high and held his chest high, with some official prestige, but when he saw that it was Xiao Yiyun, he hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted, saying "Don't dare".

Although in terms of official position, he is the same as Xiao Yiyun.

But Xiao Yiyun is from the Palace of the Son of Heaven, and is the personal "secretary" of Mr. Cui's mansion. King Yan Luo will give him a little face when he sees him, so how dare this parade provoke him.

Xiao Yiyun briefly chatted with him, then led Ye Shaoyang and the others back to the side.

At this time, the first batch of ghosts who had been photographed in front of the evil mirror had been taken under the osmanthus tree. Liu Yasi said, "Heavenly officials bless you, and you will be reincarnated." walk forward.

"Brother-in-law, where are these ghosts going after taking the osmanthus leaves?" Meihua asked, she was born in the ghost domain, and she didn't know many things about the underworld.

The phrase "brother-in-law" filled Xiao Yiyun with joy, and he explained that these ghosts had cleared their karma and were going to the six realms of reincarnation to be reborn as human beings.

Meihua frowned and said: "These ghosts, don't they want to drink Mengpo's soup? They will forget everything by then, and once everything is done, why do they still have to look at this evil mirror?"

Xiao Yiyun smiled and said: "This is different. Most ghosts don't need to look at the evil mirror, but Meng Po soup can only make people lose their memory, but the karma and hostility are still there. They must look at the evil mirror and take osmanthus leaves to eliminate it." .”

Ye Shaoyang looked at the parade surnamed Liu, and said, "Didn't you say that Yu Xuanji is in charge here? What does this old boy do?"

Xiao Yiyun rolled his eyes and said, "You really think Taoist Master Yu will do it himself? She's just the person in charge, and only comes out to make up her mind when something happens."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What can this evil mirror stand do, isn't it busy all year round?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "Yes, so what, you are not convinced?"

At this time, the sound of the piano stopped, and Ye Shaoyang guessed that it was almost time, so he led everyone back to the front of the small courtyard, when the door opened, Lin Sansheng came out, saw Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Mr. Yu, please go in."

"Me alone?"

"Just you, let's go."

Ye Shaoyang went in behind Lin Sansheng, and when he walked through the yard, he asked in a low voice: "How is the talk, what do you want me for?"

"You'll know when you go in."

Entering the back room, Ye Shaoyang immediately saw two girls sitting on the wooden chairs, both of them were very beautiful, their looks were undeniable, and they had a natural feeling, one of them was dressed by a Taoist nun, needless to say it must be Yu Xuanji.

It's just that Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised that he looked no more than 30 years old at the most, with a pretty face, with a trace of weariness that saw through the world of mortals.

Ye Shaoyang stared at her, suddenly felt as if he had seen her before, especially the eyebrows.

Seeing him staring at her like this, Yu Xuanji frowned slightly.

"I've seen you, senior!" Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, and performed a standard salute.

Yu Xuanji nodded, and looked him up and down.

Ten years on the side was a little dissatisfied, and said to Lin Sansheng: "Lin Lang, this Taoist priest doesn't look as real as you."

Lin Sansheng smiled embarrassedly, and said: "He is actually very nice, but a little slippery."

Yu Xuanji said: "Tianshi Ye, Lin Lang just said about your visit, you need osmanthus leaves, go get them yourself."

Ye Shaoyang thanked him, and wondered why these two beauties called Lin Sansheng "Lin Lang". Thinking of some ancient costume dramas, it is indeed called that between men and women who seem to be educated, but it should be between people who are quite familiar with each other. so called.

Lin Sansheng only got along with them for a while, could it be that they are so familiar?

Ye Shaoyang felt incredible.

Yu Xuanji shifted his gaze to Lin Sansheng's face, and said, "Do you know, Lin Lang, why the Yama King asked me to guard the evil mirror?"

Lin Sansheng shook his head.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to say that this was an idle job and he was happy, but he didn't dare to say it.

Yu Xuanji said: "Everyone says that the King of Hades takes care of me, but it's not true. This evil mirror can illuminate people's karma, but only people like me with heavy karma can't be eliminated even by the evil mirror. I have been doing good for many lifetimes. It is so deep that you can enter the Asura Way, but because of the deep karma, you cannot overcome it, so you guard this evil mirror."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, thinking that King Yama also had a deep meaning in doing things: Let a person with a lot of karma manage the Nie Jingtai to help other ghosts eliminate their karma.

Yu Xuanji went on to say, "Just now I heard Lin Lang's experience, and I was very touched. My complex has been unraveled..."

"Sister..." Ten Niang called out.

Yu Xuanji glanced at her, and said with a smile: "You were deceived by that beast back then and threw yourself into the river to die. Since then, you have hated life to the core and don't want to be reincarnated. I just want to ask you, do you regret knowing that person?"

Ten Niang was taken aback, gritted her teeth and said, "I regret it! I wish I could eat his flesh raw!"

Yu Xuanji shook his head: "Actually, you don't regret it. If you didn't have the courage to be with him at that time, you would have been bitter about it ever since, thinking that he was so affectionate with you, and that would be the only way to regret it. Now you see clearly his True face, no nostalgia, what do you have to regret?

It was your own choice to give everything for him back then. If you make a mistake, you have to bear it yourself. What do you have to regret? "

Ten Niang was stunned and was speechless for a while.

Ye Shaoyang was also stunned on the spot, thinking that this Yu Xuanji is too good, every sentence is the truth, not to be a guest on those emotional programs, or go to the radio station to be a bosom sister, really burying talents...

I gave her a hundred likes in my heart.

Ten Niang nodded slightly, silent in thought.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but interjected: "Sister, Senior Yu is right, if you regret it, it's tantamount to denying yourself. Didn't it say on the Internet that you have to walk the path you choose, even if you can't finish it, It's also my choice, what is there to regret?"

Ten Niang asked suspiciously, "Online, what internet?"

"This..." Just as Ye Shaoyang was about to explain, Ten Niang had lost interest and bowed her head in silence.

Yu Xuanji said: "You can understand it slowly."

Turning my face, I said to Ye Shaoyang: "I have opened my heart, and I can be reborn as Shura, but I still have concerns in the world, and I can leave after I need to settle. So I want to ask you for a favor."

"Yeah, it should be." Ye Shaoyang's attitude was positive, and this was originally an exchange.


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