Urban Witcher

1120 Chapter 1120

Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot.

"If you want my blood, just say it directly. Do you want all my blood?"

Fei Fei said: "It's not just blood, you need to use your body to complete the blood sacrifice. This ritual will make you have to die."


Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded, his heart sank slowly, and what he was thinking in his heart was: Do I have to sacrifice myself if I want Tan Xiaohui to be resurrected?

Fei Fei said: "Ye Shaoyang, I think you have a kindness with the family of the Great Witch Immortal, you should kill yourself and keep your soul well, so as not to end up scattered under this prayer technique."

"Is there room for negotiation, I said, you are not bad people"

While Ye Shaoyang was perfunctory and talking nonsense, he mobilized his energy and tried to break through the blockade.

Even if you want to sacrifice yourself, you must not die so unjustly.

But as the chanting became stronger and stronger, the whole body was squeezed so that there was no room at all, and even the head could not be turned.

"Brother Shaoyang!"

Mu Qingyu tried to break out of the encirclement, but those wizards seemed to be scruples about her, they didn't stop her too much, rushed to Mu Qingfeng's side in one breath, grabbed his sleeve, and cried.

"Why are you doing this, brother, who are these people! Hurry up and tell them to let go of Brother Shaoyang, why are you doing this! Why!"

Mu Qingfeng was unmoved.

Looking at his cold face, Mu Qingyu felt that he was no longer her familiar brother, but a stranger she didn't know at all. It's a terrible feeling.

Mu Qingyu shook his head lightly, knowing that he was hopeless, he turned around and ran towards Ye Shaoyang.

Mu Qingfeng grabbed her, held her wrist tightly, and scolded: "You stay by my side honestly, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"Kunlun Taoist!"

Tongxuan Taoist opened his mouth and spit out a black crow transformed by ghost energy, which infiltrated 70% of his cultivation, and fought with Xiaoqing.

"Who the hell are you!" Daoist Chen Yang didn't participate in the battle of sealing monsters that day, and he didn't know the identity of Taoist Tongxuan, and he couldn't help asking in surprise when he saw that his attack was a standard Taoist spell.

"Your ancestor, Zhang Guo!"

Zhang Guo climbed up, and the three-foot sword was against Master Ziyang. With one hand, he shattered the enchantment that Master Chen Yang had set up with a magic talisman, and with his palm, he shattered his sky cap. He pulled out his soul, rubbed his hands vigorously, and after only a few strokes, the soul was crushed and turned into a sky-filled soul.

This scene, especially for Master Ziyang, can be described as killing chickens to make an example of monkeys, extremely horrifying.

"The Kunlun faction is passed on to you, it is simply a bunch of chickens and dogs, they deserve to be wiped out by Daofeng!"

Taoist Tongxuan said angrily that he felt resentment from the bottom of his heart for these people who had lost their orthodox inheritance.

Master Ziyang didn't dare to answer, resisted Zhang Shiming's attack, and retreated to Xiaoqing's side. At this time, Xiaoqing had already broken the illusion of a black crow. Seeing Master Ziyang approaching, he said coldly, "Don't expect me to protect you!"

Master Ziyang said in a low voice: "Immortal Officer, I will not survive today, but I don't want to end up with a broken soul. I will explode my body, and I will protect you for a while. I just ask the Immortal Officer to protect my soul!"

Faced with this mortal situation, death is not so terrible. Master Ziyang also had to make this choice.

After death, the soul can still be reincarnated, and because of the dedication at the last moment, you can also exchange some yin virtues. If you become a spirit, not to mention the hundreds of years of gathering the soul, you have to reincarnate in the animal realm of the six reincarnations for a hundred years. Probably the worst thing in the world.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiaoqing's reply, he made mudras with both hands, and chanted the incantation, and countless blue lights spit out from his open mouth, as if holding a luminous bead in his mouth, he rushed towards Taoist Tongxuan.

Daoist Tongxuan slashed down with his palm, Master Ziyang's body trembled and exploded, a burst of pure stellar energy burst out, even Master Xuan had to take a step back to avoid the sharp edge.

Xiaoqing easily shook Zhang Shiming away, fished out Ziyang's shattered head, put the soul in his hands, and rushed towards the trapped Ye Shaoyang and Sibao. With an ebony stick, he hit Xiaoqing.

After chanting a series of incantations, the ebony staff turned into a black light, and under the urging of Mu Qingfeng's incantation, it was like a flying snake, and it attacked Xiaoqing extremely swiftly.

Xiaoqing also had to show her real body, and started to fight with him. Taoist Tongxuan wanted to catch up and flank him, but suddenly a white shadow came and rushed towards him.

Taoist Tongxuan quickly turned around to resist.

Zhang Shiming also stepped forward to help, but when he saw it was Xiaobai, he was stunned.

Xiaobai didn't even look at him, and fought with Taoist Tongxuan.

Taoist Tongxuan saw that he couldn't win for a while, and angrily reprimanded Zhang Shiming: "I haven't come up to help yet!"

Zhang Shiming rushed forward, pinched Xiaobai with his sword, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, or you will die here!"

"I'll kill you first!" Xiao Bai said coldly.

Over there, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao were still aggrieved and trapped, they could only watch the fierce battle in the cave, the brilliance came out, the breath flowed, it was a scuffle.

"Ye Shaoyang, I'm sorry, you die!"

Fei Fei opened his arms and shouted, "Ula!"

Those wizards spun around one after another, and their singing and music became more rapid. The force that originally trapped Ye Shaoyang and Sibao changed from a squeeze to a tear.

The two of them could only recite the incantation silently, barely resisting it with Gang Qi.

But this resistance was futile in the face of the collective prayers performed by more than a dozen witchcraft masters.

Just when the two of them felt that their bodies and spiritual thoughts were about to be torn apart, Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard three splashes of water splashing from the deep well behind him, and his spirit was shaken for the next second.

A stream of water spewed out from the deep well, forming a water column several meters high, which hit the top of the cave, and then exploded. Countless water sprays gushed down and landed on the wizards.

This water splash does not have the magical ability in martial arts, it is just ordinary water, but it just falls endlessly and hits the heads and faces of those wizards.

These people were singing prayers, opened their mouths, took a sip of water, and naturally couldn't continue singing.

The mysterious prayer technique paused for a moment.

The tearing force also stopped for a moment.

Sibao yelled loudly, and the golden body of Arhat floated above his head, spun around vigorously, shattering the witch power, and shouted at Ye Shaoyang: "I will bear it!"

Without too many words, this was a tacit understanding between brothers, Ye Shaoyang immediately started Tiangang steps and ran towards Mu Qingfeng.

He did not go to deal with Fei Feifan, the great witch who was the closest, but chose Mu Qingfeng because he knew that Mu Qingfeng was the one who caused all this and was his worst enemy.

I came back too late yesterday to write. Make up first. There are three more today


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