Urban Witcher

Chapter 1122 Conspiracy

The blood witch also rushed up together.

Dozens of wizards practiced together, releasing various Gu worms, imps, and various poisonous mist and blood clouds, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

"I'm blocking, you"

Before Sibao could finish his sentence, Ye Shaoyang grabbed him. "Fuck you, die here!"

Meihua also followed behind.

"The sun is setting and the sand is bright, the sky and the earth are turned upside down, the universe is boundless, and Taoism is boundless!"

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Seven-Star Dragon Spring Sword, recited the Heaven Opening Mantra once, threw the Seven-Star Dragon Spring Sword out, forced a way out, and flew towards the opposite side.

"Where are we going!" Sibao yelled, "If you expect to run out of the cave like this, don't dream! You can't even fly!"

As long as the spiritual power of the Sky Opening Curse is exhausted, the three of them will surely fall into a tight siege. Dozens of blood witches and great witches are elite wizards, especially in such a narrow environment, they will surely die.

However, Sibao's worries are purely superfluous:

Ye Shaoyang didn't enter the main path of the cave at all, but rushed directly to the cave on the right, found a few talismans that he had pasted on the top of the cave before, and tore off the osmanthus leaves that were pasted on them in one go.

Only then did Sibao come back to his senses, his heart trembled, and he said in surprise: "You want to lure the snake out!"

Ye Shaoyang chuckled, anyway, even if he was killed, the snake would still come out, why not let him come out early to join in the fun.

A roar frightened the wizards who were chasing the three of them.

A strong demon wind blows from the depths of the cave.

"Not good!" Fei Fei shouted loudly, "The snake has come out!"

Ye Shaoyang also felt a violent breath vibration behind him, turned around and ran with Sibao and Meihua, and got into the crowd.

No one is hunting him anymore: the serpent has come out.

The huge snake head moved, opened its bloody mouth, and inhaled forcefully, generating a strong wind force. Some people in front immediately staggered, and the first two or three were directly sucked into the mouth.

Everyone backed away.

Mu Qingfeng's men were blood witches who blocked the cave, saying: "You can't retreat! If you retreat, you will die. Let's go up together and hold on!"

Ye Shaoyang passed by him. When Mu Qingfeng saw him, he didn't express much. Instead, he let people continue to block the snake. This surprised Ye Shaoyang, who originally planned to fight to the death.

Seeing those blood witches die in the mouth of the snake, and still go on, Ye Shaoyang almost thought he was dreaming:

Mu Qingfeng formed an array behind, and said to the great witch Xian Feifan: "No matter what, you can't let the snake go out, call all your people down, we will fight it!"

Fan Fei was also very puzzled by the behavior of these blood witches, but when he heard Mu Qingfeng do this, he hesitated.

"It's a good thing we provoked, but we also know now that once the snake is let out, we blood witches will have no foothold! We blood witches have died so many, you still don't believe me!"

These words dispelled Fei Fei's doubts, and rushed back to the entrance of the cave in one breath, shouting at the top, and dozens of people came down immediately.

"Boss be careful!"

Ye Shaoyang was obsessively observing the situation over there, when he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly behind him, and when he looked back, Taoist Tongxuan was rushing towards him.

"You old bastard!"

When Ye Shaoyang saw him, he immediately became angry. In the chaotic situation in front of me, I don't know how much work this old bastard has done.

The so-called enemy was extremely jealous when they met, Ye Shaoyang swung his sword and chopped off.

Tongxuan Daoist's figure turned into three, and the other two figures were against Xiaoqing and Xiaobai. His original soul fought against Ye Shaoyang, but he did not face-to-face attack. He always focused on avoiding and defending, which made Ye Shaoyang feel that something was wrong. .

It's the style of this old bastard to cherish his life, but he didn't force him to fight, he took the initiative to attack, but in the end he blindly backed down, what's the matter?

Deep in the cave, the scene was extremely chaotic.

There were screams one after another, mixed with the roar of the snake, limbs, broken arms and internal organs flying around. Although there were many wizards, they were all cannon fodder after all, without any advantage at all.

"Ye Shaoyang, today you will definitely die! Hurry up and sacrifice your body, patriarch, I will spare your soul!"

"Go away, you old glass!"

Ye Shaoyang knew that Taoist Tongxuan deliberately messed around and distracted himself.

At this time, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai had already dealt with the two avatars of Taoist Tongxuan and came to help.

Ye Shaoyang also wanted to take down Taoist Tongxuan in one fell swoop and solve a serious problem in his heart. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mu Qingfeng quietly withdraw from the battle, return to the cave, and wave to a wall hole.

It was only then that Ye Shaoyang discovered that there was a person sitting in the wall hole, touching something in his hand, with a long wire hanging from it, passing under the feet of a group of people.

"Boss, that's a gun, they're going to use guns to blow up the snake!" Xiaoqing said quickly, after a series of accidents, he almost forgot about it.

Blow up snakes with guns?

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly shuddered, and finally understood the truth: what they wanted to blow up was not just the snakes, but the elite wizards of the Great Witch Immortal Clan! including extraordinary!

"Grass mud horse!"

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang cursed loudly, asked Xiaoqing and Xiaobai to block Taoist Tongxuan, and threw himself into the wall hole.

Mu Qingfeng blocked the way, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he put Mu Qingyu off his shoulder, grabbed a hand, and threw it upwards forcefully.

The height of two meters above is to cover up, if it hits, Mu Qingyu will have his brains burst and die on the spot.

Almost instantly, Ye Shaoyang understood Mu Qingfeng's intention:

He didn't want to kill Mu Qingyu, and he also knew that she would not die, because Ye Shaoyang would definitely do it if he had a chance to save her.

Ye Shaoyang could think of this, but he couldn't help it. Immediately, he jumped up, supported Mu Qingyu, and at the same time shouted to the great witches inside who were still fighting with the snakes: "Be careful, the blood witch is going to blow you up! Go away!!"

Although most of the reason why I appeared here was that I was framed by the Great Witch Immortal's family, but after all, it was dozens of lives, and Ye Shaoyang didn't like these people to die so tragically. Most importantly, Tan Xiaohui is also in the middle.

He shouted with all his strength, and everyone who heard it turned around. However, the moment Ye Shaoyang fell to the ground, the person in the wall hole had already pressed the button.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang threw the Seven Star Longquan sword, hitting the wire between the detonator and the gun.

However, metals are also conductive

A loud "boom" came from the stone room in the middle.

"Ye Shaoyang!"

At the moment of the explosion, Fei Fei yelled, hugged Tan Xiaohui with both hands, and threw it towards Ye Shaoyang.

I will send two chapters for everyone to read first, and continue to write the next chapter.


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