Urban Witcher

Chapter 1137

The wizard had already returned to the detective, patted his clothes, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Mr. Ye, in a society ruled by law, how dare you openly resist the law?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't move, and slowly picked up the handcuffs from the ground. At this moment, the wizard approached the detective's ear and whispered something to him, and the detective shook his head.

Baoka looked around, and suddenly said in a terrified voice, "Where's that kid?"

"I've caught it already."

After the wizard finished speaking, he smiled, and suddenly reached out and patted the detective's arm, knocking down the pistol.

"Come and give me a kiss!"

The wizard hugged the detective's neck, ignored his resistance, tore his mouth open with both hands, leaned forward and took a deep breath.

The yang energy was sucked away, and the detective went limp all over immediately, fell to the ground, his pupils dilated, he waved his hands, and twitched uncontrollably.

"You!" Baoka shouted a word at the wizard, suddenly realized something, turned around, lay down on the ground, picked up the detective's pistol, and just pointed it at Ye Shaoyang, suddenly felt a pain in his arm, a feeling of numbness, Spread up the arm.

Then the sorcerer came up again and "kissed" him on the mouth, sucking away the yang energy.

Baoka was lying on the ground, just like the detective, convulsing all over, like two epileptics.

Immediately afterwards, the wizard himself fell to the ground, and Guagua got out of his body. Just when Baoka arrived, he was astute and had a premonition that something was going to happen, so he possessed the wizard in advance.

Although Baoka and the detective were vigilant and always on guard against Ye Shaoyang, they never expected that danger was around them, so they deserved it.

Guagua held the wizard's soul in his hand, slapped the Tianling cover hard, and shouted: "Go to Chaosheng!"

The last trace of yang energy and spiritual thoughts attached to the ghost were scattered, lost its dependence on the body, and automatically drifted towards Division Y.

It was too late for Ye Shaoyang to stop, so he sighed.

Guagua understood what he meant, snorted and said, "Boss, this man wanted to kill you. I didn't destroy my soul. It's kind enough to give him a chance to reincarnate."

After speaking, he went to Baoka and the detective, took out their souls one by one in each hand, both of them were sucked by Guagua's yang energy, their soul power was extremely weak, their bodies were transparent, and they were about to fly away.

If we hadn't been caught by Guagua, a gust of wind would have blown us away.

But consciousness still exists. When Baoka and the agent's ghost saw Ye Shaoyang, they immediately begged for mercy.

Ye Shaoyang thought of their previous ruthlessness, and really wanted to find wicker, peach branches, etc. to beat them up hard, but after thinking about it, forget it.

After some interrogation, Ye Shaoyang learned that the wizard was bought by Baoka. After Baoka learned of the death of Mu Qingfeng's brothers and sisters, he thought about the witchcraft secrets in Mu Qingfeng's family-it was something passed down by Mu Qingfeng's family, the inheritance of the priests in the clan.

Ask the wizard to use a mouse to test it out. Firstly, a mouse has a better sense of smell than a human. Second, he is worried that the place where Mu Qingfeng hides the secret books has been poisoned or cursed. You can use a mouse to test first, lest people accidentally catch it. road.

They didn't know that Ye Shaoyang was in the house, but just in case, Baoka, who was dedicated to acting cautiously, brought an agent with him.

He has official status and is the son of the patriarch, so it is easy to bribe a few agents.

After Ye Shaoyang heard it, he felt overwhelmed, looked at Baoka and sighed: "Mu Qingfeng and you are good friends, don't tell me that Qingyu is still your fiancee in name, they are dead, you don't do anything else, come to them first Burglary at home, stealing their belongings..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Fortunately, Qingyu didn't marry you, it seems that you don't really like him either."

Baoka cried bitterly, and Ye Shaoyang didn't bother to listen to all kinds of explanations.

Guagua said: "Boss, kill them, they wanted to kill you before."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, grabbed Baoka's soul, looked at him and said with a smile: "Your previous warning was correct, but now you have to pay it back to yourself. This is a society ruled by law. If there is no evidence, I will kill you. The law You can't do anything to me either."

When Baoka heard this, he knew that he was going to die, his face was ashen, and he was speechless.

"I didn't do this for personal revenge. You are vicious, you feed the wizard hook, and let you become the patriarch and a bigger leader in the future. I don't know what you will do..."

After finishing speaking, pinch the thumb and middle finger of his right hand together, pinch Baoka's brow, and pull hard to separate his soul from the original soul, press it into a magic talisman, and then use his own magic card to shoot , leaving a little bit of my divine sense on it, then let go of the talisman and flew away automatically.

This talisman will fly all the way to Division Y, enter the Palace of the Son of Heaven, and be enlightened by Xiao Yiyun.

At that time, he will be able to learn the truth and his request from Ye Shaoyang's spiritual thoughts left on the talisman: to detain that strand of soul, and losing this strand of soul will not affect Baoka's lifespan. The soul goes down to the Y room, and then this strand of soul is merged with it, how to get rid of it.

The remaining three souls and six souls of Baoka were sent back to his body by Ye Shaoyang.

Baoka opened his eyes, with a confused expression on his face, he smiled at Ye Shaoyang, turned and left.

The loss of a ray of soul does not affect his survival, but the person will become mildly mentally retarded.

Looking at his shaky back, Ye Shaoyang secretly sighed. A mentally handicapped person, no matter how prominent his background is, is still a useless person, and even loses the qualification to do bad things.

In a sense, this is also a good thing for him, lest he be full of crimes and have to settle after death, and walk on the stage of death.

The detective's soul, seeing what happened to Baoka, was so frightened that Ye Shaoyang didn't need to do anything, the soul almost flew away, arched his hands, his lips were trembling, and he didn't even have the energy to beg for mercy.

Ye Shaoyang sent his soul back to his body, waiting for him to wake up.

The detective looked at him in a daze, then suddenly came to his senses, and almost knelt down and begged for mercy on the spot.

"You spared your life, do you know what to say when you go back?"

The detective looked at the corpse of the wizard on the ground, thought for a while, and said hastily, "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, this matter will never be related to you."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and said: "I planted a ghost in your body, don't be afraid, if you don't do bad things, the ghost will not hurt you, as if it doesn't exist, as long as you do bad things... it will come to me Report, immediately blow your mind away."

The detective was stunned. It was the first time he heard the word "fu ghost", and he didn't know what it was, but seeing the tragic death of the wizard on the ground and the treasure card who had turned into an idiot, it was very difficult for the boy in front of him. He did not dare to have any doubts about his mana, and immediately nodded his head desperately, saying that he would change his mind and be a good person in the future.


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