Urban Witcher

Chapter 1139 Mysterious visitor 2

Sure enough, there was a conspiracy, Ye Shaoyang looked at him, and asked calmly, "What cooperation?"

Shi Lei smiled and said: "I can't say now, when we arrive in Xiangxi later, you guys will go with me to meet someone, and you will know everything."

so mysterious?

Ye Shaoyang expected nothing good. Although I am very curious in my heart, I don't want to be troublesome.

This is what Ye Shaoyang thinks is the best quality in himself, and he shouldn't know it by himself, and he absolutely doesn't want to be troublesome, otherwise he will give it away even if he has ten lives.

At that moment, he deliberately looked at his phone and said, "I'm going to get on the train in an hour, I'm afraid I don't have time to meet your friends."

Shi Lei smiled and said: "You come to see me, even if there is no train, he can still take you back."

"Helicopter? So awesome?" Ye Shaoyang frowned, and said with some disgust, "So, I have to go?"

Shi Lei said: "Why, we are very friendly, we just want to cooperate with you, even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter, just listen."

Sibao touched Ye Shaoyang's arm and said, "I already have a premonition about something."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What?"

Sibao stretched out one hand, folded the other hand on top, made a sliding gesture with his two thumbs, raised his eyebrows at Shi Lei, and said, "Is it?"

Shi Lei was taken aback, cupped his hands and said: "Master is on the way!"

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand at all, and asked them what they were talking about. Shi Lei pointed to the driver with his hand below, Ye Shaoyang immediately understood and stopped asking.

Back in downtown XX, Shi Lei instructed the driver to park the car under a small building.

Ye Shaoyang got off the car and looked over. It was a small three-story building, very old. It looked like a building from twenty years ago. There was a large courtyard in front and a small garden inside.

From the outside, it looks like a government agency or a state-owned enterprise, but when you look outside the gate, there is a sign that reads "Guest House of a certain agency".

Shi Lei led the two of them into the guard's room, showed a certificate to the guard, and said, "These two are Mr. Cai's guests."

The doorman looked at Ye Shaoyang and the two in turn, picked up a digital camera from the table, took two photos of their faces, and said, "Please come in."

After entering the courtyard, Sibao immediately complained: "This is too strict, and you still have to take pictures."

Shi Lei smiled, before he could speak, Ye Shaoyang said: "Where is this place, why are there soldiers guarding it?"

"Soldiers? Where are they?" Shi Lei was stunned.

"Don't fool me, the security guard just now is a soldier." Ye Shaoyang pointed at his head, "He has a crew cut, but there is a circle of hair on his head that is pressed down, it must be because he usually wears a hat. Don't tell me He was wearing a hard hat."

Shi Lei was stunned, and then gave a thumbs up, "Mr. Ye's observation skills are really strong!"

But he didn't explain where it was, and took them directly into the small building.

This small building with only four floors also had an elevator. The three of them took the elevator to the third floor. The corridor was empty, with only a door on one side. There was only a number on the door, but no sign.

Walking all the way to the end, Shi Lei gently knocked on the door of a room, and after waiting for a while, the door opened inside.

A man in his forties, with a gentle expression, wearing a white shirt, trousers, and leather shoes, smiled and nodded at Ye Shaoyang and the two of them, inviting them in.

This is a living room, similar to a hotel, very clean.

The outhouse has a coffee table and seating set.

The man asked them to sit down, and within half a minute, a waiter came in from outside to make tea and then left.

Shi Lei introduced for both parties.

This man's name is Cai Yu, his job title... Shi Lei didn't introduce him, he only said he was a public servant.

Ye Shaoyang saw that this man was white and clean, his clothes were spotless, and his manner of speaking, he could roughly guess that this man must be an official, and his official position is not small.

"I've heard Professor Shi say what Mr. Ye did in Xiangxi."

After a brief greeting, Cai Yu said, "I came all the way from the capital to meet Mr. Ye."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, he came from the capital to meet him? How big does this have to be? I can't help but feel a little panicked.

Cai Yu said: "Let me just say it straight. After hearing Professor Shi mention your matter, I believe that you are the person we have been looking for!"

Get up and open the closet, there is a password box inside. Cai Yu opened the lockbox, took out three thick file bags, put them on the tea table, and said, "Please take a look, both of you."

Sibao reached out to take it, but was slapped by Ye Shaoyang, and said to Cai Yu: "You should just tell me what's going on."

After reading their files, if you say that you don't want to cooperate at that time, it may not be that simple.

Cai Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Ye doesn't have to be so cautious. If I can show you these materials, I trust you. Even if you don't want to cooperate, it doesn't matter. This is Huaxia Kingdom, and Huaxia Kingdom is about people/rights."

Ye Shaoyang chuckled, waved his hands and said, "You'd better just say it, and it won't be too late to read these after you finish."

Cai Yu didn't insist either, and invited the two of them to drink tea, and began to tell the story by himself:

"You should have guessed it. I am an official, and I mainly focus on scientific research. To make a long story short, five years ago, when we were investigating Luopo, we discovered a huge ancient tomb within the scope of the Loulan ruins. , established an expedition team, and Professor Shi was among them...

After we went down, we realized that this is not as simple as an ancient tomb, but an underground palace, which is mainly used for some kind of sacrificial ceremony... We encountered many supernatural phenomena down there. At that time, there were tall people like you among us People, just go all the way down to the bottom of the ancient tomb: about a thousand meters above the ground! "

"One thousand meters..." Sibao took a deep breath, "Forgive me, I have never seen a tomb that is one thousand meters deep."

Cai Yu seemed to ask casually: "Master, have you seen many tombs?"

Ye Shaoyang stepped on the four treasures under the table, and the four treasures suddenly came to their senses, smiled and perfunctorily passed.

Cai Yu didn't ask any further questions, and said to Shi Lei: "You were at the scene at the time, you can talk about it later."

Shi Lei nodded, and said: "At that time, we found a crystal door at the bottom of the cemetery. There was a mural beside the door. There are experts in this field among us. Translated into Chinese, the general idea is that a curse was placed on the door, and we must not pass through it." .

It’s not that we don’t believe it, but we’ve already arrived at that place. It’s really a pity not to go and have a look, so we’ll go back first and look around for experts like you... There are four people in total, don’t laugh when you tell us, we can find it Yes, they are all top mages among the people. "

(The third update will be released first, and the chapter that is owed will be filled before the update tomorrow. It is the end of the month again, and I won the supernatural monthly ticket champion again. Thank you everyone. The Glory Hall will send out red envelopes at 8:30 tomorrow night. At the same time, I also wish Wu Jiawei, the chief disciple of Laoshan, a happy birthday .)——

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