Urban Witcher

Chapter 1164 Breakthrough 2

The following is Sanskrit, which Ye Shaoyang doesn’t understand, and only remembers the words “Fudo Mingwang”. The rest of the nuns followed Master Huang Hui to recite the scriptures together. After a while, the pitch-black Tiefutu glowed brightly under the inspiration and blessing of the nuns’ magic power. The wisps of Buddha's light, together with those chanting sutras behind, hovered in the air, forming a golden pagoda in the shape of an iron pagoda.

The three masters Jinghui, Xinghui, and Kaihui, who are like Bodhi and radiant, are just the top and two fulcrums of the "pagoda".

The light of the pagoda streamed straight down, surrounding all the nuns who were chanting scriptures around Tiefutu, and Rui Lengyu who was waiting to be ordained.

"Tianshi Ye, if you want to stop the shaving, you must destroy my appearance as the Fudo King, and there are about ten minutes left!"

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he looked at Chang Ranxiang, no, there was only a short piece of Chang Ranxiang left.

Ye Shaoyang also has a little understanding of Fudo Mingwang Venerable Aspect, which requires the cooperation of twenty-eight people, and a triangular set-up, forming an extremely terrifying Dharma-image.

As for how terrible it is, Ye Shaoyang has never tried it, so he just went into it if he didn't know.

There is no time to explore. Ye Shaoyang formed a mudra with his hands, opened and closed, and patted the barrier of Buddha's light.

I thought I would encounter a huge backlash, but I didn't expect that when the Buddha's light sank, a gap flashed out and sucked Ye Shaoyang in.

what's the situation?

Isn't it an enchantment? It doesn't make sense to break it so easily!

Ye Shaoyang was hesitating, when he saw a big change in the surrounding situation: in this small space, there were auspicious clouds, with a Buddha statue in the middle, holding a golden pagoda in all directions, and each hand held a different magic weapon.

The four-faced Buddha has different expressions, showing four colors of joy, anger, sorrow and pity, which are extremely majestic and vivid.

The four-faced Buddha opened its golden mouth and chanted Buddhist scriptures aloud.

After Ye Shaoyang listened carefully, he realized that these scriptures should be the ones that the nuns had been reciting all the time, but after he entered the battle, his voice suddenly increased and became thicker.

With such a majestic Buddha statue, coupled with hypnotic Buddhist scriptures, even ordinary people who do not believe in Buddhism, in this situation, I am afraid that they will bow down to worship and convert from then on.

Ye Shaoyang was unmoved.

As a Taoist priest, he had a firm belief, and he didn't feel any joy at all when he heard the Buddha's voice. Instead, he felt noisy, and soon felt restless. I suddenly realized that the function of this Buddha's voice is probably to disturb people's mind...

Biting the tip of his tongue hard at the moment, waking up from the pain, he read aloud: "Tao can be Tao, very Tao, name can be named, very famous..."

Using the "Tao Te Ching" to fight against the Buddhist scriptures, my mind suddenly became clear.

Ye Shaoyang tasted the sweetness, and changed to "Xiaoyaoyou": "There is a fish in the north, its name is Kun, and the size of Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng..."

"Namo Amitabha!"

With a clear groan, it was deafening. Among the Buddhas in all directions, the face representing "anger" suddenly broke through the Buddha statue, jumped down, turned into Nu Tianzun, and threw one hand at Ye Shaoyang.

"Finally do it!"

Before dealing with those nuns, Ye Shaoyang was afraid of accidentally hurting them, so he had some scruples, so he didn't dare to use weapons, so that he couldn't use spells.

"An ignorant creature, dare to plunder the might of the Great Buddha!" ​​the Nu Tianzun shouted sharply, his voice was like thunder.

"You said you were fat and you were panting, you really thought you were a Buddha!"

Ye Shaoyang sneered, he knew that the other party was only transformed by the power of the formation, driven by the three masters of Huanghui, and looked like a bluff, but he was not a real Buddha.

A sword came from the west, counterattacked, and stabbed through the hand of the angry Tianzun. Backlashed by a powerful force, Ye Shaoyang only felt numbness in the tiger's mouth, and pain as if his arm was dislocated.

However, the Nu Tianzun's hand was also pierced by the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, and the broken part melted into smoke and spread all the way to Nu Tianzun's body.

The Dharma image was shattered, the auspicious clouds dispersed, and the real scene reappeared in front of my eyes.

The three teachers and many disciples looked at Ye Shaoyang in shock.

Master Jinghui was too shocked and said: "Ye Shaoyang, I don't believe that your Dao heart can be so stable, and you have no reverence for Buddha!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I am a Taoist priest, so of course I am not afraid of Buddha. If you have the ability to become a god of the Sanqing, I will definitely surrender."

"Do you think this is the end?" Master Jinghui came down from the iron pagoda, and the people behind her changed into formations and quickly rushed behind her, setting off on the left and right, forming a shape like a lotus flower.

The two masters, Huang Hui and Kai Hui, meditate behind Master Jinghui, with their eyes closed, controlling the formation, and the control of the method will not fall.

If Ye Shaoyang wants to rescue Rui Lengyu, he must break through Fudo Ming Wang Faxiang.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from Master Jinghui's hands, hovering over her head, shaped like a banana leaf, exuding a simple and depressing atmosphere.

"Emei Golden Leaf!"

Although he has never seen it before, Ye Shaoyang believes that this is the legendary "Emei Golden Leaf!"

One of the "Three Treasures of Zhenshan" in Chimei Mountain, the Emei Golden Leaf, which is as famous as the Five Treasures Golden Lotus, is naturally in the hands of Master Jinghui who is the head teacher.

Master Jinghui tied the seal and held up the golden leaf, looking at Ye Shaoyang, as if waiting for him to pass.

It's me who is in a hurry, and I can't delay it.

Ye Shaoyang put away the Seven Star Longquan Sword, took out Taiyi Whisk, and rushed over.

Master Jinghui uttered the Buddha's name, grabbed the golden leaf in his hand, and danced vigorously.

A soft breath was blowing towards the face, it was nothing at first, but when Ye Shaoyang tried to fight back, the breath immediately became extremely strong, and Ye Shaoyang was knocked back a few steps by accident.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, and attacked again, this time he was not knocked back, but the two sides fought together.

To be precise, this is not a fight at all, because Master Jinghui only defends and does not attack.

Whether it's martial arts, samurai contests, or ordinary people fighting, if two people are of equal strength, and one of them is all about delaying time and only defending but not attacking, it will be very difficult for the other to win.

As long as there is a move, there must be a flaw. Fighting skills are similar to martial arts contests, and even more so.

If there is a real fight, Ye Shaoyang believes that although Master Jinghui is in the realm of a master, the difference in strength between the two is not big, but his fighting experience is far higher than that of the opponent. There are many tricks and tricks. It is not easy to beat her, but if you want to break through Her defense is still fine.

As a result, after a fight, the opponent defended and did not move an inch. As long as they blocked the attack, they would immediately withdraw their moves and not pursue them.

Ye Shaoyang even sold his flaws on purpose, and Mrs. Jinghui was not fooled at all, just like her Dharma name: Quiet as a rock, standing still.

What's even more exasperating is that the Emei golden leaf in her hand continuously gathers the power of the formation on it. The spiritual power is extremely strong and unstoppable, but it only defends but does not attack. It is so powerful that it is impossible to be suppressed.


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