Urban Witcher

Chapter 1166 Blasphemy

If it weren't for the critical moment now, Ye Shaoyang would really kneel down for her.

"I said Shitai, are you playing with me?"

Master Jinghui sighed too, and said: "Ye Shaoyang, there is another catastrophe between you and her... You can't even get rid of my little tribulation, how can you deal with catastrophe in the future?"

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, his heart became heavy. For the time being, things like love and calamity... don't care about it for now. Does this beautiful teacher mean to test herself?

"Master, in fact, in this confrontation, I have found at least three ways to defeat you Fudo Ming."

Ye Shaoyang spoke quickly, "One is to fight hard with you, like just now, you will definitely be able to make a gap, but unfortunately I can't fight hard with you, and the other is to break fast and slow. Although you are impeccable in defense, as long as I have enough fast Speed, before you start, if you can't keep up, you will lose."

Master Jinghui was too defensive, smiling and not saying a word.

"However, this kind of speed requires continuous fighting and accumulation, and slowly drives out the time. The current time is not enough. Right now, there is only the third method. Master, offended..."

After all, he sacrificed the Tianfeng Leihuo flag, rolled towards him, and climbed up by himself. The Tianfeng Leihuo flag was like a tent, covering the two of them and blocking everyone's sight.

Master Jinghui frowned, didn't know why, and defended herself, and suddenly saw a malicious smile on Ye Shaoyang's face, and said softly: "Master, you are so beautiful, why did you become a monk at a young age?"

After speaking, he blinked at her.

Master Jinghui was stunned, and immediately understood what Ye Shaoyang's so-called "method" was: using verbal teasing to make himself lose his mind, and with just one thought, the formation would naturally break.

Immediately, he frowned, and said: "Ye Shaoyang, your method is really despicable, but the poor nun has been studying Buddhism for a long time, and his mind is like still water, so your method is useless."


Ye Shaoyang used the attack to brush the whisk across her neck. "Master, tell me, why doesn't this Jinghua Temple allow men to come in? Have you ever been hurt and hated men?"

Thinking of the past, Master Jinghui hurriedly chanted a mantra to meditate, and simply sat down, chanted the mantra silently, covered the Emei golden leaf on her body, and used the power of the formation to protect her whole body, like a golden bell.

The Dharma appearance of the Fudo Ming King is to have a firm mind, not to be moved by the external appearance, so as to be able to keep the Dharma appearance comprehensive, if it is moved, the "Fudo" Ming King will naturally be done.

Master Jinghui was very enlightened. Since Ye Shaoyang used this wretched method to continue fighting, he would be easily led by the other party. He simply sat down and protected his body, knowing that Ye Shaoyang would not dare to kill him. He closed his eyes and gave him Don't look at it, listen to it, don't want to, let him toss, anyway, the incense is going to die, as long as you survive the last time, you're done.

Ye Shaoyang, it's not that the poor nun wants to fight against you. It is really for the sake of you not being robbed by love in the future...

Master Jinghui let out a long sigh in her heart, suddenly felt her hands being grabbed, opened her eyes suddenly, and found Ye Shaoyang sitting opposite her, giggling.

"Master, your hands are so soft."

As he spoke, he grabbed her hand and played with it.

Although he knew that the other party was intentionally irritating him, but the feeling of shame and indignation spontaneously arose in his heart.

Master Jinghui repeated the meditation mantra three times in a row before forcing himself to calm down, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "The poor nun has been a monk for many years, and his Taoism is stable. It is meaningless for you to do this."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her jade hand, put it to his mouth, and made a gesture to kiss her.

Master Jinghui held back his embarrassment and anger, and closed his eyes.

"It's just a skin... If you are obsessed with this appearance, then this appearance is not real, and you can see my Buddha..."

"Master, you are blushing."

What, what!

Master Jinghui opened her eyes, seeing Ye Shaoyang put down her hand, she felt very relieved, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Let's gamble again. You bet before that I would not dare to kill you. You won. Bet again. See if I dare... kiss you!"

What! Master Jinghui was too stunned. Never thought that Ye Shaoyang would use such a wretched method!

"You're so beautiful, even though you're an aunt...but I won't suffer if I kiss you."

As Ye Shaoyang said, he slowly moved his mouth together.

Master Jinghui trembled all over, blushed, gritted her teeth and said, "Ye Shaoyang, don't you dare!"

"Really, I want to try it too, to see if I dare."

Ye Shaoyang Y/smiled, his mouths moved closer and closer, and the tip of their nose was almost touching the tip of their nose.

Beads of sweat rolled down Master Jinghui's face.

But she didn't dare to move. Once she moved, her mind would lose control, and the Dharma image would disappear.

"Amitabha, the poor Taoist wants to test his Taoism, so come on!" Master Jinghui shook his head and closed his eyes.

"You really dare not bet on me, Mrs. Tai, I have offended you..."

The two teachers, Kaihui and Huanghui, looked at each other with puzzled faces: the Fenghuoshan forest enchantment formed by the Tianfengleihuo flag blocked their sight, and it has been a minute since they heard anything inside. The sound of fighting.

Everyone is a little worried.

"Senior sister, what's wrong, nothing will happen?" Master Kaihui said hesitantly.

Master Huang Hui shook his head too, feeling uneasy in his heart, so he had to order all the disciples to continue to form the formation.

At this moment, a nun behind her said, "I tell the two abbots that the incense is gone."

Master Huang Hui was overjoyed and said, "Shave!"

Turning around to see the old nun standing beside Rui Lengyu put down the tray, picked up the shaving knife, and roasted it on the incense burner, Master Hui was completely relieved.

After tossing for a long time, the dust finally settled.

He took a deep breath at the moment, and suddenly, a huge counterattack force burst out from the formation, and everyone stood unsteadily, retreated each, and looked intently——

A figure flew up from the center of the formation, pulled up the Tianfeng Leihuo flag, threw it forward, trapped Rui Lengyu under the razor, carried it on his shoulders, and ran away.

Only then did the nuns come back to their senses, and looked towards the field. Master Jinghui was sitting on the ground with her head down, her face was flushed, and she felt very powerless.

"Senior sister, are you okay?"

Kai Hui and Master Huang Hui shouted in unison.

Master Huang Hui was panting too, shook his head, and looked up, because there was someone blocking the way under the door, Ye Shaoyang used the ecstasy rope to open the way, climbed up the wall, carried Rui Lengyu on his shoulder, stood at the top of the arch, and turned his head.

Robbing people from the nunnery. This is the first time this kind of thing happened in Jinghua nunnery.

All the nuns, old and young, all looked up at him and forgot to chase him for a while.

"I'm sorry everyone, it was my fault for trespassing on your temple today, I admit it, but I must take her away. You can go to the Magic Guild to ask me to review, and I will accept all punishments...Master Jinghui, just now I'm sorry for the situation!"

(Today’s Qixi Festival, go on a date after reading the book. What, are you single? I’ll teach you a secret, read "Xuanqing Mountain" often, and get out of singles as soon as possible! Today’s Qixi Festival coincides with my mother’s birthday, so there are only two chapters. Thank you understand.)--

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