Urban Witcher

Chapter 1179 Back Door

Rui Lengyu knew that he was changing the subject, but the matter was of great importance. She was not as optimistic as Ye Shaoyang, so she immediately thought seriously and said:

"The ghost story just said is right. We are only in Yangjian, and we will never go to the ghost domain. It is impossible for Zhong Kui or Zhao Xuantan to come to the world to arrest the soul. Take a step back, even if these big guys want to fuck you behind your back. , can't do it."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said, "Except for one person, Lord Cui! If he randomly adds two strokes to the book of life and death, I don't think he will die!"

Rui Lengyu was startled, and murmured: "Your Majesty Cui wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Probably not. Mr. Cui's reputation is very good, and he has something to do with me. He probably won't cheat on me..."

But thinking about it left and right, he was still worried, so he activated Cheng Zi's soul seal, waited for a while, Cheng Zi came out of nowhere, saw Rui Lengyu, and chatted very happily.

As a result, when Ye Shaoyang told the situation, Cheng Zi was stunned immediately, gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, I'll call Xiaobai and the others here!"

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said: "I don't need your help, you have official positions, so it's inconvenient to offend Yu Xuanji."

When Cheng Zi heard this, she pouted and said angrily, "Boss, what are you talking about! We are not helping you, your business is our business. Although I have a husband now, you will always be my boss!"

Ye Shaoyang was very moved when he heard this, pinched her little face, and said: "Well, when I can't handle it, I will definitely call you. If I call you now, it seems that I want to fight Yes, let’s take the blame first.”

Cheng Zi said: "Okay then, I will come up to see you from time to time, and I can't hide it unless you ask me!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I came to you this time because I wanted you to be with Mr. Cui Fu and listen to the wind, and don't ask him to help me. At least in this matter, don't trip me up. , Yu Xuanji is his junior sister after all."

When Cheng Zi heard this, he suddenly said: "No wonder, that Yu Xuanji has been coming to the Palace of Heaven for the past few days, and once he brought osmanthus cake, so it was a gift."

Then he smiled, "But uncle actually doesn't like the sweet-scented osmanthus cake she made, saying it's too sweet. Give it to us."

Ye Shaoyang asked in surprise: "Uncle?"

Cheng Zi said: "Yes, I call him Uncle in private, I am the only girl in the Temple of Heaven, and he likes me to serve him very much."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her and said, "Serve..."

"What are you thinking!" Cheng Zi slapped him, "You don't know, Mr. Cui Fu loves Xiao Lang very much, just like a father and son, he also regards me as his daughter-in-law and asks me to call him uncle.

We mermaids are best at brewing wine. Uncle likes to drink the wine I brew the most, as well as the snacks I make, tsk tsk, anyway, the uncle dotes on me the most now, even Xiao Lang stands aside. "

Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu looked at each other in shock.

When Cheng Zi entered the Palace of the Son of Heaven, Ye Shaoyang told her to coax Mr. Cui as much as possible, but he never expected that she would be so successful and become his daughter-in-law...

Immediately slapped his thigh, and said: "That's good, I don't believe that if my junior sister kisses again, I can still have a daughter-in-law kiss!"

Cheng Zi said: "Yes, besides, she can't go to the Temple of Heaven every day, but I live there all the time and take care of the uncle's daily life. If he dares to help that Yu Xuanji, I won't make wine and tea for him!"

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang felt more relieved and asked her to go back earlier. Cheng Zi was very dissatisfied and said that he had to come up after a long time and would stay for a while.

So Rui Lengyu dragged her to the bedroom next door to talk privately.

The next morning, Ye Shaoyang, Rui Lengyu, and Xiaoyu went out together to visit Chimei Mountain.

Ye Shaoyang also came here for the first time. He went up the mountain and played around. In terms of scenery alone, the scenery of Chimei Mountain is average, similar to that of Xuanqing Mountain.

These famous Taoist and Buddhist mountains, such as Wuzhou Mountain, Jiuchong Mountain, Lucheng Mountain, and Laoshan Mountain, are not very beautiful. They are only famous because of their religion. Most of the tourists who go up the mountain come to worship Buddha and offer incense.

Take the cable car, go up to the Golden Summit of Emei, play all the way, and finally stand at the foot of the most famous golden Buddha.

Emei Golden Buddha is the golden body of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. It looks like a pagoda in all directions. The treasure is solemn and kind, lifelike, and gives people a feeling of compassion.

Countless people prostrated themselves under the Buddha statue, burned incense and kowtowed, calling it Amitabha Buddha.

Although Xiaoyu's father is a Taoist priest, but he is not. Seeing that everyone else is offering incense, after asking Ye Shaoyang's consent, he couldn't help but spend a hundred yuan to buy a stick of incense to burn.

Rui Lengyu almost became a nun, and she was originally destined for Buddhism, so there is no reason why she should not worship the Buddha after seeing the Buddha. Ye Shaoyang was the only one, strolling around in the hall, seeing beauties everywhere, especially when there were beauties bending over to offer incense...

Suddenly his arm was pulled by someone, and when he turned his head, Rui Lengyu was staring at him, "You are amazing, you dare to spy on girls in the holy land of Buddhism, there is no one else."

"Hey, I'm also idle, just take a look, how can it be peeping."

When the little fish was fragrant, the three of them went down the mountain together.

Outside the gate of the main hall, a monk unwrapped a lottery to tell fortunes, Xiaoyu also went to draw a lottery, then asked about marriage, and wrote down the names and birth dates of the two people.

The monk made some calculations and told Xiaoyu that the two are destined, but they need to go through some ups and downs. As long as they can trust each other, they will surely achieve a positive result...

Xiaoyu was very happy to hear that, and gave him an extra 20 yuan.

Ye Shaoyang was a little distressed, and went up to ask the monk to refund the money, but the monk refused, and the two almost fought, but in the end, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to let him do the math, so he felt that the loss was not so bad.

Returning to Rui Lengyu, Rui Lengyu gave him a hard look and said, "You know he's a liar, but it's useless to figure it out, so why waste your time!"

"I'm wasting his time, no matter what he said is true or not, anyway, my money can't be wasted, if he forgets it for me, I have to waste more saliva and time, and count one less..."

This logic... Rui Lengyu felt quite speechless.

Ye Shaoyang glared at Xiaoyu, and said, "Spend 80 yuan to find a liar to tell your fortune, you are really rich, you give me 50 yuan, and I will do it for you!"

Xiaoyu stuck out his tongue and ignored him.

Rui Lengyu smiled and said: "What people count is marriage, if you let you count, it's not the same as telling you who the guy is!"

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he finally understood, and asked Xiaoyu, "That's not right, didn't you say you didn't have a boyfriend before?"

Xiaoyu blushed and replied, "It's not a boyfriend."

"The object of crush?"

Xiao Yu blushed even more, rolled his eyes at him and said: "You are a big man, why are you gossiping like this, let alone you are my elder, don't be ashamed."


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