Urban Witcher

Chapter 1196

The two Pyromen twisted on the ground, screaming wildly. More bombs kept falling on them, and the flames became more intense.

The silver-armored ghost warrior, the righteous god of the underworld, and the first-class ghost leader were easily defeated by the army. Even Lao Guo himself, who came up with this method, found it a bit unbelievable.

If it is in the Y world, the ordinary fire in the Yang world cannot burn, so this method is useless, but this is the Yang world, any tangible things will be burned by gasoline, even the silver armor ghost warriors will still be injured after being burned.

"Go down!"

Yu Xuanji scolded, and those two silver-armored ghost warriors immediately entered Division Y. As long as they enter the ghost domain, the fires in the world cannot burn, and the flames on their bodies will naturally go out. It's no good, this battle will definitely not be able to participate.

Sibao picked up a can of fire extinguisher from the corner and sprayed it on the burning gasoline on the ground.

Although there is nothing that can be burned in the warehouse, the smoke produced by the burning of gasoline is too much, which will affect everyone's actions, so Lao Guo has already equipped a fire extinguisher.

At this time, Qing Yunzi had just completed the second spirit beheading, beheading the cause and effect of Xiaoyu's earth soul, sending it back into the body, and then pulling out the human soul.

Seeing this scene, Shi Niang couldn't sit still, she was about to make a move, but was grabbed by Yu Xuanji, she turned her head and said puzzledly: "Sister, why don't you take action? It's too late!"

Yu Xuanji raised his head slightly, glanced at those people in the corridor on the second floor, and those strange mirrors, and said, "There are so many people up there, and even Ye Shaoyang's ghost servants didn't participate in the battle, so they must have a backup."

Immediately ordered those parades and ghost envoys not to worry about those on the second floor, leaving the parade to entangle with Ye Shaoyang day and night, and the rest of the parade and ghost envoys rushed to the fourth floor of the altar together, trying to besiege Qingyunzi.

Seeing this scene, Qing Yunzi freed up a hand and lit the ever-burning lamp on the top of the altar.

Pressing the soul of Xiaoyu with his left hand, he kept changing his handprints and continued to practice. He held the ever-burning lamp in his right hand, dipped his fingers in the lamp oil, and sprinkled it continuously. Riding the bull backwards; shouting three times to order the water to flow, and pointing at the red gate to stop the blood flowing! Fenghuo Xuanming is as urgent as a law!"

After reading, he picked up a magic talisman, lit it on the long-burning lamp, dipped it in lamp oil, patted it lightly, and blew hard.

The ashes of the paper flew in all directions and landed on the sixteen long-burning lamps below. For a while, the flames were full of flames, and there was a faint wind flowing through the sixteen candles. However, different gossip runes appeared, and when combined together, they formed an extremely profound aura.

This aura is not an enchantment, but it is better than an enchantment. It covers the entire Lingtai. Change, immediately confused again.

This scene was seen by Yu Xuanji, who is also a Daoist disciple. Based on the trajectories of the two patrolling flights, she pinched her fingers and deduced for a while, and immediately understood the general idea, and shouted: "This is the secret technique of oil lamp illusion! You can't break it, you can only do it!" Drain the lamp oil from the outside before entering."

The right hand reached into the left sleeve, took out a handful of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves, threw them out, and landed in the sky above the four-story altar, which happened to be sixteen pieces. They spun down and automatically followed the trajectory of the gang wind, flying around.

This method has no effect on the illusion itself, it just deduces the invisible wind. Those parades like headless flies are guided and immediately attached to it, following the wind direction and trajectory, sucking in the wind.

Lao Guo and others immediately fired S soul-killing guns, trying to stop them.

"I come!"

After Shi Niang finished speaking, she floated off the ghost car, stood in the air above the altar, and danced lightly with her right hand in the air. Everyone was amazed to find that there was something extra in her arms:

It looked like a wooden box, ordinary, without any breath.

Ten Niang silently chanted the mantra, and suddenly opened the first layer of the wooden box. Immediately, the brilliance was released, and the jewels and jewels were colorful, forming a rainbow-like halo. Layers of hackberry trees spread down, blocking herself and all the parades in the middle .

The cinnabar bomb collided with the colorful halo and immediately exploded. The cinnabar poured down, but not a single bit of it could enter it.

"What kind of trick is this!" Zhang Xiaorui exclaimed.

"The wooden box and the things inside are her horcruxes," Sibao explained to the earphones, looking carefully through the halo, the glowing things in the wooden box turned out to be all kinds of jewelry, jade, gold and silver jewelry , the so-called jewels are probably like this.

"This is a treasure chest. Her real surname is Du!" Sibao muttered to himself in shock.

Zhang Xiaorui didn't care what her surname was, seeing that the Soul Slayer Gun didn't work, she couldn't help becoming anxious.

"What to do? Do you want to use these mirrors to deal with it?"

Old Guo said: "Not yet!"

"Let's go!"

After Guagua and Xueqi finished speaking, they immediately flew down and rushed towards Shi Niang.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

A sound of Buddha turned into a soft golden light, shot out from behind the ghost car, landed in front of Guagua and Xueqi, and turned into a huge Buddha's hand, blocking in front of them.

A strong resistance forcefully supported the two of them, and they fell to the ground.

As soon as the handprints were dispersed, a figure fell in front of the two of them. It was the Zen master dressed like a Tang monk, the third disciple of Ksitigarbha King, and the Venerable Conquering Demons.

This Venerable Demon Conquerer didn't look old, he looked like he was in his thirties, but his beard and hair were all white, his facial features were stern, and he looked like a cruel person, without any sense of mercy.

Venerable Conquering Mo put his hands together, glanced over the faces of Guagua and Xueqi, and said calmly: "Twelve Years Cicada, Tianluo Yasha, you are the souls of the ghost domain, why are you in the world?"

The two looked at each other, horrified in their hearts: If the great monk in front of him didn't know his identity in advance, but could see through his real body just by looking at him, what kind of cultivation would he be?

Guagua said angrily: "Why are you asking this, does it have anything to do with you!"

Immediately, his real body appeared, with three pairs of transparent wings trailing behind him. Under the last pair of wings, a pair of small wings had grown halfway.

Xueqi also showed the true body of Yasha. She has been refining the remnant thoughts of Tianluo Yasha for a long time.

Agarwood Ruyi!

If Taoist Tongxuan saw it, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood. This Chenxiang Ruyi was originally a Horcrux he had cultivated for hundreds of years. During the battle with Daofeng, he had to sacrifice it to save his life. To Xueqi.

(Two chapters will be released first, and will be updated in the evening)


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