Urban Witcher

Chapter 121 Parents in the world

The man just wanted him to open the coffin, so he nodded hastily, "Open the coffin, open the coffin quickly, I'll give you money! Whatever you want!"

Ye Shaoyang sighed, the hearts of parents all over the world, everyone is dead, and they are still obsessed to this point. Immediately got up and walked to the grave, the old Taoist priest was still standing beside the grave, dancing and directing people to set fire. Seeing Ye Shaoyang approaching, he yelled loudly: "You can't open the coffin, if the zombies come out, none of us will survive!"

Ye Shaoyang didn't even look at him, snatched the hammer from the coffin bearer, jumped into the grave, and used the nail lifter to pull out all the coffin nails one after another. The coffin nails are spiritual things, and he could have used them Xuanqing Mountain Technique, pulled out by hand, it looks very fake, but it consumes mana.

Ye Shaoyang didn't have the time to spare, so he pulled out seven nails with a hammer, stood with both feet on both sides of the tomb, pressed his right hand on the coffin lid, recited the incantation, and shouted: "Get up!"

As soon as he raised his hand, he lifted the coffin lid and threw it aside.

In an instant, everyone turned their eyes to the coffin.

A young woman wearing a shroud and long hair shawl slowly sat up from the coffin, her face pale, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at Ye Shaoyang.

"Fake corpse! Run!"

The old Taoist yelled and took the lead to run down the mountain. Because he was in a panic, he stepped on a stone when he went down the mountain, and rolled down the hillside screaming all the way, and passed out on the spot from the pain.

Some of the mourners ran away timidly, and some were curious about what would happen next, so they retreated to the side of the path going down the mountain and watched nervously.

"Father, I'm not dead. Come and carry me up." The girl sat in the coffin, looked at her father, and said a little coquettishly.

Hearing this, the man came back to his senses, ran over quickly, dragged his daughter out of the coffin, hugged her in his arms, and screamed heartily.

Ye Shaoyang retreated to the edge of the grave, Xiao Ma rushed up and said, "Little Ye Zi, is it really the resurrection of the dead?"

Ye Shaoyang glared at him: "Is it possible, just being sealed in a coffin for so long, the living are suffocated to death."

"Then this..." Xiao Ma looked at the living girl, lying on her father's shoulder, showing an intriguing smile to Ye Shaoyang, and her heart trembled.

Ye Shaoyang stared into the girl's eyes and said lightly, "What kind of monster are you?"

A ruthless look flashed in the girl's eyes, but soon changed into a cute and pitiful look, and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about, Father, who are these people, I am so scared."

Hearing this, the man put down his daughter, turned around, put his arms around her daughter, and said viciously to Ye Shaoyang: "What are you going to do? Why did my daughter provoke you? Why do you call her a demon!"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slightly, "Uncle, your daughter is dead, and a demon spirit got into her body. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you."

"Nonsense, I don't want you to prove it! She is my daughter, don't worry about my family affairs, go, you all go!" The man grabbed two stones from the ground, stood in front of his daughter, and faced three big Men, have no fear.

Old Guo sighed, "Pity the hearts of the parents in the world, little brother, this guy is only thinking about his daughter now, it doesn't make sense, he has to find a way."

When Lao Guo was talking, the girl grinned at Ye Shaoyang, opened her mouth wide, and spit out a bloody "tongue", and slowly stretched it towards the back of the man's neck.

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, that thing was pointy, not a tongue, it looked like the arms and legs of some animal! It was about to stab the man's neck. Ye Shaoyang rushed forward and shouted: "Come and help get rid of this obstacle!"

The pony was stunned, ran up, and slammed into the man with all his strength. With a weight of 180 jin, it was like a heavy bomb, knocking the man into the air, rushing over, lying on his back and holding him tightly, He said in his mouth, "Uncle, I've offended you!"

Lao Guo picked up the jujube sword and moved it behind the girl, "Ahem, I'll break it!"

"Looking for death!" The girl's complexion changed, she opened her hands, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang dodged and dodged, instead of retreating, he raised his hand, grabbed the girl's left arm like lightning, spread his left hand, Xiao Ma and others saw that he was holding the ink fountain in his hand, and shook the girl's wrist, Wrapped with a red thread, the girl screamed strangely, and stabbed with the other hand, but Ye Shaoyang grabbed it again, led the ink fountain over, and wrapped this hand with the red thread as well.

Both hands were entangled, and basically lost the ability to resist. Ye Shaoyang hit the iron while it was hot, ignored the girl's struggle, held an ink fountain, and walked back and forth around the girl. After a while, the girl's body was covered with red threads, which looked like Being tied up, unable to move his limbs, he wriggled around like a caterpillar, looked at the man with pitiful eyes, and whimpered, begging him for help.

The man was completely crushed by the pony, with a weight of one hundred and eighty catties, no one could move under him.

"No, let her go! Please!" The man waved his hands and hissed.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, drew a Tai Chi seal on the palm of his hand with a cinnabar pen, and slapped the girl's Tianling cover with his palm, and a wave of evil spirit burst out, the girl rolled her eyes, her body went limp, and she didn't move.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look at the man, and said, "I'll let you see what she is." While speaking, he parted the girl's long hair with his left hand, and pinched a five emperors coin with the middle and middle fingers of his right hand, along the midline of the scalp When the stroke was made, the scalp automatically split to both sides, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

The scene was a bit shocking, even the man stopped roaring, stared at him with wide eyes.

Ye Shaoyang cut the skin to the center of the eyebrows, put down the five emperors' money, pressed the girl's head with two fingers to the Tianmen, released a ray of stellar energy, followed the Tianmen, entered the girl's body, and searched.

Suddenly his face darkened, he let out a loud shout, raised his arm violently, pulled out a long thing like a snake, and threw it on the ground.

The thing was dripping with blood, and as soon as it landed, it immediately twisted its body, started to swim, and tried to escape.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed Qicun, making it unable to move, and everyone focused on it for a while. Even the man gave up struggling and screaming.

The pony patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You have seen it too, how can there be such a thing in the human body, here, I will let you up, let's go and have a look together, don't make trouble." After finishing speaking, let him go, stood up.

The man did not make a fuss anymore, and came to the snake-like thing together with the pony, and looked at it blankly: this thing is thick at one end and thin at the other end, and the thick end is a circular cross-section, bloody and bloody. Like it was cut off from something.

Ye Shaoyang added some strength to his hand, and the thing twisted a few times, then it softened completely, and a stream of black blood flowed out from the "head".

"Little Yezi, what is this?" Pony sniffled, "It's so fishy."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and looked at it for a while, and said: "This looks like the arm of something. Just looking at it, I can't tell what its real body is. The only thing I can be sure of is that it is a monster."

Old Guo was shocked and said: "How is this possible? A monster's arms and legs can become a monster by itself, possessing a body to harm people. Then how strong is the real body's cultivation...?"


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