Urban Witcher

Chapter 1224 Real Brothers 1

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded, Rui Lengyu was dumbfounded, even Shi Niang was dumbfounded.

The emperor's envoy... was actually stolen by Xiao Yiyun!

Ye Shaoyang felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and looked up at Xiao Yiyun, feeling extremely moved in his heart.

"I also thought that Mr. Cui's family didn't even recognize his junior sister. It turns out that this guy is so daring!" Ten Niang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xiao Yiyun and said bitterly, and then sneered triumphantly, unexpectedly being used by Rui Lengyu Jin Lianye's skirt was burned to the ground, she hurriedly backed away, and summoned a few men to block Rui Lengyu.

The flame was extinguished by tricks, but a large part of the skirt was burnt off, exposing two white thighs. Ten Niang was very embarrassed, and hurriedly summoned a cloud to wrap herself, and waited for the cloud to dissipate, and changed another one In the long red dress, Rui Lengyu gave Rui Lengyu a hard look: "Little bitch, I'll catch you soon and strip you off!"

Suddenly remembered something, and said to the two silver-sleeved spirit officials in the Temple of Heaven: "Did your lord tell me how to deal with Ye Shaoyang?"

One of them said: "Returning to Deputy Director, Your Majesty has something to say. This matter is a karma between Ye Shaoyang and Director Yu. You should settle it yourself, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to participate."

When the two venerables Kaidao and Mingfa heard this, their faces were a little dull, and a tall, green-faced Yasha behind him had a hot temper, and immediately said angrily: "What does Cui Tianzi mean by this? He is in charge of the Tianzi Palace, and someone trespassed." Don't you care about the six realms of reincarnation?"

A silver-sleeved spiritual official turned around, looked at him and said coldly: "Your Excellency questioned the Lord?"

"Tianzi Cui acted unfairly, he should be questioned!" The green-faced Yasha chuckled, he was a disciple of the Ksitigarbha King and was not under the jurisdiction of Division Y, that's why he dared to criticize Mr. Cui.

"Bold!" Silver-sleeved Lingguan said angrily, "What kind of onion are you! Leaving aside this matter, Mr. Fu Jun can make his own decision. What does this matter have to do with you Wuliangjie? Why are you here to join in the fun? If you dare to say another word of blasphemy, I will arrest you immediately!"

Another silver-sleeved spirit official also said coldly: "Don't think that there are many people in your Fajue Temple, so you can say nothing. Is it true that Tianzidian is a vegetarian?"

The green-faced Yasha wanted to fight back, but the venerable who opened the way scolded and stopped, and then apologized to the two silver-sleeved spirit officials who fell in love with each other.

The two snorted, turned to look at Xiao Yiyun, calmed down, and said, "My lord, let's go."

"Wait a minute!" Ten Niang pointed at Cheng Zi, who was fighting with her subordinates, and deliberately mocked: "This is also a member of your Tianzi Palace, why don't you take it back with you?"

The two glanced at Cheng Zi, and said: "I'm just following orders, the emperor didn't let us take her with me, if the deputy secretary has any objections, you can go and tell the emperor in person."

Ten Niang hit a soft nail, snorted, and continued to fight with Rui Lengyu.

The two silver-sleeved spiritual officials turned their heads to glance at Xiao Yiyun, and said in a low voice: "My lord, go back to the Palace of the Son of Heaven first, and then make a distinction."

Xiao Yiyun looked at Cheng Zi, Cheng Zi also looked at him, and said: "I won't go, I will accompany the boss to kill the enemy, if I can go back alive, I will find you again! If I die, I have no regrets, but you are not allowed to take it again in the future." Wife!"

Xiao Yiyun's eyes turned red, he nodded, pointed at the green-faced Yaksha and said: "Blaze the emperor, help me bring him back to question him!"

After speaking, he turned his head up and laughed, and flew away with the two silver-sleeved spirit officials.

Stealing the emperor's envoys, falsely preaching the imperial decree, and leading people to trespass on the reincarnation road...

Even if the crime does not lead to death, I am afraid that he will be thrown into hell and never see the light of day.

But Xiao Yiyun had no complaints or regrets in his heart.

Don't dare to love, dare not hate, dare not kill, dare not make mistakes, what's the point of having a whole body of magic power and practicing for thousands of years?

Angry at the crown, for the brother and for the beauty, happy!

"Ah!" Cheng Zi yelled, her pain turned into anger, and she glanced at the green-faced Yaksha, whose figure turned into a huge mermaid, leaped into the Wangchuan River, rolled up a wave of water, and rushed away. past.

Shi Niang seized the opportunity and encouraged the two venerables: "You guys don't do anything when you come, what's the point? As long as you capture Ye Shaoyang, you can release the two venerables. What are you waiting for!"

The hearts of the two venerables moved, and the venerable who opened the way ordered: "Catch these rioters and don't kill them!"

These monk soldiers were also eager to try, and when they heard the order, they rushed forward immediately.

Cheng Zi locks onto the green-faced Yasha, rides the wind and waves, arrives in an instant, and fights.

The green-faced Yasha is not a good man, he just has a hot temper. After several rounds, he gradually lost. Cheng Zi was about to catch him, when suddenly two monks came to rescue him. The green-faced Yasha was overjoyed and laughed. , escaped with an excuse.

Suddenly there was another bloody water wave, the green-faced Yasha couldn't guard against it, and was shot back, Chengzi grabbed it and put it in the jade talisman, when he turned around, he saw Meihua standing on the huge wave, holding a Xiaoyao fan , was attacking two silver-armored ghost warriors, and immediately rode the waves to attack together with her, saying, "Thank you, Third Sister!"

Meihua was very pleased with this call of elder sister, she was the third child and Cheng Zi was the fourth child in the previous re-take, but Cheng Zi refused to accept it because of being favored, and refused to call her elder sister.

"Sister, follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Okay, who has our Ghostbusters been afraid of!"

A water ghost, a water demon, continuously sucked up the water of the Wangchuan River, and the huge waves rolled towards the monks and soldiers.

With their cultivation bases, even with the bonus of the water system, they are definitely not opponents of so many monks and soldiers. However, not only the Wangchuan River, but also countless evil ghosts and demons in the water were swept up.

These ghosts were restricted, they could only move around in the Wangchuan River, they couldn't leave the water, now they were sucked out together with the river water, and they bumped into those monks and soldiers for no reason, they were all grievances Extremely deep, was punished to suffer torture in the Wangchuan River, and suddenly escaped, everyone wanted to escape.

"No, we're here to fight privately, even if we let go of a ghost in the river, it's our sin!"

Venerable Mingfa hastily ordered his subordinates to capture these ghosts, trying not to escape one of them.

It was not easy for these ghosts to see the light of day again. When they saw someone blocking them, their resentment broke out and they fought hard.

The scene suddenly fell into a melee, almost out of control.

Meihua and Chengzi kept rolling up the river, releasing more ghosts and demons, causing chaos.

The two venerables stepped forward to arrest them and pursued them relentlessly.

Over there, Guagua, Xiaoqing, and Xiaobai were brought together by a group of people from the Parade Department and stood in a character shape. Even with the help of Lao Guo and those little ghosts, they could only defend. Seeing to be defeated.

Rui Lengyu was clever, and fought and retreated, leading Shi Niang out of the encirclement, and the two fought alone to avoid being besieged.

At a glance, because of the gap in numbers, the people on my side have already fallen behind, and even Ye Shaoyang was trapped...


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