Urban Witcher

Chapter 1248 Ideas

Although this was his true thought, Ye Shaoyang still couldn't help thinking: What is Daofeng doing this for?

Does he really want to establish his own power in Huangquan and become the second in Taiyi Mountain?

Ye Shaoyang felt that he really couldn't see through him more and more.

After Chengzi left, Ye Shaoyang called Qingyunzi, intending to report to him about Daofeng's recent situation, but the phone was turned off, so he had to give up.

Because there was no news about Qing Yunzi, Ye Shaoyang was not in a hurry to go to Xuankong Temple, and continued to practice at home. Later, he was really bored, and went to school every afternoon, not for listening to the lectures, but to experience the feeling of going to college, um, by the way Appreciate the beauty.

This afternoon, Ye Shaoyang went to school again, and he attended a class like a dog, to be precise, it was a lecture, a famous professor who didn't know where he came from, talked about the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Because a beautiful student registered outside the school gate, Ye Shaoyang saw that it was free, and couldn't stand the beauty's lobbying, so he went.

It turned out that this was the third lecture, and it was about the Battle of Jingnan.

Ye Shaoyang sneered in his heart, thinking that future generations would always be all sorts of yays, Zhu Yunwen's sadness is enough, but after all, he was born as an emperor, so how could he be so weak.

"Student, why do you keep sneering? Could it be that you have different opinions on Zhu Yunwen's fate?" The professor suddenly called Ye Shaoyang's name.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders and thought to himself: Speaking out scared you to death, brother, I once beat Zhu Yunwen to death...

But if you say this, you will be regarded as a lunatic...

At the end of the lecture, the old professor picked up a book he wrote and began to sell it.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized, no wonder the lecture is free, it turned out to be for sales, he lost all interest in it, left the classroom, was lying on the railing to look at the beautiful women passing by, suddenly the phone rang, looked at the screen, the caller ID was Xie Yuqing.

"Shaoyang, where are you?"

"It's class, what's the matter?"

"You actually went to class, don't tease me." Xie Yuqing's voice sounded completely disbelieving.

"I'm a student. I'm not busy recently. What's wrong with coming to class? Don't you think I can only catch ghosts?" Ye Shaoyang retorted angrily.

"Not busy, come on, I'll find you something to do!" Xie Yuqing smirked.

Ye Shaoyang immediately realized that something was wrong, and said, "I still have a class later..."

"Don't talk to me, you take a taxi to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and I'll have someone wait for you at the door, ten minutes!"

Depend on! I owe you?

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, and quickly walked down the stairs.

It's okay to be unhappy, but he knew that Xie Yuqing must have something to look for him, otherwise he wouldn't be so urgent.

Outside the gate of the Municipal Bureau, Ye Shaoyang saw an acquaintance: Xie Yuqing's assistant, Qi Chen, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was very polite to Ye Shaoyang.

"What's the matter, so anxious?"

"Come with me, the boss is in the forensic anatomy room."

Dissecting room?

Ye Shaoyang curled his mouth helplessly, it seemed that it was another murder case.

In the forensic dissection room, there was a smell of formalin potion everywhere. Ye Shaoyang was a little sensitive, so he walked in holding his nose.

Xie Yuqing was wearing a detective uniform, standing in front of the anatomy bed, turned around and stared at him for a while.

"What are you in a daze for, come on!"

Ye Shaoyang walked over, the dissecting bed was covered with a white cloth, and from the outline, there was a corpse covered under it.

Xie Yuqing directly lifted the white cloth, and the moment Ye Shaoyang saw the corpse, Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath:

This is a skinned corpse, without a piece of skin from head to toe, with red veins protruding from the red muscles, and because there is no skin covering, the two eyeballs are extraordinarily large, and it looks indescribably disgusting.

"Sister, can you give me some psychological preparation before letting me watch?" Ye Shaoyang complained.

"What's the matter, the zombies you've seen are no more disgusting than this." Xie Yuqing rolled her eyes, "Look carefully, there is something wrong."

Ye Shaoyang glanced up and down and said, "Is this a man or a woman?"

"Man, can't you see that you have no breasts?" Because the white cloth covers the lower body, just looking at the upper body, it is completely impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

"That's not necessarily true, what if it's a flat chest."

Ye Shaoyang walked up to him and observed carefully, while Xie Yuqing was talking about the situation of the deceased.

"The deceased was found in the mountains. According to the autopsy report, there was no wound on his whole body. That is to say, he was skinned alive to death, and the method of skinning was very clever, without damaging any muscle tissue or blood vessels. No other wounds were found at the scene. any evidence."

Skinned to death...

Ye Shaoyang frowned immediately, where in the world is there such a way to die?

Ye Shaoyang found out a Five Emperors coin and stuffed it into the mouth of the deceased, and heard Xie Yuqing continue to say:

"The place where the deceased was found was in a deserted ravine. It was the deceased's girlfriend who reported to the police. Just last night, she received a call from the deceased, telling her that she was dead, and telling her her location. , let her report to the detective...

She deliberately found a few friends, and searched for them according to the address given by the deceased. After she found the deceased, she reported to the detective... We retrieved the call records. The dead did speak by word..."

Speaking of this, Xie Yuqing quietly looked at Ye Shaoyang with her big eyes.

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's impossible for a dead person to talk on the phone, so you suspect it's a supernatural event?"

"That's right, otherwise there's no way to explain it."

Ye Shaoyang took out the five emperors' money that had been stuffed into the mouth of the deceased before, took a look at it, and it was as clean as ever before. He shook it in front of Xie Yuqing and said, "There is no residual yin on the deceased, which means that it was not a ghost who killed the person, and it is not a supernatural event." .”

Xie Yuqing stared at the five emperors' money in his hand and said, "You won't fail, will you?"

"How can it be!"

"Then maybe it's because the death time is too long, and the evil spirit has dissipated?"

"You said that the deceased called her girlfriend, probably yesterday. If it was done by a ghost, it would take at least three days for the aura to dissipate completely. This is just over a day, absolutely impossible."

Xie Yuqing said: "Who is that calling her girlfriend, saying that it is his own voice."

"Perhaps it was imitated by the murderer. The voice on the phone is a bit distorted. If the other party has a little pronunciation skill, they can imitate it, or let the deceased say it in advance, and then record it, or... the deceased's girlfriend is lying, you Go investigate her."

Hearing what Ye Shaoyang said, Qi Chen gave a thumbs up beside him and praised: "Brother Ye, if you don't come to be an agent, it's a waste of talent!"

Xie Yuqing glared at him and immediately stopped talking.

Ye Shaoyang smiled triumphantly, and said to her: "The murderer may be a perverted murderer. I can't do anything about it, but when you investigate, pay attention to safety."


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