Urban Witcher

Chapter 1254 The Slender Shadow 1

Lao Guo watched her for a while, then handed Ye Shaoyang over to her, and followed the firefighters to fight the fire.

Xie Yuqing grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hands, kissed them with her mouth, looked at his smoky face, and murmured: "Shaoyang, you must be careful..."

Ye Shaoyang was awakened by the shaking. He opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on a stretcher, carried by several people, and sent to the compartment of a car.


Ye Shaoyang sat up, feeling a little pain in his body, which seemed to be nothing serious, but several doctors and nurses immediately pressed him on the stretcher.

"Shaoyang, you are injured, don't move!" Xie Yuqing was also beside her, seeing Ye Shaoyang wake up, she hurriedly said.

"I'm fine, I just passed out!" Ye Shaoyang struggled a bit, failed to push away several doctors and nurses, looked anxiously at Xie Yuqing, and said, "I'm really fine, let me go down quickly, there are... ...there is a situation!"

Xie Yuqing looked him up and down, hesitated and said, "Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, don't need first aid!"

Xie Yuqing had no choice but to discuss with the doctor and let them relax.

Ye Shaoyang sat on the stretcher and looked down. His clothes were all in disarray, his body was covered in black ash, and he was bleeding in many places. He probably got bruised when he fell down. He really looked like he was seriously injured. hurt.

But he knew that these were traumatic injuries, he was just knocked out by the blast, and didn't suffer any serious injuries.

After a while, Ye Shaoyang stepped off the stretcher, and Xie Yuqing immediately came up to help him, "Are you all right?"

"No big deal."

Ye Shaoyang looked forward, and saw a fire truck parked in front of the house, several firefighters were using high-pressure water guns to put out the fire, and many villagers were watching.

Xie Yuqing told him that she saw that he was unconscious and didn't know how his injuries were, so she called an ambulance and a fire engine by the way.

After the fire was extinguished, Lao Guo also came back. Seeing Ye Shaoyang woke up, his eyes lit up, he looked him up and down, and said, "Little brother, are you alright?"

"It's okay. Why are you here?"

Lao Guo said it simply. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly asked him if he had encountered any ghosts in the house, and Lao Guo replied no.

At this time, the person in charge of the fire brigade came and told Xie Yuqing that a charred body was found in the house.

Ye Shaoyang immediately remembered that this corpse was a skinless corpse, so he whispered something to Xie Yuqing, and Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and told the fire chief that this was a criminal case and asked him to keep it secret and keep the corpse.

The fire chief then sent for a bulging bag of bones and went back.

After the doctor in the ambulance repeatedly confirmed that Ye Shaoyang was fine, he asked him to sign a similar statement at his own risk, and then drove away.

Xie Yuqing called to inform her colleagues in the department, and asked a few people to come over to deal with the scene, and then dispersed the onlookers.

Ye Shaoyang asked them to help him into the house, and walked around with the Y-yang plate in his hand to make sure that the black shadow was no longer in the house.

The house was burned to ruins.

"I just found out that this used to be a black workshop for making fireworks and firecrackers. The one inside should be a storage room with some gunpowder piled up. Why didn't you look at it when you came in?" Xie Yuqing said.

"I was only focused on catching ghosts, so I didn't notice this, and the light in the room is still so dark, it's too late to find out," Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, "Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have died."

Xie Yuqing said: "It should be fortunate that there is not much gunpowder here, it is really a blessing."

When the three of them went back outside, Qi Chen had already driven over, Xie Yuqing asked him to stay, and later lead people to investigate the scene, and went back with Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo.

"Go to the hospital and get bandaged." Xie Yuqing said.

"Let's take a bath first, this appearance is a bit exaggerated." Ye Shaoyang looked him up and down, as if he was being rescued from a mining accident.

"Oops!" Ye Shaoyang touched his waist and jumped up, "My belt is gone!"

Xie Yuqing slammed on the brakes and looked back in shock. Lao Guo was also stunned. They all knew what the thing in the belt meant to Ye Shaoyang.

So I drove back to look for it, and thankfully, I found the belt in the yard, burned beyond recognition, and the strap was broken, so it fell from the body.

Ye Shaoyang opened it and looked at it. There was nothing missing. He settled down and sighed, "It's a pity that the belt is ruined."

Lao Guo said: "Give this to me, and I will make you another one like this, using better materials and making a better one."

Ye Shaoyang then took out his things and brought him his belt.

Xie Yuqing drove the car back to the city and parked it downstairs in a hotel. From getting off the car to entering the hall, Ye Shaoyang managed to attract everyone's attention. Even he was a little ashamed, especially because his pants were open in many places and were slightly exposed a feeling of.

Went into the room as quickly as possible, took a shower, put on the pajamas I bought on the way, and checked my whole body. Fortunately, the wound was not serious. Xie Yuqing went downstairs to the pharmacy to buy purple syrup and iodine, and let Ye Shaoyang lie down. Well, scrub and apply medicine to him yourself.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Shaoyang narrated what happened.

"A very long black shadow, sticking to the wall?" Lao Guo was also stunned when he heard it, "Could it be some kind of evil spirit?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I'm sure it's a ghost. And his cultivation is definitely not weak. The key is that he definitely has a certain IQ and can distinguish gunpowder, so he didn't leave at that time."

After thinking for a while, he said, "I even think it's a trap—he deliberately attached to the skinless corpse and led me to the hut, just to blow me up with gunpowder."

Xie Yuqing was startled and said, "You mean, this was conspiracy from the very beginning?"

"That's not true. After all, the two deceased didn't know me, and neither did the ghost. This matter had nothing to do with me."

"Then how did he know you could use fire?"

"Skinless corpses have the form of zombies. Mages use fire most of the time to remove zombies."

Xie Yuqing was stunned, thought for a while and said, "Human skin or corpse, which one is Cao Lu's ghost?"

"Of course it's human skin. The skinless corpse has transformed into a corpse and is controlled by that ghost."

Ye Shaoyang discussed with Lao Guo for a while, but they couldn't figure out what the origin of that tall and slender ghost was. Finally, under Xie Yuqing's reminder, Ye Shaoyang remembered that Cao Lu's soul had been stored in a magic talisman by himself, and when he touched his trouser pocket, he found that his clothes had been changed. He hurriedly found the old clothes and took out everything in his pocket.

One corner of the talisman was scorched, and half of several banknotes were also burned, including one hundred.

Ye Shaoyang held the one hundred yuan that had been burnt to less than a third, and his heart was pierced like a knife.


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