Urban Witcher

Chapter 1265 Always Here

"Aren't you also religious?"

"I'm just a Taoist priest. All I can do is to slay demons and eliminate demons. I never thought of saving the world. Why should others need your help? Anyone who wants to save the world, whether it is an organization or an individual, is either an ambitious person or It's bullshit!"

Xie Yuqing looked at him in surprise, "Such profound words can actually come out of your mouth..."

"What do you mean, you look down on me!"

At this moment, the sound of a police car came from the street downstairs, getting closer and closer, and finally stopped downstairs. Several policemen came up, saw Xie Yuqing, said hello, and asked which door it was.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the girl's door before, and several policemen knocked on the door.

"It's you again, you have been arrested twice, and you still dare to open your business!"

Originally, Ye Shaoyang was worried that there would be no evidence, but since the police knew her well, it would be easy.

Several policemen escorted the young lady away, but the team leader came forward and talked to Xie Yuqing in a flattering manner, but was sent away by Xie Yuqing.

Xie Yuqing blinked at Ye Shaoyang, "I said, if I wasn't here, would you have followed her just now?"

"What do you mean, my taste is so bad!"

"This means, do you think that kind of high-end?"

Ye Shaoyang was completely speechless.

"Hey, seriously, what do we do now?"

"Wait until it gets dark, didn't Liu Shan say that the ghost will come as soon as it gets dark, let's wait until it gets dark to see."

Xie Yuqing said: "But we have been exposed now. It was not Liu Shan who answered my phone..."

Thinking of this incident, Xie Yuqing felt panicked.

"Yeah, I can't figure it out, what's going on..." Ye Shaoyang thought about it carefully, and came up with a bold guess, but didn't mention it for now.

Ye Shaoyang returned to the room, arranged it in a big way, made an agreement with Liu Shan, and called himself loudly if there was any situation, then went outside, sat side by side with Xie Yuqing, and continued to discuss the clues he got from Liu Shan.

"The biggest question now is what role did the factory management play in the whole incident," Xie Yuqing analyzed, "They hired the psychological counselors to develop believers in the factory, so it is impossible for them not to know , whether to acquiesce or participate, if it is the latter...then this matter is even more complicated."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly.

In the evening, Xie Yuqing ordered takeaway, and the two sat in the corridor to eat. Ye Shaoyang drew two hidden qi talismans and pasted them on himself and Xie Yuqing respectively, so as to hide the aura and not be noticed by ghosts.

On the top floor of the small building, only Liu Shan and the young lady lived. The young lady had already been taken away, so no outsiders would disturb her.

After eating, it was getting dark, Xie Yuqing leaned closer to Ye Shaoyang, and asked him to talk about the process of saving Xiaoyu as a story.

After hearing Yu Xuanji's story, Xie Yuqing couldn't help but sigh.

"After I got to know you, I realized that the past life and the present life really existed." Xie Yuqing turned her head and watched him silently, "Tell me, will we still know each other in the next life?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "This life is not over yet, who knows the next life."

"But in this life, what can we do?" Xie Yuqing murmured.

Ye Shaoyang heard what she meant, and felt a pain in his heart, this was the last problem he wanted to face.

Xie Yuqing suddenly reached out and grabbed his chin, pulled his face in front of her, stared at him, and said with a sneer, "Don't think I don't know anything!"

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head and said, "I should have told you a long time ago..."

"I do not want to hear!"

Xie Yuqing let go of his face and said, "I don't want to know anything, don't let me know."

Ye Shaoyang stared at her blankly, wanting to say something, Xie Yuqing turned her head aside, and said, "Stop talking, I don't want to say this, just remember one sentence, Ye Shaoyang, no matter what you do, I'm here , has been here!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

Suddenly, a string of bells rang out from the house.

The two glanced at each other, Ye Shaoyang rushed into the room, stood at the door of the bedroom, and looked inside:

Several black shadows were crawling on the ground, and the moonlight just came in from the window, shining around the black shadows. The black shadows were intertwined with the tree shadows outside the window, and a human figure could be vaguely seen. The extremely long figure was crawling towards the bed past.

Looking at the bed again, Liu Shan closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep, curled up in the bed, trembling all over.

The temperature in the room is extremely low!

Ye Shaoyang froze for a moment, took out a handful of copper beans from his pocket, and threw them towards the shadow.

"Yin and Yang subdue the balance, control the sanqing, subjugate demons and eliminate demons, command the power of the gods, eagles fly in all directions, and sow beans into soldiers!"

The copper beans rolled down on the ground and burst in an instant, bursting out golden phantoms, and the aura shot into the ground instantly.

The black shadow's limbs immediately trembled like earthworms, retreated to the corner of the wall, and then stood up little by little. The two legs are very exaggerated, and the real neck is all legs.

With a flick, the black figure came out from the wall: wearing a black suit, with a white board on his face, without facial features, but from the shape of his face, he could see the characteristics of a man.

There is no lingering ghost aura on his body, so it is impossible to judge the level of cultivation.

This was the first time Ye Shaoyang encountered such a thing, looking at this strange ghost, he was a little dazed.

The black figure shook its head and made a strange screaming sound, as if there were countless people crying in its ears, it was extremely miserable.

Xie Yuqing had already come behind Ye Shaoyang, when she heard the voice, she couldn't take it anymore, she fell to the ground, clutching her head in pain.

In his drowsy consciousness, he seemed to see countless ferocious ghosts tearing his hair and skin. This kind of pain was simply crushing!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!"

Ye Shaoyang opened his mouth and uttered a soft moan, like enlightenment, instantly breaking through the appearance of ghosts, and the crying stopped abruptly.

Heiying stretched out his arms and grabbed Ye Shaoyang. At the same time, Ye Shaoyang felt the cold air around him was solidifying, wrapped his body tightly, and burrowed into his body.

as expected!

Although I have never seen the opponent's method, the ghost energy condensed in this attack is powerful enough, at least as strong as a ghost leader!

Ye Shaoyang pinched the formula with his left hand and kept changing it. Inner binding seal, outer binding seal, Mingjue seal... When he reached the fifth seal, he shook it hard and shouted: "Break!"

The barrier formed by the cold air immediately shattered.

Soi Ying's movements also paused for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Ye Shaoyang's mere formation of seals could defeat his charged blow. To be continued.


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