Urban Witcher

Chapter 1281 Stars Fall 2

"Why not, "Yu Lan Tian Phenomena Origin" and "Suji Shuzheng" are astrology practice methods, not only for Taoists, but also for monks, but astrology is not for fortune-telling, but for deducing major events, such as national fortune Changes with the people, and I am not a national teacher, I have never learned this, but my master is proficient."

Xie Yuqing said: "Then what we're talking about is not the same thing, I'm talking about horoscope fortune-telling, the twelve signs of the zodiac."

"This is indeed from the West. I did research for a while when I was young, and it is indeed somewhat mysterious. It's not nonsense."

"Compared our oriental horoscope fortune-telling with the constellation fortune-telling, which one is more accurate?"

"The methods are different, how do you compare them? For those who are proficient, they are both accurate." Ye Shaoyang asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Xie Yuqing said: "I compared the information of the seven deceased persons in Kangduo Factory before, and found that their birthdays have a pattern, that is, the month is increasing, that is to say, these seven people belong to seven different The constellation, and the time of death, also increases according to the constellation.

The one who died first was Leo, followed by Virgo, Libra, Scorpio... I don't know if it's a coincidence or there is some pattern? "

Different constellations... Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that Rui Lengyu told himself on the phone that night that that ghost with long legs and no face was probably a kind of Western ghost called a "thin person". Do a search online.

At that time, because he was interrupted by Cheng Zi and Gua Gua, and then went Y or something, he forgot about it.

If this ghost really came from the West, and the pattern of the constellation of the deceased discovered by Xie Yuqing coincides with Western astrology... When you look at these two clues together, Ye Shaoyang is a little shocked. Could it be... the evil behind the murder incident? Things, really from the West?

"Why are you in a daze?" Xie Yuqing asked.

Ye Shaoyang said what he thought of, Xie Yuqing was also surprised after hearing it, and murmured: "Are the ghosts in the west different from ours?"

"Even people look different, let alone ghosts."

Ye Shaoyang said: "People have their own laws, and ghosts have their own ghost skills. Western ghost skills are different from ours, and ghosts and monsters have different cultivation methods."

Xie Yuqing asked: "Then you, the Heavenly Master of the East, can you catch the ghosts of the West?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "I haven't caught it, but I heard from Leng Yu that she and her master often go abroad for consecration, which means that our spells are also effective for these western ghosts."

Western evils... I have only heard of vampires and werewolves, and I have been a celestial master for 20 years. Is this time I am going to make a fool of myself? Ye Shaoyang couldn't tell if he was nervous or looking forward to it.

"The zodiac, how do you calculate it? I am Libra. Which star in the sky is Libra?" Xie Yuqing looked up at the starry sky.

Ye Shaoyang also raised his head, the night sky was clear and cloudless, Ye Shaoyang looked for the twelve signs of the zodiac in the sky, and gave Xie Yuqing a general explanation.

"Aren't the stars meaningless except the zodiac?"

"How is it possible? There are twenty-eight stars in the sky, which are divided into north, south, east, and west. The so-called Big Dipper is one of them. In astrology, the ups and downs of each star are meaningful..."

Ye Shaoyang glanced across the galaxy, suddenly stopped explaining, stared at a star and became dazed, his complexion became dignified little by little.

"What's wrong?" Xie Yuqing asked in shock.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and sighed: "There is a master in the magic world who is about to die!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the sky, stretched out the five fingers of his left hand, and counted. After a while, he shook his head and said, "There is a master in the magic world who is going to die, and it's a military solution..."

"You can still see this from the astrology?" Xie Yuqing was very surprised.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to a star and let her see it.

It was easy for Xie Yuqing to find the star he was talking about, because the star was flickering and flickering, crumbling.

"The Southern Dipper is responsible for life, and the Big Dipper is responsible for death. This star originally belonged to one of the Southern Vermilion Birds, but now it has actually entered the astrolabe of the Big Dipper. It is on the verge of falling and will soon fall. This is an ominous omen of death!"

Xie Yuqing said: "This is a star, how could it fall? It's unscientific."

"Naturally, stars don't fall, but there are meteors that pass nearby and fall. It seems that this star has fallen. After that, this star will indeed disappear for a while. In fact, its trajectory is getting farther and farther away. It can't be seen by the naked eye. Then turn back, the stars return to their positions, and the previous sign is over.

When the stars fall, the Lord is killed or injured. In about a month's time, there must be a grandmaster in the magic world who died! "

Xie Yuqing couldn't quite understand it, but she still had basic common sense, knowing that the stars are actually moving, not static.

"The falling of the stars symbolizes the death of a person. I can understand this, but how did you know that the person who died would be a master of the magic world?"

"The twenty-eight constellations have different correspondences. This star is called the ghost golden sheep, which is related to ghosts, so it belongs to the magic world. It can make the stars show bad omens. The one who dies is naturally a master figure in the magic world! And you see To the edge of this star, there is a dark star, which is the chamber fire pig, which opposes the main star ghost Jinyang and acts on it.

Shihuozhu masters swordsmen, and now it's not Zhanluan, where can there be any kind of swordsman, and for the wizarding world, Zhanluan is the consecrated fighting method of catching ghosts and subduing demons, so the whole omen is that there are mages who will die in the fighting method... This kind of death It's called Bingjie. "

Ye Shaoyang sighed heavily, "Two sects of Taoism and Buddhism, plus folk casual cultivators, there are no more than 20 or 30 people who can be called masters and masters. Who would it be? And they are soldiers...

Those who can kill the Grandmaster must be evil ghosts and demons. Could it be that some super evil thing is going to be born out of nowhere? "

Looking down, Xie Yuqing looked at herself in a daze, frowned, and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

"You...are you considered a master?"

Ye Shaoyang straightened his back and said, "I don't count for anything in terms of what I did to the magic world, but in terms of strength, I don't target anyone... Hey, you don't think it's me who is going to die, do you?"

"Of course not." Xie Yuqing shook her head, but there was still worry in her expression. Ye Shaoyang himself said that there are only twenty or thirty grandmasters... a one in twenty or thirty chance is enough to worry her.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet high. Since we became mages, we have actually been prepared to be killed by ghosts and demons, just like the ancient generals who died in battle. In the consecration of fighting skills, it can be regarded as the completion of merit and virtue."


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