Urban Witcher

Chapter 134 Poor

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank. It really had something to do with ghosts. He stepped forward and patted the shoulder of the old village head, and said, "If you can control it, you can't control it. You must let us know the truth first and let us judge for ourselves. Don't you think so? Otherwise Let's find a place to sit down and talk slowly?"

The old village chief had no choice but to bend over and walk out of the courtyard after being beaten by him like this. Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma hurriedly followed. Before going out, Xiao Ma looked around at the crowd and said a word without restraint: "You people, why are your faces so pale and your spirits so bad?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately turned their heads and shot him in the face with angry gazes. Someone even picked up a weapon like a shovel from the ground and walked over slowly.

Ye Shaoyang hastily pulled him away.

"Did I say something wrong? Why did they react so much?" Xiao Ma was shocked and puzzled.

Taking advantage of the old village chief's inattention, Ye Shaoyang whispered in his ear: "This group of people have lived in a place full of resentment for a long time. They are confused by resentment, and their minds are a little blurred, but they don't feel it themselves. Once you remind it, it's like It aroused their resentment, but fortunately you didn't say much, otherwise it would really tear you apart."

Xiao Ma was horrified, looked at the back of the old village chief, and said, "There is such a thing? Then they...will they become ghosts?"

"If you are disturbed by resentment for a long time, you will become a walking corpse, but it will take a long time. These people are fine now." Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, driving away the fog-like resentment, and said, "As long as the resentment dissipates, these People can recover slowly after being exposed to the sun for ten days and half a month."

After hearing this, Xiao Ma saw the gray fog floating around, knew it was the so-called resentment, immediately felt chilly all over, couldn't help but folded his arms, and murmured: "Where do these resentments come from?" of?"

"It was born on the body of the wronged ghost, there are too many wronged ghosts in this place."

Ye Shaoyang originally thought that the old village head would take them to find an office or something to sit down and chat slowly, but the old man left the village directly and headed for the back hill.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma followed all the way, the old village head came to a flat ground halfway up the mountain, and stopped, Ye Shaoyang and the two rushed up to see, there was a cemetery in front of them, they were so shocked that they couldn't believe it: All the graves, without exception, had a hole dug out, and the corpse was hanging in front of the cave, as if it had been bitten by something, except for the head, the whole body was naked.

After a long period of exposure to the sun, the head has shrunk and dried up, and has become a noun that people often refer to when joking: human stem.

Under the head, there are bare bones like shark fins that have been gnawed, and there are still shredded clothes or meat hanging in some places. Even if only one corpse becomes like this, it is enough to make people feel frightened, let alone... Hundreds of corpses are all like this.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma were stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say.

"Did you see that?" The old village head seemed to be numb in the face of this tragic scene, and said, "All the corpses have been turned out and gnawed like this. There is nothing we can do about it. So today, the family decided not to buy coffins to save some money."

The little horse was very surprised when he heard this, and asked another question: "Could it be some wild beast?"

The old village chief shook his head directly and said: "It started two years ago. At that time, a person died in the village. The second day after the burial, the grave was dug up and the body was gnawed off except for the head. At that time, everyone thought It was done by wild beasts in the mountains, and they didn't care much.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, a child in the village was drowned and buried without erecting a grave, and was dug out the next day, and his whole body was gnawed... Now the villagers were scared, just as it happened A few days later, an old man died. Everyone in the village held weapons and hid near the grave, thinking of catching the beast that ate the corpse.

As a result, everyone fell asleep that night without exception, and when they woke up at dawn, the tomb had been opened and the human flesh was eaten up... From then on, people in the village were in panic, and everyone said it was haunted. No one was dead in the village. One day, everyone found the ancestral tombs in the village, and some of the tombs had been dug up.

So the young people in the village formed a guard and were on duty at night, but at night, everyone passed out, and the next day, several more graves were dug.

Our mountain is high and the road is far away, no one cares about it, and it has been buried for many years. Within a few days, all the graves in the ancestral tombs have been dug up. I was gnawed clean..."

Speaking of this, the village chief's sluggish expression also changed a little, and he sighed, "No one knows what it is, everyone says it's haunted, and I invited a Mr. Ghostbuster from another town, and it turned out... …was killed by that ghost, and his whole body was eaten up.

After this incident, all the young people in the village moved away and were unwilling to come back. Only us old guys who went out and were not wanted, stayed here. Fortunately, other than the corpse being eaten, there was no other impact. That ghost did not harm the living..."

After Ye Shaoyang heard this, he sneered in his heart. The whole village was covered in resentment, and it didn't affect it yet. If it continues like this, within a year or so, everyone will become walking corpses.

While talking, a group of people slowly climbed up the mountain road. Two of them used poles to carry a reed mat wrapped in the corpse. Their wives and children followed, crying weakly.

It was the family who had just left the funeral.

Xiao Ma asked puzzledly: "Why did you send the corpse here even though you knew it would be eaten?"

The old village head glanced at him and said, "Otherwise, where should I put it? At home? Isn't that attracting ghosts who eat corpses to the house?"

Xiao Ma thought about it, and couldn't help but sighed, and exclaimed: "It's already very painful to lose a loved one, and you have to endure such a ridiculous thing. You know that your loved one's body will be eaten, but you can't do anything about it. This kind of pain..."

The eyes of the old village head became moist, "It is said that it is safe to burrow into the ground. No one wants the corpse of their relatives to be eaten, but there is no choice. My youngest son fell from the mountain to his death last year. In order to save the corpse, I used the grave Cement up and the tomb cracked the next day. Still couldn't keep him, alas, my poor son..."

Speaking of this, the old village chief burst into tears, and Ye Shaoyang and the two dryly tried to comfort them. The old village chief touched his tears and said: "I have said everything that needs to be said, you two, I hope you don't care about this matter." to avoid the same fate as that ghost hunter. That's all I can say, I'm going to help, take care."

Seeing the old village chief staggering away, Xiao Ma turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and said, "What's going on here? What ate the corpse?"

"Ghouls." Ye Shaoyang replied decisively, "A kind of ghost that specializes in eating corpses for cultivation. The ghosts that eat corpses will linger around and become its ghost servants, unable to enter the underworld, so the resentment is very strong." Qiang, this ghoul has eaten countless corpses in the past few years, so there are mostly unjust ghosts in this area, with deep resentment."

...,,,,! ——

I woke up this morning with a cough, a cold and a fever... I couldn't bear it anymore and had to go for an IV. So less and more today.

I promised that there will be a burst of updates in the near future, and the update speed will also rise to a higher level.

Thank you for your concern and understanding.

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