Urban Witcher

Chapter 1409 No cause and effect

"The female demon must have been let go by him in advance, or colluded with him, deliberately acting this scene, so that he can take her away!"

Master Compassionate cast a sympathetic glance at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "And you, Ye Shaoyang, actually made an enemy of the magic world, assisted Daofeng, and let the girl go. Qingyunzi, you have nothing to do, you are all in collusion , this matter, you Xuanqingshan must give an explanation."

Qingyunzi snorted twice in his nostrils, and muttered: "I don't even bother to waste my saliva with you. If you want an explanation, I will just go to Xuanqing Mountain to ask for it in the future."

Ye Shaoyang also wanted to fight back, but the voice of Wuji Celestial Master suddenly sounded behind him: "Xuanqingshan is not responsible for this matter, Daofeng didn't lie, and Nuba is indeed not in the formation."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang knew about this a long time ago, so he wasn't surprised. What he cared most about was, wasn't Master Wuji trapped by Yang Gongzi and the Twelve Disciples of the Valley of the Wind just now? Why did he come out so soon?

He hurriedly turned around and entered the Wanyao Pagoda again, walked forward quickly, and came to the main hall. Under the candlelight, he saw an astonishing scene:

On the dome that had lost the protection of the magic talisman, a huge crack appeared, and evil things came out of it one after another. After landing, they immediately rushed towards the nearest disciple of the Valley of the Wind with strange screams.

As for Yang Gongzi, he was already surrounded by four horrifying-looking demon corpses, one had rough skin and thick flesh, and it was used as a shield, while the other three were lying on the ground like toads, constantly breathing corpse gas at Yang Gongzi, killing it. her cultivation.

With the situation in front of him, Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that Master Wuji must have used the golden cicada's trick to escape, and took advantage of the evil things in the tower to besiege Yang Gongzi and others, and escaped.

Anyway, there is only one exit from the Ten Thousand Demons Tower. To Master Wuji, they are all evil, and it doesn't matter whoever kills the other, they just consume each other.

Ye Shaoyang strode forward, wrapped the soul-wrapping rope around the neck of a demon corpse, threw it out forcefully, stepped forward and grabbed Yang Gongzi's hand, ran out, and said: "Why are you fighting with them, go and help Daofeng. "

Yang Gongzi's hand was held by him, and he couldn't pull it out with all his strength. As long as he ran with him, Ye Shaoyang stopped suddenly, turned around, and the two of them bumped into each other. Go, if you can't go, you can get into my sunglasses, no one can do anything to you!"

Yang Gongzi hesitated for a moment, and said, "Just like before?"

"Yeah, remember, I won't have a chance to take care of you then!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and shouted at the twelve disciples: "Don't fight with these guys, come out quickly and create chaos, so that your boss can escape!"

Coming out of Wanyao Pagoda, Ye Shaoyang saw that the Eight Great Masters plus Su Mo, Zhang Yun and other disciples of Xuankong Temple had already surrounded Daofeng. Indiscriminate bombing.

Daofeng struggled to resist with the vitality of the Five Dynasties.

"It's not good, all the evil things in the Ten Thousand Monsters Tower have come out, hurry up and get some help!" Ye Shaoyang yelled at the top of his voice.

As soon as the sound was heard, the twelve disciples of the Valley of the Wind rushed out and rushed towards the eight great masters. Behind them... were hundreds of evil things, ghosts, demons, zombies and evil spirits, all kinds of them, and the brilliance on their bodies also changed from light to dark. to deep. Ye Shaoyang took a look, and found that the weakest ones were of the level of ghosts and demon spirits, and the most powerful ones included corpse kings, demon immortals, and even first- and second-class ghost heads!

It's no wonder when you think about it, if the evil thing is too weak, if it is encountered by the Everlasting Celestial Master, it will be superseded easily, so how can it be qualified to be suppressed by the Everlasting Celestial Master in the Tower of Ten Thousand Monsters.

These evil things have been imprisoned for an unknown number of years, but they still haven't been rescued. Instead, they are full of resentment, and they don't even distinguish what camp the opponent is from, and beat everyone they see.

The Eight Great Masters and those disciples had no choice but to split their hands to deal with these evil things.

The Eight Great Masters, the Twelve Disciples of the Valley of the Wind, and these seemingly endless streams of evil creatures fight in three directions, and they fight whenever they meet, and they can't tell each other apart. The scene looked extremely chaotic.

"Hey, it's the first time I've seen this kind of scene, it's so messy." Ye Shaoyang looked at the scene with bright eyes.

"What should we do, we can't just stand there forever." Rui Lengyu asked.

"Then go ahead and get those evil things in the tower!"

After speaking, Ye Shaoyang took the lead and rushed forward, raised his sword and fell, mercilessly beheading many evil things.

The eight great masters and twelve disciples also beheaded many evil things in the pagoda. For a while, the sky was full of spirits, and the scene was spectacular.

"Thousands of years of practice will be ruined once." Wuji Tianshi stood aside and watched, sighing and said, he also knows that the situation is critical now, it is impossible to catch all these evil things, that would be a waste of time, in case there are evil things Get away and return to the human world. Every bad thing you do is to create karma for yourself.

"If I knew that they had this day, I should have sent them to Division Y directly, and saved hundreds of years of imprisonment."

Qing Yunzi stood beside him, heard this, and said: "The birth and death of cause and effect follows the law of heaven, even if you can really count the five hundred years before and after, there are still some things that you cannot count. When you do it, follow your heart, What will happen in the future, but I have a clear conscience."

Wuji Celestial Master nodded slowly, and said: "These words are reasonable, I don't know what happened today, how can Patriarch Qingyun know?"

"No cause and effect, only the heart."

Master Wuji said: "Great kindness."

At this time, Zhang Wusheng and Master Longyang came running from the direction of the main hall, seeing so many people huddling together, they were stunned.

Seeing him, Qing Yunzi and the others were also taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Where is Patriarch Daoyuan?"

"Master uncle was afraid of destroying the foundation of Lingshan, so he went to Huangquan with Prince Asura to fight."

When Qing Yunzi heard this, he looked at Ye Shaoyang and the others. Qingyunzi said helplessly: "Looking at it this way, Patriarch Daoyuan made a real fuss. He used to have a bad temper. Back then, he locked himself in the Linglong Pagoda because he accidentally killed someone. He didn't come down for decades. If he strikes with all his strength, it will be Thunderbolt's method."

Zhang Wusheng said: "That's right, Uncle Master said, this battle is to win the reputation of the human magic world, and show the Buddhas in the infinite world to see."

Turning his head to look at the people in the melee, he said in surprise, "What's going on?"

Qing Yunzi sighed, turned his head to look at Master Wuji, and said: "Brother Dao, do you really think that Daoism is not letting go?"

Wuji Celestial Master said: "Daofeng is right, the nun is indeed not under the Lingshi, this matter will be investigated in the future, but Daofeng is a reincarnated ghost boy, I can't let him go, I only promise you, a little while After capturing him, press him into the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, as long as it doesn't hurt him, there is no need to talk about it."


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