Urban Witcher

Chapter 1418 The Controversy 2

Suddenly, Ma Mian poked his head out from the ground again, and said angrily, "What are you doing!"

"It's okay, let's do a set of Tai Chi and recover." Qing Yunzi quickly straightened his right hand and made a movement of "wild horse splitting his mane".

"Nervous you! Hey, I said Lao Qing, I played cards with Lao Qi before. He lost and refused to admit it. He dropped the Pai Gow. He lost a six point and couldn't find it. Besides, the other things were worn out. If you don't Burn me a copy."

"Okay, got it."

Ma Mian withdrew his head, then popped out suddenly, "It's from Daye Liu."

This is the way to go.

Qing Yunzi shook his head helplessly.

"Master, are you okay!"

Su Qinzhang hurried up, trying to support Qingyunzi, but Qingyunzi waved his hand.

"Master is so powerful, he even dismissed the bull's head and horse face."

"At the end of the crossbow." Qing Yunzi said, "After you go back, remember to find firewood from the big-leaf willow tree, and carve a pair of Pai Gow, with the hidden Qi talisman engraved on the back."

Su Qinzhang wrote it down and asked, "Master, what does this mean?"

Qing Yunzi smiled and said: "There are so many trees in the ghost domain, and there are more trees suitable for making things than in the human world. Why do they ask me for Pai Gow?"

Su Qinzhang shook his head, "I also want to ask."

Qing Yunzi walked towards the middle gate and said, "What is the big-leaf willow used for?"

"Usually make a coffin, or make a utensil, which can isolate all evil spirits."

"That's it, the big-leaf willow, together with the hidden energy talisman, can completely block the breath." Seeing him puzzled, Qing Yunzi had to explain further, "If they directly use materials from Division Y to make Pai Gow, any God Y can use it Divine sense perception, see the points without anyone noticing.

Therefore, the chess and card equipment of those bosses in Division Y were all made by mages in the world and burned. They have been tampered with in advance to prevent any possibility of cheating. "

Su Qinzhang was dumbfounded. "There is such a thing!"

"This is Division Y's unspoken rules. You still have a lot to learn, so take your time."

Qing Yunzi came to Wu Nian Tianshi.

Heavenly Master Wu Nian had already awakened, and was planning to breathe out and adjust his breath, but when he saw Qing Yunzi, he forced himself to stand up.

"Stop holding on, I won't fight you anymore."

"Hmph, if you hadn't invited the patriarch to go up, you wouldn't be my opponent."

Qing Yunzi looked at him, smiling lightly.

Wu Nian Tianshi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that he was the helper he had found first, his face flushed, and he stopped talking.

Qing Yunzi didn't say anything, and walked quickly towards the battlefield over there.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang touched Xiao Yaofei's back, swung the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, and slashed at his shoulder.

This sword used all its strength, but the purpose was not to hurt people, but to force him to stop chanting and turn around to face himself.

According to his thinking, this Xiao Yaofei is so powerful, at least above the level of a master, he has already developed the five aggregates and six senses, if his sword can hurt him, he will really see a ghost.

With a "puchi", the sword cut into the rib of his shoulder, and Ye Shaoyang realized that he was wrong.

He himself was stunned.

Xiao Yaofei frowned, and after chanting the last string of incantations, he threw out the entire Buddhist beads in his hand, hanging above a sea of ​​flames, emitting golden light continuously, blessing the power of the sea of ​​flames.

Xiao Yaofei's figure was short, and he slid out from the edge of the sword, formed a seal of the Great Sun Tathagata, and called Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang also formed seals to meet them, and each of them retreated under the collision.

"You took my sword to finish reciting the spell?" Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood something.

Xiao Yaofei said: "That's right, I haven't killed the evil spirits, why should I be afraid of a sword."

His voice sounded much better than the voice of the spirit servant in his body.

What a cruel person!

To deal with this kind of person, it is useless to reason, you have to be more ruthless than him.

Without saying a word, Ye Shaoyang bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the edge of the sword, cut his fingertips with his left hand, wrote runes on the edge of the sword, and read in his mouth:

"The sun, the moon, and the universe are shining brightly, the brilliance protects my golden body, and the evil spirits and ghosts in all directions turn into light dust in an instant!"

Flicking the blade hard, trembling, let out a dragon cry.

"The Seven Stars return to the throne, Longquan kills the enemy! Punish the evil!"

Pushing the hilt with his left hand, the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword turned into a stream of dragon-shaped purple air, stabbing towards Xiao Yaofei's eyebrows.

"Longquan Punishing Evil Sword" is one of Ye Shaoyang's trump cards, and he almost used all his strength in the attack. In order to save Daofeng, he didn't hold anything back.

Xiao Yaofei's expression shook, his shoulders trembled, he clasped his hands together, and suddenly shouted: "Nan Wu Jin Ao Bu Kong has achieved Tathagata!"

The hands suddenly opened, and there was a ball of dark green light in the middle, with two pointed ends and an oval middle, which looked like a tortoise shell. The hole in the middle fixed the Seven Star Longquan Sword, and it could no longer move forward.

At the same time, dozens of golden lights emerged from that "tortoise shell", instantly encircling Ye Shaoyang's neck, and then tightened, like a chain.

"Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita..."

Xiao Yaofei recited the mantra of the Buddha's voice over and over again, and drilled it into Ye Shaoyang's ears. He felt that every time he listened to it, the shackles of Buddha's light on his neck tightened, and he was soon out of breath.

"If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked. Everything is still changing, and the spirit is calm..." Ye Shaoyang recited the Taoist meditation mantra aloud. Although the sense of urgency on his neck did not subside, he felt the hardness of the tortoise shell melt a little.

It turned out that just as he was afraid of listening to Buddhist scriptures, he was also afraid of listening to Daoist scriptures.

With Ye Shaoyang's strength, the tip of the Seven Star Longquan Sword hit Xiao Yaofei's eyebrows.

"Shariputra, is the empty appearance of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing..."

Xiao Yaofei recited a passage from the "Heart Sutra". Ye Shaoyang felt the shackles on his neck tightened again, and hurriedly read: "The god of the valley is immortal, it is called the mysterious female. The gate of the mysterious female is called the root of heaven and earth. Not working hard..."

The Seven Star Longquan sword pierced the skin.

"There is no ignorance, nor the end of ignorance, and even no old age and death, nor the end of old age and death. There is no suffering to destroy the way, no wisdom and no gain..."

The shackles were tightened again, and Ye Shaoyang immediately felt out of breath, let alone speak out, so he had to silently recite the Taoist scriptures in his heart:

"Kong De's appearance, only the Tao follows. The Tao is a thing, but it is only trance. Trance and trance, there are images in it; trance and trance, there are things..."

Over there, Sibao and Rui Lengyu were desperately locking up Master Wuji, while silently watching Ye Shaoyang.

"No, the two have started a dispute!" Sibao exclaimed in shock.

"A dispute between the cart and the horse?"

"The dispute between the root and the end of Taoism and Buddhism, fighting for reason! What is trapped around Ye Shaoyang's neck is the shackles of return, that is, karma. Now they are not comparing mana, but Dao heart and perseverance, that is, to see who has more faith in themselves Only by being firm and not being interfered by the opponent can we win!"

Looking at the astonished Rui Lengyu, Sibao's face was as pale as paper, and he said with a wry smile: "My uncle, Dao Xin is the number one in Wuzhou Mountains, as for perseverance... I have practiced closed-mouth meditation for 23 years I won't say anything else."

"I'll save him!" Yang Gongzi said with difficulty, suppressing Master Wuji with six chaotic celestial bodies.

"It's useless, this kind of battle can only be ended by distinguishing between Dao Xin and Perseverance. This is a battle of spiritual consciousness between the two of them. If you defeat my uncle with external force, Shaoyang will immediately receive backlash! "

Yang Gongzi was in a daze.

"I believe in Shaoyang!" Rui Lengyu said suddenly, "Even if the opponent is the most steadfast in Buddhism, I still believe in him!"

Sibao and Yang Gongzi looked over together.

"Ah..." Wuji Celestial Master let out a low moan that didn't belong to him, causing the three of them to turn their heads to look.

In fact, with the strength of Wuji Celestial Master, even if a few of them go together, they may not be able to hold back, let alone leave Ye Shaoyang.


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