Urban Witcher

1425 Chapter 1

Ye Shaoyang thanked again.

Then Xu Shuo stayed and asked one person to go with the car, while the others followed him and waited for the car to arrive.

Su Qinzhang himself expressed his willingness to go, and Ye Shaoyang knew that he was serious about his work, so he felt relieved.

Daofeng took Yang Gongzi and Chen Lu into the car to escort the body.

"The refrigeration will be turned on in this car for a while, so it's not right for you to stay in it." Major General Lu kindly reminded him.

"They are ghosts, they are not afraid of the cold." Ye Shaoyang said.

Major General Lu was stunned. Although he had been in the field for more than ten years, he was just an ordinary little mage, and he had never seen a few ghosts, let alone a ghost that could act like a living person in broad daylight. Of course, this was also because Daofeng was afraid of attracting the sorcerer, so he suppressed the ghost aura from the three of them and appeared to him.

With his meager mana, he naturally couldn't see anything unusual.

Xu Shuo glared at Major General Lu bitterly, let him get in the car, bowed his hands to Dao Feng, and said excitedly: "This is Dao Fengzi."

Daofeng bowed to the ground and said very respectfully, "Thank you, teacher."

"This, this, this, I dare not take it seriously! It's killing me!"

Xu Shuo's face was flushed, but he couldn't walk, and he waved his hands anxiously.

Although he has never met Dao Feng, he knows who he is. He is a mythical figure passed down in the entire magic world. In his opinion, it is already a great honor for him to have the opportunity to meet this side. How could he think of Dao Feng? The wind bows to itself.

Daofeng said: "This bow is to thank you on behalf of my master, you deserve it."

After the car carrying Qing Yunzi's body drove away, only Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu were left at the scene, led by Xu Shuo, waiting for other vehicles arranged by him to arrive.

For Xu Shuo, Ye Shaoyang is also a legendary figure. If he meets him in normal times, he will definitely pester him for advice, but it is inappropriate to say anything now, so he can only persuade him to mourn.

After a while, another apprentice of his drove a car to pick them up and sent Xu Shuo to the hospital before getting on the highway.

Xu Shuo was receiving treatment for gout and could not travel long distances. When he got off the bus, he explained it to Ye Shaoyang in embarrassment. , got on the expressway, and drove towards Jiangnan Province...

"Zhang Wuchang."

In the aisle outside the main hall of the Son of Heaven Hall and in front of the waiting hall, a ghost messenger held a soul mirror in his hand, and brought it to the mouth of a man in his fifties, asked him to take a breath, and then pointed the mirror to the roster in his hand. Go, a few lines of writing appeared on the blank roster.

This roster is a copy of the book of life and death. As long as a person with a death account is hooked into the Y room, and the ghost energy of the dead soul is collected with the soul mirror, and then put into this copy, there will be information related to the person's life and the cause of death on it. When picking up the souls, there will be ghosts to check them one by one, and only after they are sure that they are correct can they be distributed to the next yamen.

This matter is of great importance and must not be sloppy.

There are 18 doors in the waiting room. The more dead souls are hooked for a period of time, the more doors will be opened. There will be different ghosts behind the door to check and attract souls. Chengzi once heard of the war and famine. Sometimes, the souls of the dead could not be attracted, and even eighteen doors were opened at once, but now during the Taiping Festival, at most three doors are opened at most.

"That's right, let's go."

The ghost messenger pulled up Chi Lianjie who was standing in front of him, let the dead soul enter, then pulled up again, and questioned the next person.

The dead souls who came in were immediately led to a desk in the courtyard, and a meritorious service officer read out the good and evil experiences of the person's life, and the Y virtue points, and then asked the dead souls if they had any objections, because the book of life and death has recorded all the merits and demerits of a person's life. Not bad, so most of the dead souls have no objection, so they will be assigned to the reincarnation department and wait for the qualification of reincarnation.

What can never be determined in the book of life and death is the word "love".

All kinds of emotional entanglements, even the book of life and death can't tell right from wrong, if it doesn't involve the issue of morality, just ignore it, the most convenient.

If Y moral is involved because of emotional problems, many souls will not accept it. For example, a murder occurred because of derailment.

If there is any objection to the judgment in the book of life and death, the dead soul will be sent to live in the city of vain death, wait for the other party to die, and then go to the Temple of Heaven to distinguish cause and effect together. I rejoice with enemies and give them a chance to resolve disputes.

If there is no clear entanglement in this life, or if the cause and effect are getting bigger and bigger, then I have to ask for their own opinions, or they will all be punished to do ghost labor to eliminate karma...

Seeing the ghosts come in one by one, Cheng Zi, who was standing aside, yawned, feeling very bored.

She memorized these rules and regulations by heart shortly after she entered the Temple of Heaven. As the deputy envoy, she doesn't have to do anything in person. Her duty is to supervise the imprisonment of the dead. If any special situation arises, she can deal with it. If not, report it.

After yawning, Chengzi pursed her lips, feeling very dissatisfied that she was sent to do such a boring job even though she was not on duty today, so that she couldn't be with the boss and the others in Yangjian. The abominable Xiao Langjun was also sent on a foreign job, no one was here to accompany him, it was really boring.

What puzzled Chengzi the most was that it was actually an order from the Lord Fujun himself to work overtime here, saying that there would be important people coming and he needed to be greeted by himself.

There is no rich or poor in front of the Palace of the Son of Heaven, any dead soul is the same here, there are differences in virtue and karma, and there is no high or low status, so Cheng Zi doesn't understand, who can be so awesome that he needs to be treated differently, so that his vice An envoy to pick him up?

"I don't agree!"

A voice interrupted her thinking, and when she turned her head, she saw a well-dressed old man.

After death, people will change the most commonly used clothes before birth, or keep the clothes at the last moment before death, so just by wearing clothes, you can roughly judge the social status of the ghost before death.

"Although I have taken care of six lovers, I still have true love for them. I didn't bully them because I spent money, and I left them a lot of property after I died. What's wrong with me!"

The old man yelled loudly.

Gongcao, who was in charge of the result of the cause, read his experience in the book of life and death, and said: "You are right, you did not bully men and women, so you are not severely punished, but you owe six daughters to you, and you owe a debt of love. , violates the original intention of Y Yang Jiaotai, and Y virtue suffers."

The old ghost said: "Can't a person marry six wives? This is what they want, and they all really like me! What crime have I committed?"


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