Urban Witcher

Chapter 1466 Underwater Part 2

The two janitors nodded repeatedly, and one of them said, "Don't worry, no one will believe this matter."

After the three left, Zhang Xiaorui asked puzzledly: "Master, since you are afraid that they will go out and talk nonsense, why didn't you send them away before?"

"Send them away, and you will work later?"

Zhang Xiaorui glanced at the pitch-black pool water, and stuck out her tongue.

"By the way, Master, you said that there are zombies in this pool. It already knows we are coming, why doesn't it come out to attack you?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I asked them to get lime, just to force it out. It would be better if it came out directly."

Zhang Xiaorui's worry is actually justified, the corpse king in the pool is likely to launch a sudden attack. In the past, Ye Shaoyang would have carefully set up the formation, using the power of the formation and magic medicine to ensure that he could give it a head-on blow after it came out.

Now that he has become a spirit fairy, if he opens up the fight, it is not a problem to single out a corpse king.

After waiting for about half an hour, Liu Ming came down with two janitors carrying two rubber ribbons.

"The quicklime was brought from the construction site, about 300 catties, what should I do?" Liu Ming asked.

"Open it and pour it into the water."

Ye Shaoyang commanded the two school workers to do it, holding the soul-hunting rope, standing by the edge of the pool, watching the calm water closely, if the corpse king suddenly came out, he was confident that he could fight back immediately.

The two janitors poured the lime into the pool, hurriedly backed away more than ten meters, and stood with Liu Ming, waiting nervously.

Ye Shaoyang asked the two of them to go first, so as not to see the zombies later and get scared out of their wits.

Ye Shaoyang asked Zhang Xiaorui to go over and stand with Liu Ming.

After the quicklime entered the water, it immediately released heat, boiling the water and increasing its volume. The black water soon turned into a paste that was neither black nor white.

Both Zhang Xiaorui and Liu Ming knew that the zombies were about to come out, and they waited in extreme tension.

Then, until the lime is completely mixed with the water, no longer bubbling, and the zombies do not come out.

How would there be no zombies?

Ye Shaoyang frowned.

Then there is only one possibility, come late by yourself, the zombies have already left!

Outside is the campus, there are thousands of students, and Ye Shaoyang is very clear about the consequences of zombies entering the school. He immediately called Liu Ming and told the result.

As soon as Liu Ming heard it, he broke out in cold sweat and said in a broken voice, "Mr. Ye, are you sure?"

"Nonsense, no zombie can stay in the lime water, not even the corpse king. Do you have a way to drain the water now? I'm going to go down and check it. If there is anything, let the two janitors do it. "

Liu Ming also understands that the less people know about something, the better, otherwise if it gets out, it will easily cause panic.

"There are water pumps in the school. They are used to desilt the artificial lake every year. I have them ready-made."

Liu Ming called the two of them again and talked about the water pump. After hearing what the two had said, he said helplessly to Ye Shaoyang, "They want to resign."

Ye Shaoyang snatched the phone and told them directly that they had stayed here for too long and had been infected with corpse aura. If they didn't get rid of it, their bodies would rot a little bit, and getting rid of the corpse aura can only be done by themselves, and then they wouldn't Listen to what they say, hang up the phone, and wait with Liu Ming confidently.

In less than twenty minutes, the two unlucky people came over with a small water pump, and it was rolled up with a hose several tens of meters long.

Ye Shaoyang asked them to plug the water outlet of the hose into the sewer, insert the water inlet into the pool, and start the motor.

The water in the pool was not deep at all, and soon bottomed out, leaving only a layer of lime and water mixture.

Ye Shaoyang ordered the two of them to bring their usual dredging equipment: leather pants and a shovel. Seeing the fearful faces of the two, Ye Shaoyang couldn't force them to work anymore, so he changed into leather pants and jumped into the pool Lime was scooped up with a shovel and thrown out.

Zhang Xiaorui illuminated him with a flashlight from above, glanced casually at the lime he spilled, suddenly frowned, and said, "Master, it's not right! Come and take a look!"

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly jumped up and saw that the lump of lime he threw up was actually colorful. He took the flashlight and took a closer look. The yellow and red ones were pus-like mucus. He froze for a moment and asked two school workers to help. Get a hose over here.

It is still very easy to find faucets and water pipes in the water room. A water pipe was quickly connected. Ye Shaoyang held the water pipe and sprayed it at the foot of the pool, flushing all the lime to the side, and then shone it with a flashlight. Suddenly, the power surged. :

At the bottom of the pool, there is a long layer of air bubbles, very similar to pustules on a human body, red, yellow and green, crowded together, this visual impact is indescribable. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took out a piece of human pill from his backpack and sucked it in order to prevent himself from vomiting it out.

Only then did I know that the mucus stained on the lime should have been broken by the shovel with a shovel and brought into the lime.

"What is it?" Seeing that Ye Shaoyang was silent, Zhang Xiaorui stood by the pool and shone the flashlight down. He only glanced at it, and immediately vomited.

Zhang Xiaorui vomited for a while, got used to it a little, but didn't dare to look any more, covered her mouth and said, "It's so disgusting, Master!"

"Your master is disgusting." Ye Shaoyang rolled her eyes, squatted in front of these pustules, suppressed the vomiting, took out the spirit-killing nail, and carefully cut one.


A stream of yellow mucus sprayed out, and it was Ye Shaoyang who reacted very quickly and dodged sideways, not being sprayed on the face by it. I thanked Sanqing TOEFL repeatedly in my heart, if such a disgusting liquid was sprayed on my face, I would really die.

However, he smelled a stench in his nose, very similar to the smell of rotting corpses. Ye Shaoyang felt dizzy for a while, and felt like standing in a latrine tank to scoop up excrement.

"Master, what the hell is this? It's more disgusting than the mermaid in the sewer!"

"I don't know either." Ye Shaoyang didn't study it for the time being, and continued to wash the ground with a hose. As a result, the whole ground was covered with pustules.

Rao Ye Shaoyang's mental quality is extremely strong, seeing this scene, he couldn't help the acid in his stomach.

What kind of multi-legged worms, swarms of maggots, in front of these colorful pustules like worm eggs, they are all slag.

The water rushed to the opposite corner of the pool, and suddenly a black thing appeared. I shone a flashlight on it. It turned out to be a group of plants, with a long strip wrapped in the middle, and a leather shoe covered in mucus protruding from the end?


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