Urban Witcher

Chapter 1469 Land 2

Ye Shaoyang shined his flashlight on the left and right, and said: "There must be clues. Since these two people died here, they must not have come naked. Since they were wearing clothes, there might be wallets and documents inside. Where, if you search carefully, you should find something."

Zhang Xiaorui agreed with his point of view and urged him to start the search. Ye Shaoyang said that he would wait for the agents to come, and at the same time secretly glanced at the watery ground. There were so many bugs everywhere on the ground. Close contact.

Ye Shaoyang opened the human skin again, took out some debris of the weird plant from inside, and illuminated it with a flashlight. It felt that it was no different from ordinary grass, except that there was an extra layer of bloodshot leaves on the leaves, which were shiny.

"Master, what kind of grass is so terrifying, it can move and attack."

Ye Shaoyang stared at it for a while, and said, "This is not something from the human world, but a plant from the ghost domain."

It was not the first day for Zhang Xiaorui to hang out with him, and he still knew the basics, so he took a breath and said, "How did the plants in the ghost domain come to the world, and what kind of grass is this?"

"I don't know. There are so many plants in Ghost Domain, and I haven't seen most of them."

"Then how did Master know it was from Ghost Realm?"

"Although I don't know it, the strange sound that the fruit swayed and made to stimulate people's consciousness before is clearly the devil's sound from hell. No matter how this plant can make the devil's sound from hell, it explains its origin , in Huangquan, and must be in several hells!"

Liu Ming couldn't bear it when he heard this, and asked nervously: "Is there really hell?"

Zhang Xiaorui immediately said: "In front of my master, can you stop asking such low-level questions?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Liu Ming and said, "Did you do something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with this..." Liu Ming hesitated for a while, but still couldn't ask.

Several people were talking about this when the phone rang. It was Xie Yuqing who called and asked them where they were.

Ye Shaoyang asked Zhang Xiaorui to go up and took her next. She also brought Qi Chen and two other subordinates. Seeing the human face and skin, she was immediately surprised.

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained the process and asked them to search the water room as a whole to find clues.

Xie Yuqing said that more people should be transferred. After all, there was a murder case. Even if he didn't ask, the detectives would conduct a full investigation.

Ye Shaoyang was dispatched by her. He took Zhang Xiaorui and went to the fountain pool with Liu Ming again. This time, he checked the water inlet carefully and even opened the fountain pipe, but he didn't find any traces of spiders.

As I expected, it seems that the only way to investigate is from the identity of the deceased.

The three of Ye Shaoyang went back outside the water room and waited.

"Master, your face..." Zhang Xiaorui tilted her head and looked at him.

After being reminded by him, Ye Shaoyang felt some itching on his face, took out the yin and yang mirror and took a picture, only to find that both sides of his face were flushed and swollen, as if he had applied rouge, and he looked inexplicably happy.

"Damn it, the toxicity is quite strong."

Fortunately, I am an innate spirit body, immune to all poisons, and if ordinary people are sprayed, it may be quite troublesome even if they survive.

Ye Shaoyang asked Liu Ming to lead the way, found a nearby bathroom to wash, and then applied some alum to reduce swelling.

Zhang Xiaorui suddenly remembered something, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "By the way, Master, do you think this matter has something to do with Building No. 5?"

Ye Shaoyang had already thought of this question.

Although the two supernatural events seem to be unrelated, they happened in the same university at the same time. If there is no relationship, the odds of winning the lottery are lower than that of winning the lottery.

"Principal Liu, things have come to this point, don't you want to say something?" Ye Shaoyang glanced at Liu Ming and asked with a half-smile.

"Ah, that pool hasn't been cleaned for a long time, I really don't know."

Ye Shaoyang snorted, knowing that Liu Ming was pretending to be stupid. He clearly asked about Building No. 5, but he mentioned this, without revealing it right away. He drew two talismans and asked him to bring them to the two janitors. Burn it and drink it in water, it can eliminate the Yin Qi in your body...

After waiting for a while, Lao Guo also arrived. Ye Shaoyang first gave him a general account of what happened, and then went to the dark place to show him the kind of plants. He didn't know what it was, but like Ye Shaoyang, it was definitely a ghost domain plant.

"Otherwise, find someone to ask." Old Guo said.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Even you don't know it, and most ghosts and ghosts probably don't know it either, so we need to find someone who is well-informed."

Guagua's soul seal was activated immediately, and after a while, Guagua flew directly towards him, but because he covered his body with Yin Qi, no one could see him even if there were people coming and going in the campus.

In the map of Shanhe Sheji, after a period of semi-compulsory penance without entertainment, he has grown four pairs of wings, and his cultivation base has greatly increased. Even if it takes half a day, he can walk in the air for a long time in the world.

After the meeting, Ye Shaoyang didn't say much nonsense, and gave it a leaf of that strange plant, and asked him to take it to Huangquan to ask someone about the origin of this plant.

Guagua recognized it for a while, but he didn't know him himself, so he asked, "Who can I ask?"

"Don't you have a lot of connections down here, you can find anyone you want, anyway, come up and tell me the result when you ask, don't waste time."

"Received!" Guagua also knew that the business was important, so he left immediately.

After waiting for a while, Xie Yuqing came out of the water room, walked towards Ye Shaoyang, frowned suddenly, stared at his face and asked: "Why is your face swollen like a steamed bun, and you were beaten?"

"What?" Ye Shaoyang rubbed his face and asked, "How is it?"

Xie Yuqing said: "I picked up a wallet with an ID card and a student ID card in it. It's named Wu Le. I don't know which of the two it is."

Ye Shaoyang said: "As for the certificate, let me have a look."

"It has been put into the evidence bag, and it will be sent for filing later. I took a photo." Xie Yuqing opened the phone photo album and handed it to him.

The student ID card was so corroded that it was impossible to read. The ID card could barely see the face, but it was also very blurry, and the face could not be seen clearly.

Ye Shaoyang thought there was more behind, turned around, and suddenly a photo of the bed jumped into his eyes, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly stood up so that no one would see it.

The photo is of Xueqi, lying on the bed, wearing a white bust and underwear. Although the little loli has not yet grown up, she is not charming.

Ye Shaoyang was about to squirt blood on the spot, and then turned back, all of which were Xue Qi's daily bed photos, which could be seen as candid shots, and there were also some headshots, judging from the clothes she was wearing, they were not taken in a day. (To be continued.)——

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